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ivy's pov

"if it isn't miss bat, would it kill you to wear something bright you're ruining my reputation" chloé huffed as i walked by her at the school entrance. i always leave after her so that i'm not seen with her i can't stand her nagging.

"shut up chloé don't you have to harass adrien or something" i retorted back not even bothering to roll my eyes as i walked into school.

a few minutes later i was walking into the classroom and seen juleka. i smiled at her as her and i have some common interests.

i sit down at my desk at the back beside nathaniel. i plug my headphones in and start playing my favourite song. killing me softly with his song.

i hum the lyrics quietly and tap my index finger on the desk to the beat.

"miss beorgeois" the teacher calls and me and chloé both look up at the same time. i somehow managed to hear her with my headphones in.

"please take those headphones out at this instant if i see them or your phone again it's to the principals office and confiscation, do you understand!" miss bustier exclaimed and i nodded putting it all in my bag, where minx was peacefully resting.

i smiled at the cuteness of her and turned back to the board where miss bustier was writing. i wasn't listening at all my mind was too busy being filled with scenarios i had made up.

"he" "hell" "ivy! hello!" i returned back to the normal world and looked to see alya and marinette waving their hands in my face.

"what is it?" i asked them and they looked at each other then back at me.

"can you distract chloé for a few minutes and keep her away from adrien so that marinette can ask him out, please" alya begged me and i groaned knowing i had no choice.

"i knew they'd do it i told you!!" alya bragged to marinette and she huffed pouting.

"i only assumed she didn't want to because she hates chloé like us" marinette huffed again crossing her arms.

"marinette i have to live with her a few minutes is nothing don't worry" i assured and she nodded a grateful look on her face.

time skip , lunch

"okay just talk or take her somewhere" alya explained and i nodded walking over.

"oi brat" i said and chuckled eternally realizing i sounded like a certain anime character i like.

"what do you want you reject" chloé said mad i interrupted her precious time with adrien, makes me sick.

"come with me dad wanted me to tell you something private" i said grabbing her arm harshly and walking away with her. i told sabrina to not bother following us.

adrien's pov

ivy is so pretty, better than her sister. at least one of them has style.

lost in thought i never realized someone was tapping on my shoulder. i turned around to see a flustered and awkward looking marinette.

"hi!" i say scratching the back of my neck and waving at her.

"h-hey adrien... do... do you want... want a cake from my parents bakery... yeah!" marinette asked me and i shrugged and agreed.

"okay cool" she laughed awkwardly and ran back to alya who looked as if she was scolding her.

"now go back to your boy toy brat" i heard and then seen ivy dragging chloé back and throwing her by the arm toward me.

they looked angry?

ivy's pov

that brat had the audacity to call me an attention seeker and fake when she's the one who cries to dad whenever something happens even if it's a minor thing.

i'm the attention seeker?! at least i don't leach off adrien for his attention, he doesn't even seem to enjoy it!!

and i'm the fake one when she wears all that makeup if we were in the UK right now she'd be considered a goddamn chav!

time skip after school , night time

i was doing my daily patrol as werewolf when i felt the presence of a familiar kitty.

"what is it kitty" i turned around harshly and cat noir smiled at me guiltily.

"what have you done?" i asked and he shook his head violently.

" i was just trying to scare you" he admitted and i rolled my eyes at him.

"go away you're not wanted here by me" i told him and he looked hurt but brushed it off with a confident smile.

"cmon now werewolf give a guy a chance to at least woo you" he smiled innocently.

first chapter done wooooo!

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