Chapter 9: Fear and Thunder

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Blaze POV

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T COME AND GET US!?!?!?!?". I screamed on the phone. Needless to say Jack was a bit pissed. "Why don't YOU explain to me why Ghost isn't behind bars!" he yelled back. "It's complicated! look just come over and we'll explain!" *hangs up*. I walked over to Aira and Erin to try to figure out what to do once Jack gets here. Erin looked at me and said "If we go to Jack, he's gonna kill us.". Then Aira looks and says "But if we go to the bad guys, we'll be taken to Striker.". We all nodded and I said "Jack it is.".

*A few minutes later*

"He texted he's in the drive way right now." Aira said. I looked at her and said "Okay.... So where's spinny?" I asked referring to spinnette. "She's about to meet our literal boss do you honestly think she'd just come out without considering a few things first!?!?!?" Aira yelled at me.

You'd think that she would be a little nicer....

Jack POV

"So this is how the cookie crumbles." I said sighing. You'd think that after all the things I've taught these kids that they would have learns by now. I don't want to fight if I don't have to. Hopefully they'll make this easier and use the common sense that was given to each of them.

I don't normally use my power unless I have to. So I hope I don't have to use it so soon. I then saw Aira open the door and made eye contact. "Aira...." I said looking at her. "Jack...." She said back. It was obvious that no one thought I was the most trust worthy person in the room. Which for me wasn't a good thing. It meant I had less options, and one wrong move and I was screwed.

I walk inside and sit down waiting for our missing Ghost to show up. If she doesn't...... I'll have to use my power. And if I do I'll kill someone...... besides what could go wrong?

*Five minutes later*

Regrets! I have so many Regrets! These were my thoughts as I came face to face about to have a conversation with my current only lead...... I'm getting too old for this shit.

Spinnette POV

Okay this is fine. Everything's fine. Just going to meet with my former enemies boss, a completely normal day. "So are you sure this is good Idea? I mean for all we know it could just be an act to put me in hand cuffs." I said as we slowly approached the living room. ha. Funny. I'm going to die in the living room. Hahahaha, a last joke for the last day of my existence. Erin walks over to me and says "Relax this is Jack we're dealing with. besides he's like, the harmless person I know. At least once you get on his good side.", ".....". I look at him and put my hands together. "How the FUCK does that help me?!?!?!?!?!?!" I yell at him. he slowly back away and I sit down on the couch. "This probably won't even be that bad-" we make eye contact.

"Please don't kill me.". Jack then looks at me with a rather interested, irritated, and perplexed look. "I'm sorry.... WHAT!!!! This is what defeated you the first time around?!?!?!" he said averting his gaze from me looking at the 3 of them. "I could understand a full grown adult but this. This is just embarrassing!". He then looks back at me and says. "Alright, Spinnette was it. I'm going to give you 2 options. Option 1: I arrest you, we never hear from you again, and case closed.". I almost stuck my hand out and choked him but I only refrained from doing so because let's be honest here if I attacked someone here I'd be D-O-N-E fucked with a capital F. " And Option 2?" I asked hesitantly. "You join us and help stop striker." he said. "Looks like I don't got much of a choice. So," I said sticking my hand out. "It's a deal!".

UUUUGGGHHH god that too forever. See you in chapter 10!

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