Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Xxx Christmas Holidays xxX

We were on the train back to London where we'd meet Rons Parents and other siblings, and I'm nervous. "What if they don't like us?" I asked Draco.

"It'll be fine Luca just be yourself they'll be charmed by you in seconds." Draco murmered causing a blush to grace my cheeks and I lightly punched his shoulder.

The rest of the long ride was filled with jokes and games until I fell asleep on Dracos shoulder.

It was about 5 in the afternoon when we finally arrived and Draco woke me up. "Ready Light?" He gripped my hand, I wasn't sure whos was more sweaty mine or his. I nodded. "Ready Dragon."

We saw the group of redheads almost immediatly and walked over Ron hugging his parents and introducing each of us. "Mum, Dad this is Harry and Hermione.." The two waved. "And this is Luca and Draco." We waved shyly in unison. Fred and George gamboled over in that moment. "Hi guys." They said. "Mum, Dad." "Well we'd better get on our way everyone grab on." Mrs Weasley announced, holding a ribbon.

As we appered in the Weasley houshold - I believe Ron called it the burrow? Cute. Suddenly a shorter redhead came running up to us she looked to be about ten. "Mummy, Daddy you're home!" She stopped short her eyes going wide seeing Draco and me (prolly because he's the spit of Lucius and I look incrediably similar to my mother, right now.) "Are they a MALFOYS?!" The girl asked looking worried.

"Ginny!" Mrs Weasley admonished. "They may be but we don't judge someone based on their parents apologize please."

"Oh no Mrs Weasley it's ok we are used to it." Me and Draco rushed to say it wasn't like it hadn't happened before. "Also technically I'm not a Malfoy." Mrs Weasley shook her head. "She still needs to apologize. Ginny."

"I'm sorry." She said looking slightly embaressed.Then Ron spoke up "hey guys do you want to play mini team quidditch we could see if Luna is about?"

"I mean sure but I wont play I am dangerous on a broom."Hermione siad as Katie nodded in agreement

"We'll cheer for you" She piped up.

So we went over to Lunas house- and as we arrived we saw another person we didn't expect. "Pheonix!" I shouted, running over and throwing my arms around the suprised 'puff. "Ahh Luca" He said as he feutures morphed to match mine. "Ok this is weird." I said pulling back. He grinned and morphed back.

"Hey guys we were wondering if you wanted to come pay quidditch with us." Pheonix looked thoughtful. "Should I even be trusted on a broom?" We all shrugged. "Eh why not it'll be fun."

Luna also agreed so our reunited group trooped back to the Weasleys to get some brooms.

"Wait aren't we one person short?" Hermione siad looking around.

"Oh yeah we are." Ron replied looking miffed. Suddenly Mr Weasley ran out holding a broom. "Has he been listening to us?" I quietly remarked to Draco who shrugged. Mr Weasley joined Rons team.

The teams were:

Rons team: Captain/keeper: Ron, Chaser #1:Mr Weasley Chaser #2 : Ginny and the seeker; Harry (duh)

Dracos team: Captain/Seeker: Draco Keeper: Me. Chaser #1 and #2: Pheonix and Luna.

We started out the game and let the snitch go Harry and Draco as the seekers were neck and neck ,whilst the chasers were being absolutly chaotic. Pheonix absolutly shouldn't be aloud on a broom he was wavering everywhere! And, though I shouldn't really say but Mr Weasley can't play very well he kept droppng the quaffle and passing to the wrong people, but ginny more than made up for it. I mean for a ten year old she's good.

Rons a pretty decent keeper, I mean he's steady on a broom and good at blocking. Dracos always been amazing on a broom

But Harry is also so it could be either especially considering our two chasers are ... trying their best :/.

Eventually Harry caught the snitch , though it was close, and we went inside. "Well done Harry good game." I siad running up to him. ""

Yeah you beat me fair and square." Draco agreed.

XXX time skip to christmas why? bc I want to write a fluffy chridtmas scene so sue me!XXX

Christmas morning

It was early morning when I got woken up by my excited twin.

"Luca, Luca wake up!" I opened one eye to glare agitatly at Draco.

"What do you want its like 6 in the morning?"

"Actually it's 7 and come on we've got presentS." Draci infrmed me passing me my stocking and sitting on my bed as I sat up rolling my eyes at his excitment.

"Wait shouldnt we join the others and open them all together?"

Draco looked thoughtful. "I suppose you are right."

I smirked. "I know I'm always right now get out of here so I can change then we can see if the others are awake."

Draco swiftly left, as I just finished changing I heard a masculine voice call out. "Get back here Luka." Followed by a giggle that could only be described as the sound of church bells and an angelic voice call out. "Catch me if you can!"

I stuck my head out of the doorway just in time to see a blonde female dressed in a sexy santa outfit clutching a griffidor scarf speed past, followed by a older red haired male, who seemed to be close to catching the girl. Watching from my door way seeing the male atch the girl just before she sped down the stairs, pulling her over. "come on luka, give me it back"
"But... Please Bill, I want to wear it, it looks better with my dress then the ravenclaw one I have" she said pouting and fluttering her lashes.

The older man attempted to stand his ground before succumbing to the blondes wishes. I raised an eyebrow. 'What just happened?' I though to myself.

I walked downstairs seeing Molly in the kitchen chastising the twins. "Honestly you two no pranks today." She was telling them off but I could see the ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Hello Luca dear do you need something?" I smiled shyly at Mrs Weasley. "Um I was just wondering how many other peopl are staying here? It's just I saw a blonde and another redhead playing about on the landing." Molly looked confused for a second before brightening. "Oh that would be Bill my eldest and his friend Lucille they arrived late last night."

I nodded as the twins chimed in.

"Hey/...You didn't/...Tell us/..Bill arrived/...Last night. They alternated before finishing together."

"You would have just found out in the morning I saw no need to wake you up Now could you three go collect the others for breakfast and then we can go through to the living room for presents." We all nodded and ran off.

I went and collected Hermione and Katie whilst the twins got Draco, Harry and Ron, Bill and Lucille were already downstairs.

End chapter 7

A/N: I decided to end the chapter here otherwise it will be too long next chapter is present giving Yay.

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