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ivy's pov
vulpina had now taken me her 'hostage' to ladybug and cat noir.

"let her go for real this time vulpina!" ladybug shouted and i yawned rolling my eyes.

"ivy, act natural or they will suspect something!" hawkmoth shouted and i sighed.

"oh no, i am being help hostage by vulpina, help me ladybug please!" i sighed and said as if i was reading from a script.

i heard hawkmoth groan and i smirked a little.

"don't worry we're going to save you!" cat noir shouted charging at vulpina and fighting her.

ladybug quickly scooped me up and took me to nearby safety.

"it's okay now just stay out here" ladybug told me and i nodded.

"her miraculous! grab it!" hawkmoth shouted at me and i panicked and hugged ladybug.

"thank you ladybug for saving me" i said swiftly lifting my hand slowly toward her ear.

i made light contact with her earring and she pulled away smiling at me.

"stay safe okay" ladybug said to me jumping back to vulpina to help cat noir in the fight.

"i tried hawkmoth, sorry" i said and he sighed.

"it's okay young ivy there will be more opportunities since they trust you" hawkmoth comforted me and i nodded.

"well i'm going home" i yawned and started to walk home.

as soon as i got home i jumped onto my bed and sighed.

"soon ivy you will be a huge part on my plan to gain the miraculous' you will betray ladybug and cat noir" hawkmoth told me and my mind hovered over cat noir.

we wouldn't be able to be together if i betrayed him.

"what is this negative emotion i'm feeling from you ivy?" hawkmoth said to me and i sighed.

"it's just i like crazy noir and i don't want to hurt him but-"

"you have too get rid of those feelings to cat noir if you want to work with me" hawkmoth told me seriously and my eyes widened.

"hawkmoth i don't know if-"

"ivy, you do want your parents to care about you and stop treating you as if you don't exist" hawkmoth snapped at me.

i only met cat noir a few months ago and only started liking him a few days ago, i've been wanting what hawkmoth promised me all my life.

but cat noir was the only person who actually put up with me even if wasn't... me.

now i have hawkmoth though and he is helping me.

"okay hawkmoth i understand" i said to
him and he didn't say anything. he must have transformed back to his secret identity.

i looked outside and seen the sun was setting, i had to go on patrol soon.

i sighed and minx flew in front of me.

"ivy are you really doing the right thing" she asked me.

"minx i'm trying to get my family to care about me that's all"

"but hawkmoth said you had pure evil running through you"

"i'll be fine minx i'm not going to turn out as bad as him relax" i told her but she didn't relax at all.

"ivy i don't think this is the right way to get your family to care for you" minx hesitated said and i shot a look at her.

"how else am i supposed to! i've tried everything, talking to them, putting myself in danger and even just begging for attention from them!" i snapped at minx and she yelped in fear.

"if you're so worked up about me being evil maybe you could give me suggestions on how to fix my life" i scoffed at her and she looked at the floor with nothing to say.

"that's what i thought, minx bite on" i said and minx flew into my hair clip. i transformed and jumped from my balcony.

i don't think hawkmoth had anything for me to do so i could spend the night with cat.

i was looking around for him when i seen him, he was with a random girl on what i guessed was her balcony.

i quickly snuck behind a wall that was behind them and listened in to their conversation.

"cat noir? have you ever had your heart broken?" the girl i recognized as marinette from my school asked him.

"yeah by ladybug of all people but then i meet this amazing girl who kept my mind off ladybug, she was hard to crack but eventually she came around, i miss when she'd shout at me though it reminded me of ladybug" cat noir explained and my eyes widened.

i was second choice and a rebound?!

"that's- wow" marinette said and cat noir continued.

"i used this girl to make me forget about ladybug but i couldn't, sometimes moments we shared together i pictured her as ladybug in my arms"

i snarled and jumped away i didn't need to hear anymore of it.

the one person who cared for me seen me as someone else.

cat noir's pov
i heard a snarl after i spoke to marinette and my eyes widened at the familiar sound.

"oh no i gotta go" i said to marinette quickly and used my staff to get high in the air to spot werewolf.

when i spotted her she was walking in a street, talking to herself?

werewolf's pov
"now i can fully dive into your plan and not feel bad about anything, how dare he! me? a second choice i am so much better than that!" i ranted to hawkmoth as i just knew he looked miserable having to listen to a teenage girls problems.

"he only sees me as ladybug, i am my own person! all those stupid moments we spend together he pictured it was ladybug!" i shouted throwing my axe around with every word breaking stuff on the sidewalk.

when reality hit me on what i was saying the grip on my axe loosened and my arms became limp.

"i'm nothing but a rebound from ladybug" i whispered and sighed.

"you are more than that werewolf, you are an unstoppable girl who wants revenge on those who forgot her" hawkmoth declared and i rolled my eyes.

"i know about that but cat was the one person i thought i could be myself with but i let my walls fall around him and he didn't even care, not everything about me is about being forgotten cat was the only one who didn't forget me" i said leaning against the nearest wall and sliding down it burying my face in my legs hugging them closer.

i wasn't crying my eyes remained open just staring into the darkness numbly.

"m'la- werewolf!"

"what" i snapped at him looking up at the stupid cat boy.

"what you heard wasn't true- well it was but-"

"cat noir when i said i hate you, i meant it" i said with a dark tone in my voice.

"you are nothing but a liar and i hate you"

"werewolf be careful with those emotions you might get akumatized!" cat noir said worryingly looking around.

i smirked "cat, cat, cat do you really think i care what you have to say, i need to be careful incase that's utter shit coming out your mouth too" i said the dark tone still pouring from my words.

"now to play with the bug, isn't that what cats do, chase bugs around?"


"ah i said fuck off" i said with a harsh tone now and he looked at me before extending his staff and running away.

"you lost their trust but it's okay, soon we will make you the main attraction of my plan" hawkmoth told me and i nodded.

"at your service hawkmoth"

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