Blazing Power Chapter 7: Spirit Strike

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Spinnette POV

It was 12 pm. I had just gotten a call from Sandstorm that we had a new assignment in a abandoned warehouse. We just had grab and go. Boss said we'd know it when we see it. I just wanted to get this over and done with. So with an irritated sigh I prepared myself for whatever fresh hell awaits me today

"Hey sandy." I said going up to him. He looked at me and said. "Listen up. We have one priority: Get some information from a very dangerous man. He is heavily guarded and we could get killed. You can always bail out now if you too chicken for it." I looked at him and then smiled. "We both know that's not gonna happen!" I said using my powers to take out the cameras.

*15 minutes later*

"Hey sandy I just took out the last guard." I told my comm unit. Then he came up next to me. "Alright. Be careful, I got word that there might be a sniper in the area.". I looked at him and said "I'm not worried. I'll sense the bullet before it touches you.".
Oh was I wrong.
A few minutes later I was in a warehouse with the guy and was waiting for his signal. I saw a flash and bolted. I went in grabbed the guy who owed boss money and ran. We met back at the warehouse and we were both smiling. "That actually went way better than expected!" Sandstorm said with the guy tied up. "Perfect now le-"


I watched slowly as it felt like time slowed down. Sandstorm.... was.... shot.... I watched as his body became lifeless and fell to the floor. It felt like I couldn't breathe... they K I L L E D him...

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After that everything was a blur. I stood up and looked at the warehouse with so much fury and rage. The other side of my powers came out. I had 2 elements. 1 was my basic element fear. And the other.... Lightning.

*At Revenants Base*

"Uh blaze, Aira, you might want to see this!" Erin said looking out the window. "What the hell?!" Aira said staring. "what's wrong with you gu-" Blaze stopped in his tracks and looked outside. the sky had went an ominous pink color as what looked like a beacon of electricity ran down on a specific area. Lightning was striking down as the electricity started to die down. The glow began to fade. And in its place, A vicious downpour of rain and thunder. the trio looked at each other and knew exactly where they were going.

Blaze's POV

"I can't believe she would do something like this! How is Ghost even this strong!?" I heard Aira shout as we got on our work outfits in a car we 'borrowed' from base. The comms flared to life as Jack screamed through it. "Be careful! It looks like Ghost snapped!". We all looked at the comms hoping he wasn't meaning that. "Please tell me you're joking?!" I said into my comms. Everyone has this thing called a 'Element point'. Its when in a high emotional state the user becomes mindless and aggressive! It also doubles their power off the charts!

To get there they have to be in a very high and emotional state and lose their grip on their powers. Thus becoming increasingly destructive. "If Ghost isn't too far gone already try to slow her down or stop her before she does more damage! And try no to get filled with 1000 volts of pure electricity!". We all shuddered at the thought of being struck Down by lightning...

Once we got there the warehouse.... Could you even call it a warehouse anymore? It was in absolute ruins and singed stone. The fences surrounding it were in pieces glowing hot from the strike. And that's when it got scary. All over the place were torched bodies. Burned from the electricity, and still hot to the touch.
It was then we saw the only unburned body.... Sandstorm. His clothing was a bit burned but nothing more. He had a bullet hole in his chest where his heart would be if it was still beating.

After a walk around and no sign of Ghost. The only traces we found were footprints the stopped outside the area. "I don't get it!" I yelled into the comms on the way back. "It's like we... Just got..." I sat up with my eyes wide open. "Ghosted!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!" I yelled at the realization.

Aira POV

"Well this is bullshit! We spend hours looking for her and we haven't even gotten a hint at where the hell she is!" I yelled even more pissed than before. She just walks around all high and mighty like she owns everyone and everything! She's just as annoying as Erin when he's drunk! "So where are we going to find her? It's not like we can just track her!" Erin said leaning back. Me and Blaze look at each other and smile. "Oh no! I know that look, you're planning something!". "Erin my good friend," I started driving to somewhere, "Do you remember when we were in Jack's lab and we decided to make that lightning rod?". Erin sat up and looked at me "Yeah but it never-" Erin shut up as he realized where we were going.

Next thing they knew we pulled up to a 2 floor house that was painted white in a few spots on the roof. I pulled up into the driveway and got out the car humming a tune as we went inside. "Aira my sweet blue idiot.... where are we?" Blaze asked me as we walked into a living room with two cyan couches. "Sit down," I said as I sat down. "And as for your question, we are in my home away from home! Aka my house!" I said letting Blaze go wide eyed, as Erin shook his head.

Alright guys that is another chapter over and done with! Please follow and comment on what other powers or abilities you want to see! I'd like to thank twootie cutie for Giving me the guts to finish this chapter and her stories for encouraging me! To be continued~

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