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ivy's pov
i yawned as i walked into class and stretched my arms above my head.

as soon as i sat down my mind drifted back to the moment me and cat noir had last night.

i shook my head to try get it out. cmon ivy you don't need to stupid guy, you're a strong women who doesn't need anyone but herself.

i smirked to myself as i thought about how strong i was by myself.

"ugh yeah i heard about that werewolf hero, she is totally useless" i heard no other than chloé complaining, what a shock.

"hey i think werewolf is pretty cool" adrien said his eyebrows furrowed at chloé's statement. her eyes lit up at adrien's words.

"me too she is like totes cool" chloé said flipping her hair and adrien looked at her confused and then face palmed.

"chloé you're just jealous you're not as pretty and as cool as werewolf i bet they wouldn't suck up to a boy like someone i know" i snapped at chloé and she looked at me shocked.

"ugh shut up ivy who even asked you" chloé said painting her nails pink while doing so.

"no one but i'm just sticking up for someone who's done more for society than you" i shrugged and seen a lot of students smiling at me.

"ugh whatever you're a freak anyways, don't you have a date with your girlfriend or something" chloé retorted back at me and rage filled me.

i hadn't came out to anyone yet about my sexuality only my pronouns the only reason chloé knows is because she caught me going on a secret date with a girl.

"girlfriend?" adrien asked confused and i started biting my nails to calm me down, bad habit.

"oh yeah you guys don't know, little miss perfect ivy here likes boys and girls" chloé shouted.

"and? are we supposed to be mad" marinette asked and i felt a smile reach my face.

"i know just because of that doesn't mean we like her any more or any less their still the same" adrien said to chloé and chloé stomped her foot and stormed out.

when she looked back and seen sabrina wasn't following her and just looked disappointed she stomped her foot again. the brat.

i sighed and went to follow her until i stopped in front of adriens desk.

"marinette, adrien thank you" i said gratefully and they both responded with a thumbs up.

maybe adrien wasn't the stuck up rich boy i thought he was.

i followed chloé into the girls bathroom and seen her crying.

"chloé i should be the one crying but as a good sister i'm here to comfort you for god knows what" i smiled at her despite wanting to rip the face off her.

"ivy i'm so sorry i never meant it i was mad and it slipped out" she cried hugging me and buried her face in my shoulder still crying her eyes out.

part of me knew it was fake but the other had never been hugged by my sister before and i felt weird.

i hugged her back and her crying stopped after a while.

"i'm still mad but you're lucky we have supportive friends" i said to her smiling and walked out giving her some alone time.

minx popped up on my shoulder and gave me a disappointed look.

"ivyyyy she just outed you and you let her cry on your shoulder" minx whined and i shrugged making her bounce a little.

"i knew it was fake crying i'm still really mad but i'll have to hide it, if i'm being honest the anger will settle in by the time it's time to patrol so good luck cat noir" i said to minx and then myself and she laughed.

minx stayed on my shoulder until she hid under my shirt which had another long sleeved shirt underneath.

when i sat back down at my desk she quickly snuck back into my bag.

i internally sighed and looked toward the teacher who had finally arrived. today was going to be a long one.

time skip , night
boy was i right, the anger had sank in just right and i was throwing stuff and breaking stuff with my axe left right
and center.

"woah chill out, what are you a dog?" cat noir jumped down and stood behind me.

"if you don't wanna get your precious little feelings hurt i'd suggest you leave i'm not in a good mood" i told him before i had a meltdown at him.

"nah you can't hurt my feelings cause i'm in love" he said smirking and i looked at him confused.

after a second ladybug suddenly jumped down from a building and cat noir's arm raced to go over her shoulder.

"alright if you both don't leave soon don't blame me for having a meltdown on you" i told them and they looked at each other.

"hey cat, how about we go somewhere more private for our? date? yeah! our date" ladybug said to him and he nodded violently.

"i would be delighted" cat noir said smirking at her.

"thank you so much ladybug for getting him off my tail, i finally don't have to deal with him anymore i'm truly thankful, you know what i'm feeling better already" i said smiling but a tiny part of my brain disagreed with everything i was saying and was begging me to stop. it wasn't enough for me to not enjoy the peace of no cat noir though.

cat noir looked hurt at my words and huffed angrily and grabbed ladybug by the waist and extended his staff so that they could get to the top of the building.

a sigh of relief left my lips as i put my axe back in its holder on my back and decided to take a stroll while patrolling.

i made it to the bottom of the eiffel tower and looked up at the top. that's where me and cat noir first seen my axe close up.

we had known each other for a while and it's strange to think that, that was his first time properly seeing my axe.

am i really that useless that he hasn't seen my weapon. it's not like a do anything most of the time. i usually just walk around paris.

i start to overthink everything that's happened after i was gifted with minx.

i do absolutely nothing.

a tear rolled down my mask and then i felt the hotness on my cheek. i touched it and wiped it away but more kept flowing.

chloé was right all this time she would tell me i'm useless and don't do anything for paris.

was there anyone who actually thought of me as a superhero. my mind flashed back to the blog about werewolf and the girls voice.

i smiled at the thought of her and i felt heat rising to my cheeks. it wasn't blush though it was still tears.

huh why wasn't i blushing? i blushed around cat noir but he means nothing to me. why can't i blush about someone who i actually have interest in.

"werewolf" a hand on my shoulder. i didn't think i just spun round and hugged the figure.

"it's okay i'm here" that annoying cat.

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