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ivy's pov
the next morning me and marinette got ready for school, her giving me an extra pair of clothes.

her parents knew i always ordered a marshmallow brownie often for minx and gave me on for free, sweet.

i put the marshmallow cake in my bag and headed for school.

when i got in class i seen the marshmallow brownie hadn't been touched, oh.

everything came rushing back to me and once and tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

i decided it wasn't worth it, who needs a miraculous anyway i was just putting myself in danger.

i felt a stare on me and looked to the front of the class and seen adrien looking at me worriedly.

he looked away as soon as i caught him eye and i sighed.

imagine he was cat noir.

wait he has more or less the same hair as him and body type.

he couldn't be?

hawkmoth didn't have me akumatized anymore so i could ask adrien about it without hawkmoth knowing.

i made a plan to confront adrien at lunch.

time skip , lunch
"adrien" i tapped his shoulder and he spun around.

i motioned for him to follow me and took him to his locker.

"are you cat noir?" i asked and he choked on the air around us.

he looked at me and i took a bite of my untouched marshmallow brownie.

"no.. that's absurd" adrien laughed awkwardly making hand motions like he was shooing me away.

"well you have the same hair and body type and green eyes, you also sound similar you're just less cocky" i explained and adrien blushed.

"ivy you can't tell anyone about this okay!" adrien said seriously and i shrugged.

"i hate you so i don't know i'll think about it, you took my best friend away from me, toyed with my feelings, hell you even had the nerve to tell me you loved me and i believed you" i scoffed eyeing my brownie and taking a bite.


"don't wanna hear it, bye bye kitty" i said shoving past him and my shoulder made harsh contact with his shoving him against his locker.

this brownie is so good.

time skip , night
i stood on my balcony arms resting on the railing looking out at paris.

i hate it here.

i hate everyone around me, i have 2 friends who are more closer so i'm always left out and my family don't care about me.

i had an apple in my hand and i took a bite out of it.

i looked around and seen a black figure with blonde hair jumping around rooftops.

i growled and shook my head.

you don't need him or his stupid approval you are your own self.

"ivy!" cat noir shouted and suddenly he was on the rooftop behind me.

i turned around lousy and with a bored expression on my face and looked toward him.

"master made a mistake he wants you to take the wolf miraculous again!" cat noir said happily handing it to me.

i stared at the hair clip and my eyes lit up, minx!

a small grey bubble started to circle around me and as soon as minx came out of it she hugged my cheek.

i fell on my knees and hugged her small body.

"i'm so sorry minx, i wasn't thinking about you and only myself" i whispered and minx nodded and smiled at me.

"don't worry ivy! you're my best friend i forgive you" she said excitement in her tone and let go of me and circled around my head happily.

i stood up and realized he was still here.

"i need you to come with me, as werewolf" cat noir said to me and i looked at minx and she nodded excitedly.

"minx! bite on!" i said happily and transformed.

"alright adrien lead the way" i rolled my eyes and he froze up.

"please don't call me that while i'm cat noir" he said and i whistled unamused and shook my head.

we headed to where adrien told me to follow him too and i groaned when i realized we were going to the top of the eiffel tower.

he had mad us sit in the exact same spot we had last time.

"wer- ivy, i'm so sorry i know i said i sometimes thought you were ladybug and i admit it's the truth but the more you've drifted the more i realized i was wrong. even though we aren't the best match i truly believe we could make it work if we both tried it wouldn't take a lot i bet you. i'm sorry i took your miraculous and minx away from you and exposed your secret identity i had to do it so you would
join my side and not hawkmoth. so if you're up for it i'd like for us to work things out."

this man really just poured his heart out to me lmao.

"cat i-"

"please don't say anything until you've fully processed what i said, i know your brain takes a minute to work" cat noir joked and i dramatically gasped the same as he did the last time.

"how dare you! that is so awful" i dramatically joked and he laughed as soon i did as well.

it was moments like this where i realized, we are truly messed up together.

i placed a hand over his and looked at him.

"i'm willing to give us a try and make it better" i smiled at him and he punched the air excitedly and i chuckled.

"you're going to fall if you fidget so much" i laughed and he joined in.

"i hope you know i'm going to ignore you in school" i joked and he rolled his eyes sarcastically while smirking.

"i can't believe you actually figured it out i thought it was hard" he laughed and i shrugged smiling.

"i know everything, my friend"

"i don't wanna be friends"

"lose my breath"
"sorry that just sounded like a girl in red song"

we both laughed and he put his hand over mine like i did earlier and this time he looked at me.

i looked back and we locked eyes.

we both started leaning in and eventually our lips met.

it wasn't like any of the other meaningless kisses this one had a story behind it. our story. our messed up love story.


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