Chapter 13 End

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Chapter 13

I awoke to the white ceiling of the hospital wing and Dumbledore standing by my bed. Beside a ton of presents and sweets.

"Good afternoon Harry. Ah yes tokens from your admirers." I blinked at that.


"What happened down in the dungeon between you and proffesor Quirrel is a complete secret so naturally everone knows." I let out a liht chckle at that and then remebered. "Ron! Is he okay? And the others?"

The Headmaster nodded. "All fine Ron was quickly patched up and you will see them all at the leaving feast tonight."

"What happened to the stone then?"

"Calm down my dear boy me and my friend nicholes have had a little chat and agreed it is best that the stone was destroyed." I frowned at that.

"Wont he die without the stone though?" I said I didn't want to be the cause of someones death (other than Quirrelmorts.).

"He has enough elixir to settle his affairs but yes he will. Do not fret my dear boy he has lived a long life with his lovely wife Im sure he's glad to pass on."

I nodded then something else dawned on me.

"How is it I got the stone Proffeser, one minute I was staring in the mirror the next-"

"Ah that is because only a person who wishes to find the stone, find it but not use it would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas and between you and me that is saying something."

(wow real modest there dumbledore.)

"Does that mean with the stone gone I mean that Voldemort can never come back?" Dumbledore sighed sadly. "Im afraid there are ways in which he can return. Harry do you know why Quirrel couldn't bear to touch you?" I shook my head.

"It was because of your mother she sacrificed herself for you that kind of act leaves a mark."

My hand immediatly went to my scar.

"Nono this mark cannot be seen it lives in your very skin."

"What is it?"

"Love, Harry. Now I best leave I'm sure your friends want to see you before the feast." And with that Dumbledore left as all the misfits ran in to great me.

Before I could even say anything I had five pairs of arms wrapped around me pratically hugging the life out of me.

"Honestly you lot let him breath." I heard the amused voice of Draco call out as they all stepped back, realising that it had been, Hermione, Audrey, Katie, Luca and Luna hugging me.

"We were so worried mate you didn't wake up for like ages." Ron said.

"We're just glad you are alright." Hermione amended.

"We heard what happened can't believe you killed a guy... well deformed human thing." Luca said ignoring Dracos shocked. "LUCA!"

"Oh its almost time for the feast you'd better get dressed Harry we'll see you there." Katie informed us all. I nodded. "See ya guys." I called as they ran off waving.

P. O.V switch

Lucas P.O.V

We all sat in the hall waiting for Harry seeing the hall decorated in slytherin colours with the banners hanging overhead. Harry came in jut before th feast started as Dumbledore stood up to speak. (quick authors note Luca ,Draco, audrey, luna, pheonix and katie have already gotton points and slytherin is just ahead of griffindor ...just) ,

"I have some last minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger for the cool use of intellect when others where in grave peril 50 points. Second to Ronald Weasley for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has ever seen these many years, 50 points. And third to Mr Harry Potter for pure nerve and outstanding courage I award Griffindor house 60 points. "

I was slightly salty but proud of the others nonetheless as the whole griffindot table cheered. "Now if my calculations are correct I believe a change of decoration is in order." As Dumbledore spoke he waved his hand and the decoration changed to griffindor colours.

Draco looked rather put out so I gave him a hug and murmered. "look how happy Harry is." Knowing that he would want the lion to be happy. After the feast we all went to bed excited for the summer.

The next morning was chaos everyone was running around checking for last minute clothes or books. I picked u Medea sitting her on my shoulders ,she was still only a kitten so this was easy, as we made our way to the train. We all sat in a big compartment most of us having to fit on the floor as we waved goodbye to Hogwarts already excited for the next 6 years of our life there, and knowing that no matter what we'd stick together.

The End.

A/N im so proud i finished this book took me so long book 2 will be coming out soon hope you guys enjoyed also any lines you reconised from the original books i did borrow but it was needed see yu soon my lovlies :3

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