Chapter 5

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A/N : yeah I know I skiped the flying lessons it basically went the same (with Luca trying and failing to stop Draco) but it was more banter than just Bullying so Harrys a seeker and Dracos proud of him.

Harrys P.O.V

I'm so nervous todays my first match against Slytherin the main worry is ,if I win will Draco and Luca hate me and if I lose, Will the team hate me?

"Hey Harry I'm sure you'll do great today me and Luca will be watching out for you." Draco said running up and patting me on the back. "And cheering." Luca added smiling. I was at a loss.

"Won't you be cheering for your house?"

Luca and Draco shook their heads in unison. "Your our friend we can't not cheer for you." They smiled at me and walked off together.

I watched as Draco said something causing Luca to laugh and stand on their tiptoes to mess with his hair. Suddenly their laughter stopped and Luca ran over to their Father. A hushed convosation was initiated before Luca with a worried look nodded and ran back to their twin hmm what was that about?

I took a deep breath and it was time.

Lucas P.O.V

Me and Draco were sitting in the stands watching Harrys first game. Luna and Pheonix were sitting with us and Luna had brought a friend with her a petite reahead called Katlynn (Katie for short) She smiled at us and waved shyly as we all greeted her then started watching the game..Even though it was against our house we were still rooting for Harry. As Harry was hovering above us on his broom it started acting wierd veering side from side and shaking about.

Hermione started whispering to Draco who shook his head and I heard him say "Can't be."

"Whats going on?" I whispered. Draco sighed and murmered to me. "They seem to think that Sev is hexing Harrys broom."

I shook my head.

"Thats impossible." Hermione held the binoculars out to me.

"Take a look for yourself." I grabbed them and peered through them. I saw my dad who was muttering no... He wouldn't. I peered closer my eyes going to Quirrel who was also muttering.

"It's Quirrel not my dad." I said pointing him out to Hermione.

She nodded "So what do we do?" Ron asked.

"We need to break his eye contact, I have an idea."

So Hermione snuck through the bleachers to reach the teachers stand where she muttered a quick incendio setting alight quirrels robe causing him to break his eye contact while trying to put it out.

I was worried that he would still go back to hexing Harry but he didn't. We wen't back to watching Harry who was neck and neck with the Slytherin seeker they were in a deep dive and getting closer to the groud by the second. Me and the other misfits were in a constant state of axiety worried for the eleven year old seeker.

The snitch made a quick turn up Harry following about about half a foot from hitting the ground, the other seeker was too late and hit the ground. The snitch was still very close to the ground however and Harry still couldn't reach it.

Harry streached his arm as far as it would go but still a hair breaths away. He started to crouch into a standing position so he was broom surfing his hands just grazed the golden ball when , disater his broom handle caught on the grass and he flew forwards.

The commentater a griffindor, Lee Jorden I think , spoke about how Harry looked as if he was about to throw up. As I peered closer Harry spat out a little gold ball. No way he still caught it.

"Harry potter caught the snitch , GRIFFINDOR WINS!!" The whole stand erups in cheers apart from the other slytherins.

XXtime skip to a week laterXX

So me and the other misfits were sitting in the libary studying when we noticed Katey was missing. "Guys do you know where Katie is?" I asked looking to Luna in question.

"She said she had to do something to do but she's been a while. Maybe we should tell someone, how about we talk to Mr Luca's Dad?" I raised an eyebrow at Lunas... odd way of adressing my dad but nodded nonetheless.

"Dad!" I announced, walking int his quarters after giving the password. "Luca what are you doing it's almost curfew?"

"Katies missing and no-ones seen her since lunch I'm worried."

He nodded at me. "Luca she's probably fine we can't announce a missing person until 24 hours after but I will notify her head of house."

"Is that all you can do?" I asked, surely they could at least search for her. "I'm afriad so now you two get to your dorms ok?" I nodded , as I crossed my fingers behind my back.

"Ok Luna quick where have you searched?"

"Well everywhere except... The forest." My eyes widened.

"Why would she go in there?"

"She wouldn't Katies terrafied of the dark."

I frowned. "I'm sure she'll be ok." I tried to reassure Luna but we both knew I wasn't sure.

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