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this episode will feature the giant baby but not in the episode it's meant to be in so it will not follow the episode storyline

werewolf/ivy's pov
as soon as i registered that it was cat noir i was crying on i pushed him away harshly and rolled my eyes while wiping them.

"hey, what's wrong?" he asked me and i let out a laugh.

"that's none of your business kitty, this never happened you hear me" i got in his face threatened him. he stiffly nodded and then i smiled satisfactorily.

"wanna go sit somewhere" he offered and i let out a sigh.

"fine" i said and he smiled brightly. he used his staff to get us to a rooftop and i let go of him jumping around to find a good rooftop.

why was i helping him again?

i felt someone grab my hand and then drag me somewhere, i let fate take me and cat noir took me to a nice open rooftop.

"i know you're probably not going to tell me what's wrong but i'm going to try cheer you up regardless" cat noir told me helping me sit down on the roof.

i pulled my hand away from his and i rolled my eyes at his stupid attempt of trying to hold my hand.

he sighed quietly and stayed standing.

"so what is going to be your stupid attempt at cheering me up?" i questioned and he held a finger to my lips lightly placing his index on my lip.

i looked down at his finger letting it linger for a mere second and then grabbed it harshly.

"again with the touching without permission" i said twisting his finger threatening to break it.

"okay okay sorry" he said laughing quickly fear in his voice.

as soon as he was about to speak again there was a loud bang from behind me.

i spun round quickly standing up and seen a villain a few houses from us.

i quickly started jumped toward the villain and pulled my axe out.

it was a massive baby?

"i hate kids" i growled as cat noir jumped beside me.

"i'm great with kids this'll be easy" he said as we jumped roofs toward it. as we got closer cat noir started to ring the bell on his collar. the massive baby started to giggle.

it started to chase cat noir and eventually after us attacking it, it grabbed cat noir.

a shape much like an akuma formed on the babies face and then it looked down at cat noir.

"i swear to god if this baby-"

the baby dropped him into the river.

i groan and roll my eyes and stand on the rail of the bridge.

"i can't believe i'm doing this" i said annoyed and dived into the river.

i look around trying to spot him and i catch him flailing his limbs about it trying to swim up.

i swim over to him and grab him by the waist and he smirks at me from under the water and i just roll my eyes.

when we made it back to the surface i threw him onto the concrete and rung my hair out.

"don't do that again" i said to him.

"thank you m'lady"

i rolled my eyes and ran back to fight the baby. cat noir coughed up a little water and followed me.

eventually me and cat noir defeated the villain and i had a device that let me capture akuma's only when ladybug wasn't around.

when i let the normal butterfly out my device i heard my hair clip beeping.

"gotta go" i said to cat noir who just nodded and i ran off jumping from roof to roof.

i transformed back to myself in a random alley. minx was smirking at me as soon as she came out.

"you saved cat noir" she teased as i walked out the alley. i rolled my eyes and smiled a little.

"i wasn't just going to let him drown, he is a cat and don't cats like hate water or something" i said to minx and she still had the stupid smirk.

while i was walking home i stopped by a random bakery to treat minx for working harder today.

i walked in and seen a man and women with blue hair. all their treats looked really good.

"hi there! what would you like" the women asked me and i opened my mouth to speak and..


"i'm so sorry will you gives us a minute to deal with our daughter" the women said and i laughed while nodding.

i stood there smiling looking at all the cakes that had marshmallow in them.

a few seconds later the couple came back down with marinette?

"hey marinette" i said to her smiling.

"hi ivy!" marinette said cheerfully. her parents smiled happily and i ordered a marshmallow cake.

when they handed me my cake in a box i thanked them and said goodbye to marinette.

i got home and tried to sneak back into my room without dad or chloé noticing i was gone.

i lay on my stomach on my bed and placed the box before me. i opened it and minx flew toward it happily.

"have fun" i laughed at her excitement and she smiled. i looked out at my balcony and hopped off my bed going out leaving minx there.

i sighed to myself and let out a shaky breath. if i didn't save cat noir what would of happened?

i rolled my eyes as my mind went back to him and i lay my chin on my arms that were crossed on the balcony railing.

i looked up at the moon and sighed.

i hate that cat.

lots of stuff had happened today and i didn't enjoy most of it. i enjoyed finally doing something for paris and that's it.

i just think i need someone to talk to about it all but no one must know of my secret identity. minx probably wouldn't understand the feelings of a high school student so she was out the picture.

i can't talk to anyone. i have no one.

my best friend is a kwami for gods sake.

i looked down at the ground which was far from my balcony. maybe i should start living on the edge.

i swung my legs over the balcony and i was standing on the very edge. i propped myself up so i was sitting on the balcony now, legs dangling.

this reminded me of the time me and cat noir were sitting at the top of the eiffel tower. i found myself chuckling.

cat noir's pov
i probably looked like a creep too anyone who could see me but i didn't care.

as i watched ivy sit on their balcony chuckle to herself i couldn't help the feeling in my stomach bubble.

this wasn't right, cat noir liked werewolf but adrien liked ivy. this is so wrong.

i silently sighed and quickly slipped away to go home.

ivy's pov
i groaned and fell back onto my balcony back first and stood up. i dragged myself to bed and lay on my stomach again.

"this cake is so good ivy!" minx exclaimed while taking another bite, she had already eating three quarters of it.

"you can thank marinette's parents for that" i smiled and she continued eating.

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