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ivy's pov
i felt like i could do anything as i walked into school this morning. i didn't feel like the time i rejected cat noir i felt better.

i had butterflies in my stomach at the utter though of cat.

i wish i could tell him about my true identity though, he could be anyone and i don't even know.

i walked into class smiling to myself and didn't even notice anyone else.

i was in my own little world with cat noir in my mind and i wasn't coming out anytime soon.

"oh my god hello!"

hold that thought.

"yes chloé?" i asked unimpressed at the girl who was following me to my seat.

"you weren't it your room last night daddy was worried, i don't know why though no one would miss someone like you anyways he asked me to check up on you because he was busy" chloé said to me and i smiled at dad's concern for me.

i was hardly a part of the family due to chloé's need for attention so dad was always caught up with her and when mother visited from america she didn't even know i was there most of the time and when she did she called me 'violet.'

i had a great relationship with my father it's just chloé took up most of the time but when it was just me and him we used to go out for ice cream or he'd take me on trips around paris. i was around 10 last time that happened.

i don't blame dad though my schedule would be full if i was mayor and father of a brat. i still loved him no matter what and he was super supportive of me when i told him about my pronouns.

"i was out with a friend chloé tell dad i'm fine" i smiled at chloé and she scoffed.

"why are you in such a good mood you've usually called me a brat by now" chloé asked me confused and i just shrugged knowing full well why i was happy today.

"i don't know i just woke up with a good mood cherish it while you can" i told chloé and she looked a bit frightened l, i just ignored her and faced the front where the teacher had just walked in.

the day went by pretty fast but that was probably just because of the scenarios i was creating in my head.

school was over before i realized and i somehow found myself walking home with chloé.

"hey chloé? earphone" i said handing her one of my earphones so we could share.

she scoffed and put it in her ear and 'sparks' by coldplay started playing.

"why is it so sad" chloé said i could tell she liked it already.

"because it's a sad song obviously" i laughed and i seen her smile slightly.

i missed having sister moments with her, not us arguing or ignoring each other proper comfortable silences between us as we listened to music.

i whistled along to the song a little and chloé looked mesmerized by the song.

"do you like it?" i asked giggling and she crossed her arms and shook her head.

"it's okay chloé we can have similar interests you know" i smiled and she blushed in frustration then gave in to the tune.

when we got home dad was waiting at the entrance for us.

"my girls, glad to see you're both getting along it's beautiful to see" he said and i smiled softly at my old man.

chloé took the earphone out her ear and scoffed placing it in my hand.

"as if i would get along with her" chloé scoffed and i just shook my head smiling.

"well girls i have a special day planned for us, i have a day off so i thought why not spend it with my favorite girls" dad said and i bounced in excitement while chloé stayed in the same position, arms crossed.

"i thought we could take a walk around paris and spend time together" dad said i nodded eagerly, he didn't even notice my excitement but was looking at chloé for her approval.

chloé scoffed and agreed which made me smiled widely.

"okay let's go" dad said and put an arm around chloé and started walking. i slithered my way under his other arm and he smiled at me which i returned.

we walked around paris together and talked about how school was going... for chloé.

i felt really unwanted after a while and decided to stay quiet. i had unhooked myself from my dads arm over my shoulder and he didn't even seem to notice he was just looking for chloé's approval.

i decided to sneak off on my own and wander around paris myself.

"ivy?" i turned around and seen my group of friends consisting of adrien, marinette, alya and nino.

"hey guys" i said, my bright smile had turned into a weak one.

"what's wrong you seemed so happy in school today" marinette asked me concerned and i sighed and looked at her.

"it's my dad, he planned this whole day out for me and chloé from his one day off work but the whole time he was just looking for chloé's approval and i just didn't feel right there, it's there day i felt like i was intruding" i explained to marinette the group all listening to me.

"ivy that's horrible the way they treat you, you're his daughter as well he should be seeking your approval if anything" marinette consoled me and i smiled at the bluenette.

"thanks marinette" i said smiling at her and she stuck her thumbs up.

"girl you should totally hang with us we're so much cooler" alya said and i agreed

time skip , night
tonight was the night where me and cat were going to spend our first official night as a couple together.

too say i was excited was an understatement but i wasn't going to show him that it would just boost his ego.

i looked around for him on top of a rooftop and felt someone hug me from behind.

i got spun around and seen cat noir in the flesh.

"are you ready for a totally awesome night" he said putting me down and jumping excitedly.

"calm down kitty" i said scratching underneath his chin and he blushed and leaned into my touch.

i giggled and started to run from his for fun.

"hey!" he shouted chasing after me.

i jump from roof to roof my speed increasing as i started to lose him.

while he was running i jumped down when i was out his sight and jumped up behind him.

i tapped his shoulder and he shrieked and turned around quickly.

"hi!" i said innocently smiling at him.

the night was full of fun, we chased each other, had a deep conversation, payed for a cake to share from marinette's parents bakery and now we were sitting at the top of the eiffel tower sharing the cake.

"werewolf this night has been so fun, we should do this every night" cat suggested and i laughed a little.

"spending every night with you would be torture" i joked and he dramatically pretended someone had shot him in the heart.

"we already spent every night together" cat said once he was done with his acting career which didn't last very long.

"i know but you were unbearable back then now your just slightly bearable" i said and he gave me a tooth grin.

god i hope it stays like this forever

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