Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

XX after class XX

It was dinner and as we were talking Draco almost knocked down a Hufflepuff but I managed to pull him out of the way.

"Mind out Draco, Hey you ok?" I looked over at the student realising that I recognised him. "Oh hey Phoenix wasn't it?"

He nodded. "Yep that's me, Thanks by the way I was in a daydream."

I smiled as we went on to the Slytherin table. "Hey can we sit with you?" I turned to see Phoenix and Hermione looking hopeful.

I chewed on my bottom lip before nodding whilst taking a deep breath. "Sure." The blinding smile I recieved from the two was almost worth the aftermath.

As we sat down some random fifth years started talking.

"Um excuse me are we seeing this right." I looked up.

"Do you have an issue if so I don't care."

"Of course we have an issue they are mudbloods at our table!"

Draco glared "No we don't have an issue.. Chad."

I also glared then smiled sweetly. "Sit down guys don't mind the blood racists." As they did as I bade them I noticed the twins slink behind the two holding their wands.

"Wanna say that again and see what happens?"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Chad screamed , then I felt Draco cover my ears. "Hey watch it with the swearing there's a child here."

"We are twins Draco." I said batting his hands away. He smirked smugly. "I'm still older." I breathed in deeply.

"Ten fucking minutes Draco, ten minutes."

"Language!" Draco admonished.

"Yes quite Mr Malfoy. Detention Mx Snape." I had to bite my cheek to stop myself protesting as Mcgonagol walked up to us.

I saw Draco mouth sorry to me but I just shrugged.

XX after the study session XX

As we walked up to bed Draco stared complaining.

"I can't believe she did that."

"Draco it's fine I swore she'll probably only make me write lines or something." I shrugged it's not too bad to get detention only Dad might be a bit annoyed.

"Luca?" I saw Dad up ahead of us. "Into my office please."

I hung my head. "Yes Dad." I walked in behind him.

"Care to explain why you have detention tomorrow and it's only the first day?" I looked up. "Did Prof. Mcgonagol tell you?"

He shook his head. "No she only informed me that she gave you detention." I sighed.

"I swore." He looked at me shocked. "At Minerva?" I shook my head. "I wouldn't swear at a teacher, at Draco he was making fun of me cause I was born ten minutes after him." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"That wasn't really reason to swear but she should have only taken point that's the usual punishment, just go to the detention don't complain and be careful with your language after that. Okay?" At that he ruffled my hair and bid me goodnight. "Night Dad."

XXX Time skip to Halloween during the afternoon XXX

I smiled as we walked to Charms we were going to start trying the levitation charm today.

"Okay class everyone get your wands out and repeat after me 'Wingardium Leviosa'." The class chorused my feather flickered but didn't move.

I was watching Hermione and Ron as Hermione stopped Ron as he was waving his wand wildly. "Stop , stop ,stop you're going to take someone's eye out besides you're saying it wrong it's levi-OHsa not levios-AH." Ron grumbled.

"If you're so smart you do it." She straightened up and cast the spell, I noticed she managed it perfectly.

By the end of the class me, Draco, Harry, some others and of course Hermione had done the charm. As Me and Draco were walking with the two boys after the lesson. Ron was stil sour that he couldn't manage. "Honestly 'Its levi-OHsa not levios-AH' no wonder people hate her." I was opened mouthed at his rudeness.

I was even more annoyed at him as Hermione pushed pass crying. I went to run after her when Draco stopped me, he shook his head. "Let her calm down I'm sure she'll be fine later."

"If she's not at dinner I'm going to look for her."

It was already dinner and Hermione hadn't shown up. I was just about to get up when suddenly Quirrel ran in. "TROLL TROLL IN THE DUNGEON. Thought you'd aught to know." And with that he fainted. As Dumbledore instructed everyone to their dorms me and Draco turned wide eyes on each other. 'Hermione' we mouthed. And managed to grab Harry and begrudgingly Ron.

"What?" Ron asked. We glared.

"Because of you Hermione is crying in the girls bathroom we need to go get her..." Ron opened his mouth to protest. "Now!"

So we snuck down to the bathroom to help Hermione but just as we got to the hallway we saw it; a hulking mass of a monster and it had just enter the bathroom oh no.

As we were stuck on what to do we heard a scream ring out.

"Come on we need to help her we can't just leave her." Harry told us urgently in a burst of new found confidence. Before we could tell Harry to wait and make a plan he had rushed in. Stupid Griffindors. "Well come on we might as well follow him." Draco muttered as we followed after the ravenette.

Upon entering the bathroom the damage was beyond anything we'd seen before. Water was flooding the floor from the smashed sink, and rubble was littering the floor. We saw Hermione cowering in the corner and Harry was somehow on the trolls shoulders with what seemed to be his wand up it's nose (ugh).

"DO SOMETHING!!" Harry shouted as the troll managed to get him off it's neck and dangle him from his feet.

"WHAT?!" We shouted back.

"SOMETHING, ANYTHING!!" Harry screamed trying to doge the club that the troll swung at him.

Ron had a look on his face, like a lightbulb going of as the troll raised his club Ron raised his wand and shouted. "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA!!" as the spell hit the club Ron cancelled the spell causing it to drop the troll knocking him out cold.

As Ron helped Harry up, Draco and myself helped Hermione to her feet as Draco made sure she was unharmed.Suddenly, My dad, proffesor Mcgonagol, Proffesor Dumbledore and Proffesor Flitwick appeared. My dad ran over worried and made sure I wasn't injured. "What in the world were you thinking?!" Prof Mcgonagol asked sternly.

As the me and the boys struggled for an answer, Hermione spoke up.

"It's my fault Proffesor, you see I had read about trolls and thought I could get rid of it. If it wasn't for these four I would be dead." I looked at her in shock and with a newfound respect, did she just lie for us? "Five point from griffindor miss Granger." Mcgonagol said and then turned to us. "Now you four, 5 points each to both slythern and griffindor for shere dumb luck." 

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