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ivy's pov
i was sitting in the art room drawing at the table while alix spray painted the wall and rose wrote lyrics.

it was just us three and i was listening to music.

i was drawing me sitting alone on a rooftop looking at the eiffel tower.

you could see the light pencil marks from where i had to rub out cat noir.

i had drew this a while back and i was fixing it.

"i hate him" i said through gritted teeth quietly and held my pencil will a death grip.

i had somehow managed to snap the pencil in my hand.

i sighed and put the pencil down and lifted the small wood chips laying in my hand.

"um ivy?" a males voice asked me.

"hm" i said turning around in my chair leaning on the back of it while swinging my leg over it sitting on the chair my legs on each side of the chair.

he blushed a little and scratched the back of his neck.

i smirked at his flustered self.

adriens a nice boy. i sound 80.

i took one of my earphones out and held it in my hand.

"i was wondering if you wanted to hang out with everyone today, at the park" adrien asked me and i hummed while thinking of an answer.

"sure what's the harm in it" i said faking a sweet smile which adrien fell for.

he smiled and walked out not before waving a goodbye. i waved back with less enthusiasm and packed up my stuff.

"i'm heading out" i called to nobody and walked out.

i walked home when a familiar voice spoke to me.

"ivy, i want you to meet me at our spot tonight as werewolf."

"whatever whore" i said and he looked at shocked noise and i chuckled.

"are we not at that stage in our friendship yet?" i joked and hawkmoth sighed.

"please refrain from calling me stuff like that" i could hear the small smile in his voice.

"whatever you say bitchboy"

"who are you talking too?" marinette behind me.

"myself, helps me cope" i let out a fake heavy sigh.

"oh i'm sorry" marinette said catching up to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

i only just noticed the emo looking boy beside marinette and seemed to notice we had similar styles.

"hi i'm ivy, it's nice to meet you" i said to him extending a hand.

"luka, juleka's older brother, juleka actually mentioned you before saying we'd get along if we met i'm glad we are meeting now" luka said to me and i blushed smiling.

now that's a boy who'll treat you right.

i didn't even realize we were at the park until marinette's awkward coughing snapped us back to reality.

we rushed to where there was a large red and white blanket with most our friends sitting on it and a new face.

the girl stood up and walked toward me.

"i am kagami, i'm adrien's friend from fencing"

"hi i'm ivy the hottest bitch you'll ever meet" i smirked and she looked at me confused. this girl must not have any understanding humor.

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