Chapter 1

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Luca Snape and their life.

Chapter 1

Luca's P.O.V

Me and my Father were getting ready to floo over to Malfoy Manor so my mum could see me and Draco off. "Ok ready Luca? " I heard my dad ask. I nodded as he shrunk my trunk.

We walked to the fireplace as dad gripped my hand before throwing in the powder and calling out "Malfoy Manor!" As I stepped out of the floo I was encased in a firm hug from my twin and then my mother. "Hi Mum, Draco." I said nodding at each of them in turn. I spotted Lucius standing in the corner glowering but ignored him.

"Hello Narcissa ,Draco." I heard the deep voice of my Dad from behind me as he placed a calming hand on my shoulder as he spotted Lucius. "Hi Uncle Sev C'mon Luca or we'll be late." Draco grabbed my hand as we went to run off. "Wait one second Draco." I stiffened as Lucius voice reached our ears. "I wan't a quick word with young Luca." Oh Merlin no. I nodded silently at Draco so he would't worry and followed Lucius out of the room.

"Yes sir." I said looking anywhere but him as he cast silencing charms around us. "You will not ruin all the hard work I have done to discipline you if I even hear a word about you associating with mudbloods or blood traitors I will have to punish you more severely." I shivered at his voice, discipline is that what he calls it? Dicipline is cursing a child yeah right. I didn't want to incur his wrath though so I nodded. "Yes sir Of course."

He glared for a moment before sending me on my way. "Ok Dragon I'm ready." He looked at me for a second, but then nodded. We quickly made our way to the apparation point just off the edge of the property.Dad grabbed my hand as Mum grabbed Dracos and we apparated to the platform.

"Luca see you at Hogwarts okay my light." Dad murmered hugging me for a moment, much to the shock of some of the older students watching. "See you Dad." I smiled as he apparated off. "Bye Mother." I heard Draco bidding Mum goodbye and turned to them. "Bye Mum." I whispered as no-one knew of my true parentage. She waved us off as me and Draco clambered onto the train.

"Hey Luca want to join me and the other likely slytherins?" I shook my head. "You know they all hate me, halfie and all that. Nah I'll see if I can meet anyone new."

He nodded. "Just be careful, remember Luca Black until we get to school." I told him I know and went off.

As I was walking on I saw an almost empty compartment there was two boys in it a redhead and a brunette. "Uh H-hi." I said suddenly shy, they looked up. "C-can sit here?" They both smiled before nodding. I settled myself opposite the redhead next to the brunette. "My names Luca , Luca Black you?"

"Ron Weasley." Hmm I think my Dads mentioned that name before something about twins. I turned to the brunette.

"H-Harry Potter." I didn't even twitch at his name it can't be nice having everyone stare at you. We talked for a while before a girl came into the compartment she had brown frizzy hair but was kinda stuck up. "Has anyone seen a toad a boy named Nevilles lost one." I shrugged, seeing the boys do the same.

The girl noticing I was the only one in robes said. "Did you already change like me? I'm Hermione Granger and you?"

"I changed at home like most purebloods." Yeah I may be halfie but I'm wizard raised. "I'm Luca Black."

The boys introduced themselves and Granger started talking again.

"Pureblood? some boys in a compartment were talking about that what does it mean?"

I sighed do I really want to get into this now? "Pureblood is someone who has only wizard parents no muggles, halfbloods like me Muggle ancestors or parents and muggleborns or mudbloods" I said the word 'Mudbloods' with scorn in my tone. "Only muggle family or squibs." She looked downhearted. "Oh..."

"Don't look so upset not every pureblood is like that." She looked happy again and left to continue help to look for the toad.

Soon enough we got there and I got into a boat with Harry, Ron and a chubby boy called Neville. "Woah is that Hogwarts?" I heard Harry say looking awed. Similar exclamations rang out. I wasn't as shocked but hey I grew up there.

We got into the entryway to the great hall as Professor Mcgonagol gave us a talk on the houses. Ron and Harry looked at me funny as the B's passed and my name wasn't called. Harry's name got called, oh great he's a Griffindor and finally, FINALLY it was my turn. "Luca S-Snape." Gasps went up around the room as I walked up the only people who didn't gasp where those who didn't have siblings in school and of course my twin.

"Every damn time." I muttered. The hat was silent before calling out. "SLYTHERIN." I let out a sigh of relief and ran off to sit by Draco.

Ron was also a Griffindor. Crap.

End chapter 1

Luca Snape And their Life book 1Where stories live. Discover now