Lucas Backstory

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Name Luca-Skylar Lily Snape

Nickname: Luca/Light
Gender: Genderfluid (prounouns;he/she/they)
Date of birth: 5th june 1980
Blood status:half-blood
Wand:wood;ebony core;unicorn hair length; 10 inches


Hair colour:platnium blonde with dyed raven streaks (fully black after 4th year)
Hair style:half shaved long unruly hair
Eye colour: dark blue with silver flecks
Skin tone:fair
Height:5ft 11inch
Clothing style:punk/grunge
Accessories:a bracelet from their father with 'half-blood heir' carved into it. Glasses after second year. In third year rebels by getting an eyebrow piercing.
Other distinguishing features:scars over their body because they always refuse to let wounds be healed with magic.


Traits: good; strong-willed, protective, determined and loving bad; stubborn, short tempered and can be aloof
Likes:reading,writing and spending time with thier twin, Dad and friends
Dislikes: bullies ,Lucius and spicy food.
Good at:physical fighting, quidditch and potions
Bad at:dueling and defence against the dark arts
Hobbies:potions, reading ,flying and training
Fears:Lucius ,losing their only family and friends.
Ambition:wants to be a healer.


Father:Severus Tobias 'Sunshine' Snape
Mother: Narcissa Malfoy nee Black

Step-Father: Lucius Malfoy (kinda)
Sibling:Draco malfoy ( half twin)
Paternal grandparents: grandfatherTobias Snape grandmother; Eileen Prince
Maternal grandparents:grandmother;Druella Black nee Rosier,GrandFather: Cygnus Black III
Uncles:Rodolphus,Rabaston Lestrange, Theordore Tonks
Aunts:Bellatrix Lestrange Andromeda Tonks
Cousins:Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks, teddy lupin ,Remus Lupin(through marrage), Fleamont Potter, Harry Potter ,James Potter ect
Pet: cat named medea
Other noteworthy relatives:Luka and Alec (eventually siblings in law)
Family home:Spinners end.
Blood Status:Halfblood
Social standing:high/middle status .( Dad is teacher)

Individual magic

Wand reaction when first held:When Luca first held their wand they felt a rush go through their body as a flurry of bubbles flew out of the tip.
Patronus: three; a peacock for draco and a magpie for fred/george and a bat for thier dad
Animagus: white lynx
Polyjuice:taste; lemony and citrusy colour ; dark blue with silver specks like Lucas eyes
Amortentia:herbs and spices ,green apple and what can only be described as the smell of home.


Luca was born on the 5th of June 1980 the exact same day as Draco with Draco being ten minutes older. They were born to Narcissa Malfoy.They are the product of one night stand affair between Narcissa Malfoy and Severus Snape. To make sure Lucius doesn't find out about the affair Narcissa tells Lucius that Luca died in childbirth (Lucius didn't care) , but really Luca was given to Severus to raise. Luca grew up seeing Narcissa as their godmother ,dubbing her aunty Narcissa, and Draco as their cousin. But on the twins sixth birthday the truth came out when Luca asked to visit the Malfoys to celebrate their bithday and found out that Draco was their twin brother, Lucius also being there found out about the affair and started to abuse Luca when their parents weren't around to help. Severus and Narcissa didn't find out until later because Lucius always healed Luca with Magic causing them to not ever heal their cuts or wounds with magic.

A/N ; That is Luca's backstory next chapter is Lucas start.

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