Chapter 2

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As we got down to the common room draco started talking.



"School is horrible that's what Father is going to send letters everyday telling me how useless I am."

"You're not useless Draco and anyway Lucius dislikes me more than you."

"Whatever anyways what do you think of P-potter?" As he said the last word he flushed a deep red I chuckled. "Not that I care but I saw you talking?" I sighed.

"Well yeah but it doesn't matter he's a griffindor I can't be friends with him or the other two I met."

"Why not?"

"You know why Draco, Lucius would consider it to be 'disgracing the house of Malfoy' If he found out."

"Well what if he doesn't find out."

"I-I don't know dragon."

"Hey Light you can do this you'll have an easier time than me anyhow." I tilted my head in confusion at that.

"What do you mean you're the Malfoy heir people would give their limbs to even be associated with you."

"That's not friends though that's lackeys."

"You have me and anyway you can always make friends with other houses... and Harry. "

"Ew no you're my twin that doesn't count... wait H-harry?" His face took on that rosy hue that it possesed earlier.

"You're blushing!" I giggled gleefully.

"Am not!" He's so defensive.

"You're pale I can tell when you blush we have the same skin tone." My voice took on a singsong tone. "Someone has a crush."

As we were arguing we failed to hear footsteps echoeing towards us until suddenly.

"Will you two stop your bickering."

"Ahh!" I shouted as Draco let out a high pitched "Eep!" causing me to snicker at him. "Hi Dad anyway we weren't bickering we were conversing... loudly."

"They were teasing me, make them stop." Draco whined quietly. Dad just raised an eyebrow. "You can't stop them from teasing you, really Draco? What did they even tease you about?"

"Draco has a cru-" I started but was quickly cut off.

"Shut up!"

"Stop it both of you come on you have potions in the morning get to bed you two."

"Ok Dad/uncle Sev." Me and Draco answered in perfect unison. (It's a twin thing). "I still don't know how you two can do that." Dad muttered walking away.

XX The Next Morning XX

"Draco wake up."


"Do I have to pour water on you?"

At that he sat bolt upright in bed. "Wait WHAT? Hang on a sec how did you even get in here this is the boys dorm?"

I rolled my eyes. "How do you think I poofed. It's not far so it wasn't too hard." He breathed out in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah , now get out of here so I can change ,weirdo."

I giggled and poofed away.

"Ronald Come on or we'll be late."

"But 'Mione I'm still tired." I watched as the two griffindors argued, while Harry came downstairs behind them. He waved at us. "Hi Harry." I said smiling. Ron stopped mid sentence. "What are you two doing here." I winced, and Draco stepped in. "We're walking to breakfast, or are we not aloud to do that now? Come on Luca."

Luca Snape And their Life book 1Where stories live. Discover now