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ivy's pov
i felt uneasy walking through school as i felt something or someone was going to pounce on me.

my stress levels had risen since i betrayed hawkmoth and i was scared because he knows my secret identity.

i sat at my desk looking at me, there was a scared expression on my face and i stared at the whiteboard wall as my fingers twitched and i bounced my leg up and down.

time skip , lunch

i scratched my head and felt a hand on my shoulder. i instantly grabbed the persons arm twisting just for safe measures.

"ouch my arm!" lila cried and i rolled my eyes letting her go hesitantly.

"i thought you were akumatized" i said to her and this time she rolled her eyes.

"anyways, hawkmoth wants to let you know if you don't come back he'll make your life an living hell" lila whispered in my ear and i growled grabbing her hair yanking her away from me.

"don't ever. come near me without permission ever again" i told her harshly and she just smirked at me.

"and what are you going to do if i don't?" she teased walking toward me again and grabbed her collar.

"stay away bitch" i spat and let her fall walking away.

"woah ivy, way harsh dude" nino said and i smiled innocently but as soon as i turned away a scowl crossed my face.

i wasn't safe anywhere.

i'm too stressed to deal with school.

i walked home halfway through when class was and as soon as i got in i was met with my dads worried eyes.

"i got a call saying you had been hurt i was so worried ivy!" he panicked and hugged me. it felt surreal.

i hugged back and he pulled away.

"i'm so glad you're okay" he said leading me to my room and i smiled and nodded at him.

i walked in and was met by hawkmoth standing there.

i turned around and seen my dads guilty expression.

"i'm sorry, he said he'd hurt chloé" my dad said slamming the door locking it from the outside which was a new installation i had never seen, he must have just gotten it.

i banged on the door to let me out and hawkmoth chuckled at my attempts.

"lila already told you and i'll say it again."

"join me or face the consequences." hawkmoth said an unamused expression on his face.


"not even for your kitty?" hawkmoth asked and he pointed over to where mayura had an unconscious cat noir tied up to a chair.

"i can make that your sister as well"

i gasped and tried to run over to him only to be stopped by mayura knocking me to the ground.

"if you don't join us, the kitty is going straight into the sea with no one there to save him" hawkmoth said with an evil grin on his face.

i still loved that stupid cat.

"fine okay, i'll join you just please don't hurt him or my sister" i begged and hawkmoth nodded and mayura untied the unconscious cat noir and took him to a random place and left him there.

my legs felt like jelly but i refused to fall to my knees and my eyes stung from how much i wanted to cry, i had to hold it back to show i'm stronger than they think.

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