Blazing Power Short: Chef Aira

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"Yo Erin have you seen Aira?" Blaze said as he walked over to Erin who was playing Monster Hunter World. "Not since our last mission. Why did you ask?". Blaze started getting nervous. If you didn't see Aira it meant one of two things. 1: She was anger training. Or 2: she was stress cooking.... Neither of which are good. If she was angry the she would be too testy to be around for the next 48 hours. If it was the second option then they're going to have to head to the store later. To most likely shop till they dropped from exhaustion. "Do you smell that?" Asked Blaze. It was at that moment that they both knew what was coming. "Oh boys~" we both turn around and see our worst nightmare. Aira was wearing Cyan shorts and a matching T-shirt, wearing an apron that said 'kiss the cook'. Don't get me wrong Aira was a damn fine chef. The only issue is that they couldn't stop eating until all  the food she made was gone. So what did they do? Run and hide, praying that she does not find them.

So hello guys I am proud to announce that the hiatus is over! I've noticed that no one has been reading that much and there are no comments so please feel free to follow and ask any questions you have for the characters or me and I'll answer them freely! Don't be afraid to ask! And with that I have one thing to say that was a bit delayed....

FUCK 2020!

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