Chapter 9

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I was sitting in the kitchen braiding Pheonixes hair while Luka was poking and joking (read flirting) with Bill when. "Miss Nightingale leave William alone."Luka jumped as Bill cringed hearing his full name. "Pro-"

"Dad!" I cut Luka off running up to my Dad, after securing pheonixes hair with a hair tie, hugging him. "What are you doing here?" I asked as he hugged me back tightly.

"Molly invited me for christmas dinner she thought you might be missing me."

"I was." I admitted."Hang on Snape has a kid?" I heard Luka ask, I presume, Bill.

"Apparently so." he answered.

"But who would sleep with him?" Luka lowered her voice but me and Draco still heard her and spun round. "OUR MOTHER!!" We indignantly retorted.

"Wait you two are siblings?" Luka was getting more confused as we continued. "Twins actually half-twins but twins nontheless."

"Oh. OH right ok." We smile and I turned to my Dad.

"Oh Dad look what Harry got me for christmas." I grabbed onto his hand pulling him into the kitchen where Medea was playing with a stuffed mouse. I plucked her up and showed her to dad. "Isnt she cute her name's Medea." He sighed and just said.

"Keep her away from my lab, knowing you she'll live up to her name." I giggled and put her back as Molly called the household to dinner.

Xxx Back to school Xxx
First day back and we see Katie looking very weary . "Hell Draco wasn't it a full moon the other night." He nooded looking confused.

"Ok come on, Katie can I tell everyone about your situation so I can start the plan?" Katie looked apprehensive but nodded. So I grabbed Harry, Hermione , Luna, Ron and Pheonix. "Right come on I found this place when I was about eight."

I took them to an out of the way old room filled with blankets and magic powered fairy lights. Pheonix immediatly jumped into some of the blankets as the rest of us just sat around him. "Katie do you want to explain or should I?" Katie just murmred.

"You please." I nodded and started talking. "So as you all know Katie went missing just before christmas well she got bitten by a werewolf." I softly informed as others eyes widened. Thanfully instead of them being scared Katie was suddenly enveloped into a group hug. "So thanks to Miss Hermione Granger we have a plan to help Katie. We are going to attempt to become anamagi." I finished talking giving everyone a minute to take it in I saw Hermione whisper to Harry so I can only assume she was explaining what an anamagi was oops I forgot he was muggle raised.

. "Luca thats crazy I think its an awesome idea but diffucult not to mention kind of hard to hide from teachers " Draco lectured.

"Ahh Draco see I already thought of that come on out guys. " Fred and george stepped out of the shadows. "We agrred/ to help/ on the/ one condition/that you/let us/ join in."

I smirked. "These two have offerd to help us they just want to also become anamagi so I agreed. Anyway as you know the twins have been making their own prank sweets so we are going to pretent that they prankd us and themselves,because lets face it they would, with a test sweet making us loose our voices for month though it was only supposed to last for 24 hours."

Everyone looked thoughtful. "That could actually work but whos gonna tell the teachers." Ron asked. "Katie duh." I replied as Ron looked sheepish at the obvius answer.

XxxThe next dayXxx

I ran up to everyone later that day passing them their leaves. "How'd you get these Luca." Hermione questioned.

"Howd you think?" I winked hearing Draco groan. "Sev is going to kill you." I waved him off.

"Nah he wont I asked to borrow some ingredients I just didn't say which ones." Now everyone put them in and look sheepish Katie should be here with Flitwick and prolly Mcgonagol soon. We quickly put the leaves in our mouths and no sooner than we did that the two teachers came up to us. "What has happened here Miss Knight informed us that you all have been pranked including the twins themselves." We handed them a prepared note explaining that the twins accidently gave us a test project which has made us loose our voices they are just not sure how long it will last for.

"Right well we'll inform the teachers and your parentsjust so they new also Mr weasleys dentention you two." I winced looking apoligeticaly at the boys who shrugged.

Xxx A month later because author chan/san is lazy Xxx

Anothe full moon passed thanfully we are almost done now we just need to meditate to find out our forms we decided to do it together so we went to the "secret sanctuary" as pheonix had dubbed it. "Okay we have to be quiet just vigulise the forest it should help with seeing your animal form." Hermione said to try and help us.

I closed my eyes seeing the forest all around me but I was definatly closer to the floor I could feel the dirt under my... paws? I looked down seeing white paws the same size of a jaguar but I don't think I was that animal. I felt the need t go deeper into the forest so I started running paws thumping wind running through my fur making me feel euphoric. I made my way to a clearing with a lake in the center. I padded over to take a drink and look at my reflection. What I saw made me snap my eyes open excited to tell the others.

I saw everyone else looking around excited. "Well what is everyone?" Katie asked excited. "Im a stag." Harry informed. "An otter." Hermione. "Im a cocker spaniel." Ron said smiling I thought it fit him perfectly him being very playful. "Im a pink bunny" Pheonix informed smiling. "Why pink?" He shrugged. "Probably because its my main hair colour.".

"Im an albino peacock." Draco said looking very put out. I couldn't help it I started giggleing helplessly he glared at me. "Well what are you Luca bet it's not much better."

"Im a white lynx." Draco stared at me open mouthed.

"Not fair that so damn cool!" He yelled.

"Draco shush there others we havent heard."

"Im a snowy owl." Luna smiled dreamily (as always).

"We are/ of course/ the most/ mischievous and/ cunning animals/ out there / red foxes." The twins cheered. I nodded makes sense. Okay two weeks from now a week before the next full moon we try to transform we need time to let our cores recover so we have full power." Harry said , he'd been reading up on anamagi with Hermione clearly.

End chapter 9

Luca Snape And their Life book 1Where stories live. Discover now