Chapter 6

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Luca's P.O.V

It was early 6 in the morning I was dozing on the couch as I heard soft pattering footsteps coming towards me. "Psst Hey."

I opened one eye only to see Katie standing there smiling dazedly. "Katie!!" I hugged the ravenclaw. She had come as close as a sister to me since she joined our little group along with Phoenix who I saw as a brother.

"I'm fine hehe." She wiped a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth as I pulled back I realised we were both saturated with blood. "Katie what happened?!" I asked her frantically as I got up.

"I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure I got attacked by a furry." I winced crap.

"A fucking werewolf c'mon Dove." (author note; Luca calls Katie dove because shes a ravenclaw and kaitlynn means pure and doves signify purity.)

I half carried the girl to the hospital wing. "Madam Pomfrey!" She came out looking slighty suprised to see us. "What on-" She stopped seeing the blood. "Oh my get her on the bed quickly."

I felt tears on my face. "Will she be ok?" I asked tearfully sniffing. "Umm go get your father Luca." I nodded and ran off.

"Daddy!" I burst into his quarters.

"Luca are you ok?" He asked worried seeing the tears slipping down my cheeks. "Katies in the hospital wing and shes been bitten by something a werewolf or s-something come quickly!"

He looked shocked but nodded. "Let me just grab my potions bag." He said and flooed to the hospital wing.

XX At The Hospital Wing XX

Whilst my Dad and Madam Pomfrey worked on Katie I went to get Luna as she was also worried for her housemate. Whilst we were sitting at her bedside Luna piped up.

"Luca?" Luna, asked looking more serious than I'd ever saw her.

"Yeah whats up?"

Luna bit her lip, watching the adults aprehensively but they weren't paying attention.

"Well you say Katie was bit by a werewolf."

"I think so I'm not positive but from the looks of the bite..." I interjected, eyeing the still bloody wound on her shoulder.

"Well what if she turns?" She finished in a whisper.

I stopped short. "I hadn't thought about that. I know someone we can ask though c'mon." Luna looked confused but ran after me anyway. We ran to the fat Lady portrait I knew that was the entrance for the griffindor commons.

Luckily Hermione was just leaving as it was still earlyish on a Saturday. "Hey can we speak to you?" I asked Hermione she looked shocked but nodded. "Sure I'm on my way to the libary but we can talk on the way there."

"Right, so y'know Katie went missing." Her eyes widened for a moment before. "I completely forgot. Is she ok? What happened?"

"Shes been attacked by what we believe is a werewolf." Hermione gaped in horror. "So we wondered if you had any ideas on how to help her like with the transformations?"

"If she has any." Luna intejected.

"Well I do, but it's kinda illegal so"

"Cool what is it?" She raised an eyebrow at me as I smiled innocently. "Well it's just a thought I mean it's hard for 7th years let alone firsties but we could become anamagi."

"Oh awesome that'll be amazing I've alaways wanted to become an anamagi. " Hermione beamed as Luna nodded her agreement.

"Great I'll do some research." And with that she disapeard into the library. "Tell Katie I'll visit her later." we nodded and ran off.

As we got into the hospital wing Katie was sitting up and playing with a rubix cube. "Where'd you get that?" She shrugged "Madam pomfrey." I smiled.

"Ok how are you Katie?" She shrugged.

"As good as can be expected I suppose."

"Well we've got an idea but first is there any far reaching concequences after the attack." Katie lokked kinda uncomfortable but nodded nontheless. "Yeah I'm going to develop a 'furry little problem'" She sighed.

"Well we have an idea courtesy od Miss Hermione Granger," I started empahasing the last part causing Katie to raise an eyebrow. "We, meaning me Luna and Hermione, maybe some of the other misfits too, are going to try and become..." I looked around as my voice lowered to a whisper "Anamagi." Katie looked stunned.

"W-we're only first years surely that'll be difficult." I nodded.

"Yes incredibly so but we want to help you. If it doesn't work it doesn't work but anything to help you." I smiled reasuringly at the young werewolf.

"Anyway I'll leave you two to catch up." I said waving goodbye.

I was walking down a corridor when Ron came running up to me. "Hey Luca," I turned seeing Ron standing there with Harry.

"Hey whats up?" Ron smiled. "Well y'know how christmas holiday is coming up?" I nodded slowly confused.

"Well my mum said I can invite some friends so I'm inviting you, draco Hermione and Harry." I blinked.

"Isn't that quite alot of people ,let alone me and draco being a Snape and a Malfoy."

Ron looked thoughtful. "Well Mum said I could invite more than one person so I have I also don't care about your parentage so im sure itll be fine. Draco's already agreed." I nodded. "I'd love to then." The two boys beamed at me. 

Luca Snape And their Life book 1Where stories live. Discover now