Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lucas P.O.V

After breakfast ,when Luna and Pheonix joined us, we all trooped into the living room to open presents first mrs Weasley handed us all presents even me and Draco. "Oh Mrs Weasley you didn't have to get us anything." We intoned.

"Honestly you two I've told you to call me Molly and you are practically part of our family." I felt tears prick my eyes at her noncholant admission. As I eased off the wrapping I saw a Dark blue sweater with a light blue L on the middle. "Oh.." I gasped.

Loking round I noticed everybody had got one. "Do you lke it dear it might be a bit big but.." Molly started. "I love it" I whispered putting it on right there and then. Mr Weasley got us rubber duck with our initials on them. Luka suddenly piped up. "Oh I can add this one to my collection. " She smiled as Arthur suddenly asked "What are their functions? "

"They are toys for young muggle children but I collect them because there is so many different types. " They got into an excited convosation about muggle life. "Luca why don't you hand out your presents?" Mrs weasley prompted..

"Oh um ok.This one is for Dray." I said handing a small wrapped box to Draco. Something that only my family knew is that I had a magic braclet made when I was a baby that said half-blood heir. My dad got it engraved with runes of protectonand safety and I learnt the runes and got them right to make Draco a similair bracelet with 'Dragon Prince' carved into it.

As he opened it his face crumpled and I saw tears in his eyes.

"D-don't you like it?" I asked worried.

"Oh Luca I love it. I love you." He gave me a tight hug and slipped on the bracelet. As he pulled away I could've sworn I saw a flash of jelously in Fred and Georges eyes.What was that about?

"Ah Ron this ones for you." I handed him a relativly big gift. Ron smiled and tore into it with excitment. When he uncovered it he was shocked. "Luca you got me a marble self fixing wizard chess set?" I nodded.

"I saw you and Harry paying a couple weeks back and your set looked pretty beat up so I thought maybe you'd like a new one."

"Thank you." I turned to pheonix and Katie "Your presents are kind of the same here." I hande them both a small box much like Drcaos. Inside was a charm bracelet each one had one charm. One was a pink bunnyhead for pheonix and the other had a dove for katie. "They arent just charms though you can collect more and they each have special properties those ones heat up when in danger I see you two as my honerary little sibling so I hope you like them. " Pheonixes hair turned a bright purple ine exctment as they both hugged me.

I gave Hermione a book on obscure potions I thought she might find it intereting. I gave luna a pair of earings that had Dirigible plum charms. And Harry got a wizarding cookbook. He thanked me profusley. "You're very welcome." I smiled. "Can I give my gifts next?" I heard Lucille ask."Of course you can dear."

Lucille handed a package to the readhead she was messing about with earlier as she said. "There was another reason I wanted your scarf." As he opened it up I saw he had gotten an homemade scarf ombre blue to puprple to red with his name embroided in silve and gold thread. She skipped over to the twins handing them identicle presents. "Magic sets?/ What does/ That mean?" They asked.

"Well as you know my Dads a muggle so I thought you'd like to see how muggles do 'magic'." Next ron got his present it was a muggle sweet making kit. "Oh cool thanks Luka." I interected. "Sorry if I seem rude but ,Luka, I thought your name was Lucille?" Luka/ Lucille looked at me. "It is my nickname is Luka with a K." I nodded. "Right sorry I was confused because my name also being luca."

Ginny got a perfume kit, Molly a muggle recipe book, Arthur got muggle card games, I think im pretty sure I saw poker instructions.

Then to my immense shock she walked over to us and the rest of the misfits. "I know I don't know you too well but Bill showed me the letters ron wrote about you and I got you all something small." Me and Draco got embarressed.

"But we didn't get you anything." She shrugged.

"I don't mind.Here"

She handed us each a gift wrapped in our house colours with our names written on them. Harry got a glasses fixing kit making me giggle. Me and Draco both got plush toys he got a dragon whilst I got a snake in slytherin colours. Draco dubbed his Dragon Cadmus meaning Dragon in Greek (Lucius both forced us to learn Greek as children.) I named my snake Salazar kind of as a rebelion thing though it made Drcao roll his eyes.

Katie got a cute choker with a wolf on it, which she loved. Pheonix got handed a hair style kit for his shoulder lenth hair which he handed to me after asking if I coud braid his hair later.

Hermion got a muggle fiction book "Interview with a vampire?" Luka nodded. "It was my favourite book at your age." And finally Luna got a Moon shaped hair clip. We also all got different muggle chocolates from Lukas twin brother Alec who was in Holland.

Hermione handed out her presents next all books of course.

I gently opened mine seeing a book on ancient magicks. "Hermione where did you get this?" I said shocked, it's very hard to get ahold of books like this considering they are seen as 'dark'. "I saw it in the back of an out of the way bookshop and thought it would interest you."

I smiled. "Thanks."

Pheonix all gave us similar gifts they were special sweets that gave us the ability to change a certain part of our appperence like pheonix but it would only last 30 minutes. "I couldn't make it last longer." He admitted but we agreed we didn't mind and found it amazing fun.

Luna went around handing us her own little things. She handed me a book on 'Hard to find creatures like nargles' saying her dad wrote it like the quibbler. I giggled seeing that Draco got his own cork chain. "To keep away your nargles." Luna smiled patting his shoulders. "Oh shush Luca." He murmeed to me hearing me laughing.

Harry gave Ron a first edition chudley cannons poster, which he loved. Draco opened his tiny package seeing a snitch with a small catch on the front. "Harry what?..."

"Open it." Harry was basically vibrating where he sat. Draco gently flicked the latch open causing a tiny vial on a chain to fall out. Inside the vial was a golden liquid. "It's pheonix tears I heard they are good for certain potions I thought maybe-" Harry was cut of by Draco hugging him. "it's amazing."

Harry handed me a box with air holes punched into it?. "Be careful!" Harry said urgently I nodded and lifted the lid of as I stopped short. "Harry! I- what?" I was shocked in the box was a tiny black kitten curled up sleeping it can't of been more than a couple of weeks old.

"Luca what is it Draco asked moving closer." Before he got too close I put my hand out. "Everyone stay back its only little." And I scooped up the little kitten, petting it softly as it slowly awoke, showing its silvery blue eyes not unlike my own . "Oh Luca" Draco breathed. "Its-" He was cut of by Harry. "She, its a girl." Nodding Draco continued.

"Shes beautiful. What are you going to call her." I looked to Harry. ""She doesnt have a name shes only 15 weeks old."

"Okay im going to call her Medea it means mischief in greek."

Harry giggled as Draco shook his head fondly.

end chapter 8

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