Chapter 3: The Aftermath And The Initiation

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Blaze's POV

"Uugggh." I said still trying to get everything to stop spinning. The last thing I remember before blacking out was.... Striker. Everything started to come back to me as I saw that my house had crumbled to the ground and was in ruins. I looked around and found a red jacket with a black fire symbol on it and some black sweat pants. "It's not much, but it'll do for now. All I need to do now is found out where I should stay until I get my life back together--" I stopped talking and went silent as I saw the one thing that survived after the 'incident'. A photo that was taken a year ago that had me, my mom, and.... Dad. My dad had short red hair and eyes with the same almond brown skin as my mom and I, and was wearing a black jacket with a red shirt underneath.

"I'm so not leaving this." If I'm going to leave and never come back then I will take what I can from the rubble.

One hour later

"Thank God I got my allowance last week." I said as I walked out of the gas station with a bag of chips and a mountain dew. I was about to dig in when I saw the person inside the shop being robbed. (Damn me being such a good person!!!!!!) I cursed myself in my head. I snapped my fingers and a little ball of fire appeared right there and I threw it making it turn twords the robber and hit him in the side of his ribs.
"STRIKE! Oh that was so worth it!" I yelled running away from the scene. I am so happy that I practiced before I left!

I was just minding my own business and being me when all of a sudden something hits me in my neck. I pull it out and see that it looks like some kind of dart. "What the-- oh I don't feel so good." I say as I started to black out again.

I woke up with a blindfold on and I can here a feminine voice say "You sure this is the kid?" she asked and a more deep male voice replied "If it is I'd like for the kid not to shit himself thinking that we're gonna rape him or something. Speaking of which I think that he's awake and is this close to having a panic attack." He finished sounding completely calm despite the situation at hand. "So sense I'm awake can I get a good look at my captors." I said using my sarcasm as a input. After those words they took off the blindfold and I saw there faces.

The women looked like she was in her early 20's and had a slim figure. She had long blonde hair that reached to her upper back, and had silver eyes that stare into the body and soul.
The male had a toned body and his skin had a carmel color, and had black locks that cover his head and had leafy green eyes.

"I'm Elizabeth Turner, age 24 and am the co manager of The Revenants. A agency designed to stop bad people from hurting innocent ones." I then looked at the male and he said "Jack Pierce, age 25 and the bitch told you the rest." Elizabeth then turned to Jack and said "fuck you!"
I looked at both of them and then said "Not to interrupt your little conversation but what does this all have to do with me and why I'm here?" I said growing impatient. Elizabeth looked at me and said "We want you to join us. We saw what you did back at the gas station." Jack brought out a recording of the incident and played it. He then looked back at me and said "It was stupid, reckless, absolutely brave to do something like that and near-- no AT a gas station and you still got a direct hit. We need people like you helping us protect those who can't protect themselves ESPECIALLY from people like one of our main enemies codenamed Striker.".
I shivered hearing his name. "So.... Will you help us?" Elizabeth asked holding out her hand intently. "Where do I sign up?" I asked shaking her hand.

Oh God that chapter better have been worth more than 700 words! Anyways please follow enjoy!

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