Chapter 12: The Big Three part 3 - Zeus

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Blaze POV

"Ugh! Can't we just enjoy something without it being about work Jack?" I asked in the back seat. We were in a sea-green Limo with a trident painted on the sides. "Actually you four," Jack started saying while looking in a little mirror he had. "This is going to be a combination of both work and relaxation. You're job is to stay on guard. And at the same time just having fun.". The moment he said that we all went wide eyed. "Oh yeeeaaahh!" Erin said slamming his fist into his seat.

Once we got there I was honestly surprised. It was like a giant white and gold mansion with white columns in front of it like a temple. Inside it was even more massive. There was all kinds of food, drinks, A DJ, strobe lights, And so soooooo.... many...."Are all of these guys part of revenant!" said at Jack looking at the mass amount of people. "Yep! Everyone you see here are all part of revenant. As leaders it's also are job to make sure our teams don't feel too overwhelmed. That's why all our members are allowed to attend!" 

We all just smiled at him until he looks over and smiles at someone with his complexion, short blonde hair put into a style like that of a waiters, A white tux with gold lining, and a look on his face like he was preparing for something. He then looks up at us and hugs Jack. "Jack! It's nice to see you! How have you been?". Jack then looks at me and says "Everyone, meet my brother Zack. Though for now you shall address him as Zeus!".

"It's always a pleasure to meet the people who've been studying under my brother! I've heard some impressing things about each of you!" He says with pride. "Come now Jack! We must console with our fellow men and women!". Once they leave we all spread out and start having fun!

Spinnette POV

"So this should be interesting!" I say walking towards a table covered with different beverages. This is one of the few parties I have really ever been to. Striker wasn't big on parties unless it had to do with him. "It's weird that Strikes never did parties. It feels like he's the kind of guy that would enjoy them." I say to myself taking one of them to drink in peace. As I'm walking around I see Jack Talking to his brothers. Speaking of which after the party I should talk to Jack about Striker. Though as long as everyone does their part we'll be fine!




I now have a slight case of dizziness and I feel slightly weird. "*groan* How many of these have I had now....? 5? 6?". I somehow stand up and go to find the guys. "I should get them to tell me what this stuff is...." I say stumbling through the crowd looking for them.

Aira POV

"wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!" I say as I finish arm wrestling yet another guy who thinks they can take me on. "Ha! And the boys doubt my strength!" I say triumphantly. "God I'm starving!" I say as I walk over to a table full of all kinds of food. "Time to get high on sweet stuff and soda! Now what culinary delights shall I take as my victim first-". Right before I grab something I see a fleck of silver in the crowd. Could it be? No my mind must be playing tricks on me. "Okay." I say grabbing something covered in chocolate.

I sit at a gold lined bar they have and order something non-alcoholic. I get my drink and a guy wearing a gray hoodie and black jeans sits next to me.

I then see him smirk and say "Hey bartender. What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?" He ask in a joking manner. "You can tune a guitar but you can't tuna fish!". I swear it took everything I had to not laugh at that. "Looks like someone appreciates my sense of humor!" He says in that same joking voice.

"It's my own fault really. I can't handle any kind of humor from my own teammates.". He then smiles while still keeping that hood of his on. 'Just who is this guy?' I thought to myself. It wasn't until a girl my age walks over to him that something seems familiar.

The lady in question had milky skin, and was wearing a jade colored dress. She was about 5'7 in height and her hair is what struck me as odd. It looked like it was made up of purple thorne vines. "Come on! Let's go get Zero and actually do something entertaining Storm!". He just looks at her and goes "Must you really call me by my code name? But if you insist!".

And as he stands up and walks away I start thinking where I've seen that look before.

Erin POV

Now this is what I call enjoyment! "Anyone else want a shot at me?" I say in a challenging voice. Unlike the other 2 I can take alcohol. I just finished my 10th dare of the day! A lady then walks over looking shady as fuck and sits next to- "Oh shit!" I say to myself as I start looking for Blaze.

Once I finally find him I grab his shoulders and say "How many fingers am I holding up?". He then gives me a surprised look and says "3? I'm not drunk. What's wrong?". I then pull him to the side and ask "You not drunk? Good! Grab the guys we're doing a spy mission.". He then looks at me with a worried expression. "Is it Striker?". I just nod and he leaves to go get Aira and Spinnette.

Blaze POV

Once we follow the 2 people Erin saw outside we pull out our weapons an get ready for a fight. "You two! Turn around!" I say trying not to shake. The both turn around and take off the disguises they were wearing and I freeze. "Well if it isn't the flaming idiot! The crazy rocker! The bratty banshee! And the windy day!".

They are the head honchos of all our troubles. Striker and his partner TM. "Hello blaze. You look scared~" TM says to me. I just glare at her and say "Don't try to pull that bullshit with me again! You baited me once, won't happen again!" I say sternly. Striker just smiles at me and says "Still so cross that mummy didn't keep her promise of staying with you forever? I can fix that!".

"Like hell!" Aira shouts at him. "And you Ghost? What would Sandstorm think of you now?". I see Spinnette hold her middle finger towards him and say "Get stuck, fucked, and hit by a truck Striker!!!!". I never thought I'd see her this mad until her fist start crackling with electricity.

"You should be thanking me! If I didn't do what I did none of you would have jobs!" He says enthusiastically. "But if we must...." He says pulling out his sword as is glows with power.

"I hope you know how to waltz~. Let's do this dance again, shall we Blaze!".

Oh God that was long! I think I just broke my most words record! See you next time!

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