Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A/n ; just before we start or m going to get tons of comments yeah I know Lunas a year youger but i put her up a year because she's a sweetheart and didn't get enough reconition in the books or movies. So all you Luna lovers have fun.

As we got into charms I saw a little blonde ravenclaw being bullied by some other girls, just throwing paper balls and calling her 'loony' but it wasn't nice. I abhor bullies they are the worst.

"Hey! Stop that!" The girls all looked up. "Oh yeah and what if we don't?" The ringleader (I'm assuming) said. "What are you gonna do tell a teacher?" She smirked mockingly. I glared.

"No, but I'll find you, when you're all alone, when you least expect it  I'll be there and I'll make an example of you. Bullies are the most disgusting people in the world, dark lords be dammed. Now scram!" My voice lowered to an almost growl at the end, and with a scared look the girls hurried off.

I smiled and sat next to the girl. "Hi I'm Luca what's your name?" She smiled at me dreamily. "I'm Luna Lovegood Mx Snape." I blushed a the strange nickname as she continued to talk. "That was awfully nice of you, though I'm not suprised you're a nice person the nargles leave you alone I think they might be scared of your dad." I giggled.

"Wait whats a nargle?" I asked. She brightened and satrted talking. "A nargle is a nastly little creature who clouds your concience and often steals things quite hard to get rid of thats why I wear my cork chain.It deters them." She explained pointing to a little necklace with cork charms on it.

As she explained I noticed one of the girls screwing the finger in the side of her head as her stupid clique friends laughed. I slipped my wand into my hand and shot a rather nasty stinging hex at the girl who shrieked and fell off her chair. I noticed Luna smother her giggles. I smiled I liked this funny blonde girl she was sweet.

Suddenly prof. Flitwick walked in. "Ok class, settle down now today we are going to do some theory on the levitation charm before we try it next lesson. Now get your books out and tae some notes, but first can anyone tell me the incantation for the charm?" Quite a few hands went up mine being one of them.

"Yes Mx Snape." I scrunched my nose, it was so weird being called that. "Wingardium Leviosa Sir." I answered.

"Very good, very good 5 points to Slytherin." I beamed happily as Draco gave me a discreet thumbs up. Soon class had ended and I ran up to Luna, with Draco and Hermione following close behind.

"Hey Luna wait up." She turned to us.

"Hi" She waved to the two beside me as they introduce themselves.

"So I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come study with us after dinner? We are making a study schedule so we can meet every night and do our homework the week or hopefully night we get it so we don't fall behind." She beamed at me.

"I'd love to thank you so much!"

We all smiled , I just couldn't help it her happiness was contagious. "Well come on lets get to dinner." Draco intoned.We were approaching the great hall, with Ron complaining. "All this stress is making me hungry." I turned to him, and started walking backwards. "Stress? I'd hate to see you in O.W.L or N.E.W.T years I'm sure they are worse."

"I'll die before then." Ron muttered glumly. All of a sudden I fell over...again. "Well well well, if it isn't the firstie again?" I frowned I didn't like the nickname considering they were only second years themselves. "We need to stop meeting like this, and anyway I have a name." They smirked at each other the smiled back at me. "Fistie junior?"

"Toddler?" I rolled my eyes smiling despite myself.

"Luca, devil twins." One, Fred I believe, of the frowned.

"Awe I can't make a pun with that." The other got a thoughtful look.

 "Hmmm. Devil twins? I could get used to that."

"Definitely devil twins." I heard Ron grumble as I stared at the three suddenly as it hit me.

 "Oh Salazar you're brothers." Ron stared at me. 

"Du doh." He said pointing at his hair.

"Other people are ginger y'know?" I replied, though inside I was freaking out. 'Oh shit I'm crushing on two Weasleys Dad's gonna kill me... or them.'

As we were about to enter the hall Ron suddenly laid his hand on my arm making me jump. "Hey could I talk to you... in privet?" I looked at him funnily but nodded. Draco looked at me worriedly but I waved him off.

"What's up Ron?" I asked. His ears turned red as he got embarrassed. "We-well you see, um... Well are you dating Malfoy?" I started choking rather violently. "Are you ok?!" Ron asked startled at my fit. "I'm *cough* fine. Why in the world would you think I'm dating Draco?"

He got even more red. "Well it's just you seem really close and he seems overly protective kinda like a boyfriend..." He trailed off seeing the incredulous look I was shooting him. I sighed. "We're twins, did you not realize that we are practically identical y'know other than.." I fingered the black strands that decorated my otherwise bleach blond hair.

"I had no idea the Malfoys had two kids so wait why is your second name Snape?" I rolled my eyes. "Half twins. " I said considering that all the clarification he needed as his eyes widened I knew I was right. "Ohhh so you and Draco definitely aren't dating." I nodded empathetically. "Well then I gu-"

"Is everything okay here?" Suddenly another redhead appeared he looked a lot like Ron but older an he had glasses on. (A/N; Hi author chan/san here some descriptions won't follow canon but they wont stray to far either. But anyone who goes in the comment saying 'that's not how this person looks', write your own my book my rules everyone else enjoy.;))

"Oh hi Percy." Ron Said smiling.

"Another brother?" I asked looking at the new arrival.Ron nodded.

"Sorry If I interrupted anything but I was looking all over for you Ron, why are you red are you sick-"Percy continued putting his hand on Rons forehead whilst he squirmed uncomfortably.

"I'm fine Percy."

He still looked worried, but then he noticed me. "So who might you be Ronnie's friend." I though for a second.

"You could say that. Welp I have to go to the Library see you Ron. " I nodded at him.

XXX time for a P.O.V switch Ron's P.o.v XXX

As Luca left Percy looked over at me. "Are you okay I heard something about Malfoy? Is he bothering you because I can have a word-"

"No Percy he's not bothering me we were just talking."

"Oh if you are sure?" He still looked worried so I nodded and gave him a quick hug.

"Alright well see you later. Love you little brother."

"Love you too big brother." I said as Percy ran off to seperate some older student with their wands out.

XX Back to Luca P.O.V XX

As I was reading I checked the time and realised lunch was just ending I checked my schedule and sighed. "Time for Transfiguration.." I didn't like transfiguration or maybe it's just the teacher I don't like.

A/N; Luca is referred to as mx because thats the gendernuetral term for miss/mr/mrs

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