Chapter 10

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It was two and a half weeks later and we had all mastered our transformations, so we were sitting in the secret sanctuary just playing games, eating snacks and chatting. Hermione cast a tempus and swore quietly causing us to look at her in shock. "What? Actually nevermind it's past curfew we need to get to our common room."

I thought for a second. "I know a shortcut just it cuts through the third floor but theres four seperste paths from there each one a shortcut leading striaght to each common room in about 5 or 10 minutes." Everyone nodded agreeing it was the best plan. We were walking in complete silence when a cat with red eyes crossed our paths.

"Thats filches cat run!" Ron informed ugently as we ran the opposite way hearing the old caretakers voice behind us. "Quick in here." Harry tried pulling at a large ornate door then shook his head. "Locked."

"Oh honestly," Hermione sighed and uttered a quick spell. "Alohamora." She pushed the door open and we all rushed in only to be met with a giant ceberus. We went straight back out after that though I noticed it was standing on what seemed to be a door, thats odd.

After we managed to once again evade filch we started to talk about what we saw. "What the hell was that doing in a school full of kids?" Draco questioned angrily, when Hermione shushed him. "Didn't you guys see what is was standing on?" Ron gave her a look. "No I was kind of focued on its head did you otice there was three."

"Hermiones right guys." I piped up. "It was standing on a trap door." I informed them as 'Mione nodded.

"Wonder if its hiding something?" Pheonix asked as harry got a thoughtful look on his face. "Guys it might be a long shot but when Hagrid took me to Gringots he collected something from a vault a vault that was robbed the next day he said it was 'important Hogwarts buisness' do you think it could be that."

"Could be."

"We could talk to Hagrid see if he lets anything slip." Everyone but me and Draco agreed to do it tomorrow. "What about you two." We shook our heads as we exlained that hagrid probabaly wont want us there. "It's ok we will just research... yeah we could research magical artifacts and make a list." They nodded "Alright then that will make it easier anyway we have to get to bed before any of us gets killed or worse , explelled." With that hermione walked off.

"She needs to sort out her prioraties." Ron murmered before they followed her. The rest of us split up and got to our room without much incident after that.

The next morning me and Draco made our way to the library to look up mysterious artifacts. "Why do you think theres even a cerberus I mean the corridors out of bounds? " Draco asked me as I was reading a thick tome on alchemists.

"I don't know but remember the day of the first quidditch game when dad was injured he said something about the troll being distraction, Maybe for someone to steal whatevers on that floor." I suggested.

"Hey Draco look at this." I Pointed at a interesting paragraph. "'Nicholas Flamel the only known creator of the philosopher's stone, the only artefact to make the elixir of life' This could be it!" I exclaimed.

"But why is it at Hogwarts and not with the Flamels? Surely it would be safer there?"

I shrugged. We kept looking at different artifacts just incase that wasn't the one. "Hey guys find anything out from Hagrid?" I asked seeing the group walking towards us.

"He mentioned that the cerberus is called fluffy and that it is guarding something, something that is only the buisness of Dumbledore and someone called Nicholas Flamel?" Hermone stated confused.

My eyes lit up. "So it must be that then!"

"Whats 'it'?" Ron questioned. I was reading and we came across the philosopher's stone whos only creator is Nichelas Flamel that must be was 'fluffy' is protecting." Draco informed.

"But why would someone want to steal a stone?" Harry asked tilting his head like a puppy. "It grants imortality to whoever wields it basically."

"Well who could be trying to-" Suddenly Katie put her finger to her lips. "Someoenes here come on lets go to the S.S." We left the library and were almost there when a thud sounded from a hidden alcolve near the griffindor dorms.

"Huh! What was that?" Harry whispered. I signiled in a stay there gesture and peeked round the corner. "L-let me go." A young feminine voice sounded out. "And why would we do that stupid Griffindor?" I noticed there was a bunch of older studentd from other houses surrounding the girl. I beckoned 'Mione over.

"Do you know her?" She nodded and whispered back. "Thats Audrey Kemp she's one of my dorm mates." I nodded and winced as I heard a sharp crack as one of the boys punched Audrey. I had to stop them!

I drew my wand signaling the others to stay in hiding for now. "HEY stop that!" I yelled wand out and ready. The girl looked up surprised and I quickly grew angry her face was covered in blood from her nose and her lip was cut. "No I don't think we will see theres only one of you and five of us so we'll have some fun with you as well." As they aproached me I shot a stinging hex at the biggest as the rest of the misfits came up behind me. "I don't think YOU understand see theres actually seven of us youre outnumbered bye bye." Draco spoke up. We may have only been first years but having the; 'smartest witch of her age', two children of 'dark wizards', and THE boy-who-lived scared them off.

"T-than' 'ou." The girl intoned voice muffled but the thick blood still running down her fsce staining her white shirt. I quickly ran over muttering a quick healing spell to stop the blood as Hermione did a cleaning spell. "Your nose is it broken?" I asked I couldn't heal that so we'd have to go to madam pomfrey if it was. She felt it gingerly and shock her head.

"I don't think so ,why did you all help me?" She asked taking note of our ties. "Why wouldnt we it doesnt matter what house you are in you are a person." Draco answered and I smiled at his compassion. She blushed. "Thanks I'm Audrey Kemp." She looked down. "I bet you think my names kind of a sick joke."

I went through the meaning in my head. "Noble Warrior." I stated.

"Yeah I'm hardly a warrior. I can't even defend myself against a couple of second years." Harry helped her of the floor. "That shouldn't matter Im seen as the 'defeater of the dark lord' and I'm just a first year like you.Theres no way I could of done anything I was a baby."

I smiled at the sweet way Harry tried to comfort the girl.

End chapter 10

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