Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

A soft harp played throughout the room causing Ron to swear softly. "Hes already down there we have to be careful now."

Just as Ron said that the harp stopped playing. "Pheonix go!" was called out urgently as Fluffy started to wake up.

"//Your skin is warm like an oven,
Your kiss is sugary sweet
Your fingers feel like cotton when you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missing something whenever you leave
You've got all the ingredients
Except you loving me
And respectfully

I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night//"

As fluffy calmed down w snuck to the trap door as pheonix continued singing.

"That was insanely good." I murmered as we dropped down the trap door, causing Pheonix to blush.

We landed on a sort of soft plant thing?!

"Oh!Of course there would be more protection." Hermione announced.

"What is it?!" Ron shouted clearly panicking.

Draco and I looked at each other. "Its devils snare." Draco told them. As Ron let out a shout and started struggleing I added. "Don't struggle and calm down or it will just kill you faster."

"OH KILL US FASTER I FEEL SO CALM NOW!" Ron shouted sarcasm dripping from his tone. Suddenly Hermione the first of us to realise dropped through. "Hermione!"

She was quickly followed by Katie, Luna and Audrey then me and Draco ,and finally Pheonix. "Oof." I let out a groan as I landed on Draco who chuckled and helped me up.

We could still hear Ron shouting and struggling.

"He's not claming down is he?" Hermione said disparingly. We all shook our heads. Then I heard audrey muttering something.

"What was that Audrey?"

"Ahh! Sorry I'm trying to remember what proffeser sprout said about Devils Snare. Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare...It's deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun! That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight! Lumos Solem!"

And with that a ball of light shot out of her wand making the snare drop Ron.

"Oh good thng I didn't panic." Ron said sheepishly making me roll my eyes. "Come on."

We walked into a room that seemed to be full of bugs?On close inspection we figured them to be winged keys. As Katie had tried to use alohamora on the door and it hadn't worked we realised that we needed to use a broom to catch it. "Okay Harry you're up." I said smiling at him.

"What?" I was about to reply whn Draco stepped in.

"Harry you are the best person ive ever seen on a broomstick on top of growing up around purebloods and youre still easily the best. If anyone can do this you can."

'Awe someones being all cute and supportive I ship it.' I thought to myself, as Harry gulped and nodded.

Katie and Luna went to study the lock knowing the key would (likely) match. "Its kind of old looking rusty and stuff." Harry nodded and I saw his eyes scanning the room when. "There!" He zoomed of we all waited by the door when we realized the keys where chasing him.

He grasped hold of the right key and shouted. "Catch!" before throwing the key to us. I jumped up and caught it ,almost flawlessly, jamming it in the lock as we all followed by Harry on the broom ran through to evade the damn keys.

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