Chapter 11

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I went over to Hermione and told her to fill Audrey in on the story as we made our way to the secret sancuary. We all settled down as we continued our talk.

"So who do you guys think would be trying to steal the stone?"

I thought for a second. "Y-you don't think it could be quirrel do you its just he was hexing your broom Harry and he acts awfully twitchy around my dad , perhaps thinking hes onto him?"

"Is he? Luca you spend most time with Snape does he act funny around the subject of quirrel?"

I shook my head. "We don't really mention him I could try tonight just mention he's acting funny see how dad reacts."

Hermione nodded.

XXX later that night XXX

Me and Dad were just talking in his chambers when I brought up Quirrel. "Proffesser Quirrel has been acting funny." Dad's eyes widened slightly ,so slightly that if I hadn't been looking I wouldn't have noticed. "Funny how? Has he done anything?"

I raised an eyebrow.

"Not really just acting shifty around Harry." I saw the tension in his shoulders leave as he relaxed slightly. "Alright im sure it's nothing don't worry light." I smiled. We continued talking and then I stayed in my room that night instead of the dormys.

The next morning the misfits came running up to me. "So what happened?" I nodded.

"Yeah he reacted real funny like he was worried about me and asked if he'd done anything."

"So it must be quirrel!"Harry declared. "We have to stop him."

Ron spoke up. "How? We don't even know when hes going to take it."

"We could go to Dumbledore?" Hermione suggested, but me and Draco shook our heads. "He's out of the castle on 'Official Hogwarts buisness ' Dad told me last night."

"We could get the stone ourselves." Audrey suggested.

"It's protected though y'know Fluffy ." Draco pointed out.

"Well Hadrid did mention music would put it to sleep. Anyone play an instument."Katie asked.

"Father made me take piano lessons as a kid." Draco offered.

"No too hard to get ahold of."

"Couldn't pheonix sing?" I said looking at the hufflepuff in question. "Wait what?"

"Yeah Pheonix you have an amazing voice.You could sing any music would work." Luna agreed.

Pheonix nodded. "Okay sure I'll do it."

"So when do we do it?" Harry asked.


"Tonight." we all agreed.

XX That night XX

We all snuck up to the third floor corridor ready to do this and save the school. We got to the door hiding the cerberus. "Ready?" Hermione whispered. We all nodded and opened the door...

End chapter 11.

A/N Yeah I know its short but next chapter will be the tasks and will definatly be longer.

Luca Snape And their Life book 1Where stories live. Discover now