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werewolf/ivy's pov


silence. the silence between me and cat noir was unbearable. the night he left after i was mean was last week and he hadn't come to annoy me since then.

i hate to admit it but i somehow missed his stupid attempts to flirt with me.

"so how are you" i asked him and he looked at me surprised. we were both sitting on the eiffel tower legs dangling like usual.

"i'm good me and ladybug have defeated an akumatized villain everyday since we last seen each other" cat noir told me and i nodded as a signal of my understanding.

"well i don't care" it slipped out.

"but you're the one who asked m'lady" cat noir told me with a smirk on his face while leaning his body toward me.

"get away from me you rat" i pushed his face away, a small smile on my face.

"awwww are you smiling i've never seen you do that before, don't tell me you're going soft on me" cat noir said his stupid smirk wiped on his face.

"like hell i'm going soft on anyone especially you" i growled at him and he looked at me blankly for a second then shook his head and his stupid smirk was back.

"you will go soft on me one day, i'll make sure of it" he told me leaning his head on my shoulder and swinging his legs happily.

"touch me without my permission again and you won't have a head to lean on me with" i threatened him and he kept his head there sighing contently.

i grabbed his hair harshly and threw his head off me. being the over dramatic son of a bitch he is, he decided to let out a fake cry and fell onto the pillar we were sitting on his feet touching my thigh.

i moved over a little away from him. he let out a dramatic sigh and turned his head toward the city before us putting a hand on his forehead as if he were in distress.

"i wish life wasn't so unfair" he sighed.

"hm what a shame" i said sarcastically pulling my axe from behind my back and touch the tip with my index finger to check how sharp it was.

"woah is that your axe, i've seen it on your back but never seen it up close" he said sitting up crossing his legs admiring the axe.

he went to touch it and i pulled it away from him.

"who do you think you are?" i said to him disgust on my face at the mere sight of him.

"i was just checking it out" cat noir said sadly, pouting he put on his saddest face to try convince me to let him touch my axe.

"you do realize seeing you sad makes me happy, because i hate you" i said blandly and he rolled his eyes.

"hey let's go get some ice-cream" cat noir suggested standing up and i rolled my eyes.

"with you hell no but i could go for some ice-cream so i'm going" i said standing up and jumping down grabbing a small metal bar.

cat noir landed beside me and grabbed my waist pulling me toward him.

"what did i tell you about touching me without permission" i growled at him and he smiled guiltily.

"cmon you can't fly around like me and ladybug you can only jump, hold onto me" he said and i groaned wrapping an arm around his torso.

i felt my cheeks burning for some reason so i buried my face in his neck. i felt him tense up a little bit then relax and leap into the sky.

i looked up from cat noir's neck and seen him smiling at me.

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