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ivy's pov
i sat in chemistry with nathaniel as we poured a random blue liquid into the big red one creating a purple substance.

we were completely failing because we both stopped paying attention.

"adrien, nino go help ivy and nathaniel up in the back they are failing to follow" the teacher said to the boys at the front who had followed every step till now.

i rolled my eyes as the boys made their way up the small staircase to the back.

i sighed leaning my arms on the desk and put my chin on my arms looking up at adrien who was standing beside me.

he smiled down at me and i turned around to see nino explaining to nathianel which makes it so adrien had to explain to me.

i sat up and adrien pulled a chair to beside me. i rolled my eyes and he smiled at me nicely. i blushed a little and smiled back at him, a small pink hue formed on his cheeks as well.

he sat down in the chair and started to describe the formula and how to execute it.

as he talked about it i felt an unknown substance bubbling up in my stomach and tried to keep calm.

i turned to what adrien was trying to show me and it was an orange colour. i have no idea how he got that.

"understand?" he smiled at me eyes closed his hand scratching the back of his neck.


"i knew you weren't listening so i'll go over it one more time" he said laughing and i blushed out of embarrassment and looked away.

adrien's pov
i'm finally getting to spend time with ivy even if it is teaching her chemistry i'll take it!

i explained the whole thing to her again and they nodded her eyes lighting up everytime they understood something.

i was smiling until i realized something. what about werewolf? ugh this is so difficult i like two girls at the same time.

ivy was nice and sweet and defended everyone against chloé and they have  a great style.

but werewolf something about her just makes me want her, it might be the fact she's so cold to me or the fact she's so calm and collected.

i wonder what happened that night i see her crying and comforted her, did someone hurt her, if they did ill kill them.

"adr" "adrie" "adrien!"

i blinked in confusion at ivy waving a hand at my face and then flicking my forehead.

"sorry heh" i awkwardly laughed it off hoping it would brush past her.

time skip , night
still adrien/cat noir's pov
i whistled as i searched from the rooftop to find my precious werewolf.

i noticed a small red dot next to me and pounced toward it and it started moving.

i chased the red dot until it disappeared and i was in front of the same rooftop i took werewolf too when she was sad.



silence, once again.

"i hate you" werewolf said seriously which made me stiffen and scoff.

"but i am willing to be nice to you since you did want to cheer me up that one night but then i realized i saved you so i don't owe you anything" werewolf continued and i looked up at her with a smirk.

"that's not why i'm here is it, what are you hiding~" i sang to her as i walked toward her.

"it is i just wanted to tell you i don't owe you anything, hell if anything you owe me something" she stated smugly and i smirked a plan planting itself into my head.

i sighed dramatically and closed my eyes.

"however will i ever pay my debt to you" i dramatically said stumbling over to her.

she backed away a little but i dragged her waist pulling her closer to me.

"get off me kitty" she growled and i rolled my eyes playfully. i placed my index finger on her chin lifting her face up to meet mine, our lips inches apart.

i seen her blushing a little which made me blush and i closed my eyes leaning in slowly.

werewolf's pov
this fool was not going to kiss me, but what would happen if-

i pushed him away in disgust and slapped his arm away from my waist.

"i don't know who you think you are cat noir but i will never kiss, hell even like you don't even consider yourself a friend of mine got it!" i shouted at him and my heart stung a little at the hurt look on his face.

"i don't get it" he mumbled his hurt turning to anger.

"you have to love me! there's no way you don't you act like you don't like me just because you're scared..? yeah! you're scared you're going to lose everyone you love and everyone who loves you but werewolf i'm not leaving i'm right here" cat noir said to me holding his arm out for me to take his hand.

i grabbed his wrist harshly and twisted it on the edge of breaking it.

"you stupid son of a bitch get it through your thick skull. i. hate. you. when will you realize that i don't love you, it's funny you think i would stoop to your level i hate you cat noir, you may not be leaving but i am." i shouted at him anger fueled my body.

how dare he speak to me like that thinking i'm on the same side as him. he actually thought the feelings were mutual what an idiot.

cat noir's face in that moment was something ill never forget. because i caused it.

his lips were slightly apart in shock and his eyes were full of hurt and tears.

my eyes softened at the sight but then i growled to myself and jumped away to go home.

i looked back and seen him watching me jump away and the tears were rolling down his face.

cat noir/adrien's pov
i wiped my tears and decided to head home.

the tears were still leaking out my eyes and it made my vision blurry.

as soon as i got back in my room i changed back and sat on my couch. plagg was just looking at me not knowing what to say.

the rage over took me and i clenched my fists tightly and started to beat the things near me.

"adrien please calm down" plagg.

"this is your fault, if you never came into my life i wouldn't feel like this right now" i snapped at the black cat kwami and he flew to his cheese drawer without another word.

my face softened at what i had just done and i sighed and sat beside the drawer.

"plagg i'm sorry i was just mad there i let my emotions get the best of me" no answer.

"look i've had so much fun with you, i may of had a bad night but that's 1 bad night the amount of happy days and nights i've had with you is endless, you're my best friend" i said and i seen the drawer open slightly out the corner of me eye.

"you really mean i'm your best friend?" plagg asked quietly almost afraid to speak.

"of course plagg you're the coolest kwami ever" i said and he rushed out quickly.

"woooo! i'm the coolest kwami ever!!" he sang dancing around and i laughed.

he then looked at me.

"i forgive you adrien" he said hugging my shoulder and i patted his small back.

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