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ivy/werewolf's pov

"cmon now werewolf at least give a guy a chance to woo you" cat noir smiled innocently at me.

i groaned as i jumped to the next building as a chance to get away from the annoying cat. 

"oh now that's just rude"

"go away" i said to him scouting the ground for any suspicious activity.

"you make me melt with your kind words" he placed his hands over his heart and spun around and landed on me. i caught him but then proceeded to throw him off the building.

i seen him land on his feet as he fell and shrugged. guess cats do land on their feet.

i snarled at the sight of him climbing back up and i quickly jumped from roof to roof to lose him. i hid behind a chimney and peeked round to see him looking around but then seen him going the opposite way.

"thank god that's over" i mumbled and looked up at the moon. it was so beautiful tonight.

"it's purr-fect isn't it" an annoying voice said from the top of the chimney. i look up from my sit and see cat noir annoying face looking down at me.

i just sighed and let him sit there as i watched the moon and the stars.

"you should be more nice to me yknow, i haven't done anything" he complained with a small jokey pout. i looked up at him and shook my head.

"it's destiny cat noir, wolf and cat, makes sense don't it the wolf usually tortures the cat and could eat it, if you're not careful kitty that could be you" i explained to him and he looked at me with confusion and a hint of fear.

"what i'm saying is, i don't like you and never will leave me alone" i said standing up and being face level with him.


"no cat i- cat noir i don't care" i said jumping away from him. he's such a pain in the arse.

i jumped back home and quickly turned back into myself, ivy.

next morning
there was an aggressive knock at my door and i already knew who it was.

"come in" i said quickly lying in bed to make it seem like i have been this whole time.

"ivy, sabrina is ill and i need someone to play cat noir" she said throwing the black cat suit at me. i groaned i just can't get him away tonight.

i pushed her out and got changed into his hideous costume. i looked myself in the mirror, i looked good in his suit.

i walked out of my room to see chloé in her ladybug costume.

"okay so let's get started here's your staff and i have my yo-yo" chloé said handing me the metal staff with a small green imprint on it.

"so to use the sta-"

"chloé i've seen cat noir in action i know how he does it" i told her and she groaned rolling her eyes.

one of our butlers who wore a silly mask walked in the room.

"come on cat noir we have to defeat this villian" chloé said in a fighting stance while i was standing with my arms crossed.

"yeah" i said unenthusiastically and got in a lousy fighting stance.

after 20 minutes of fake fighting with the butler there was a message that came through the butlers earphone.

"ladybug and cat noir are on their way up to speak with you chloé" he said repeating what had came through.

i gasped and ran to change my suit to normal clothes but the elevator ding stopped me and chloé's death grip on my hair pulling me back.

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