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werewolf/ivy's pov
i was sitting at the top of my dads hotels scouting paris for any suspicious activity with my legs in a basket position.

my elbows were digging into my knees and my chin rested on my hands.

i wanted to go see cat noir but the tiny bit of pride i had left was winning the fight of staying away from him.

i sighed and transformed back into my normal form so i could talk to minx and feel a lot less lonely, and anyway if crime broke up i could switch back right away.

"go find him ivy you know you want too" minx whined sitting on my head and shook my head.

"i can't i think i'll just keep hating him it's probably better anyway" i said and minx sighed.

"and anyway that stupid cat is so hooked on ladybug he wouldn't even notice anyone else" i huffed and crossed my arms.

movement caught the corner of my eye and i sharply turned toward it. there was nothing there.

"minx, bite on" i said and transformed quickly. i made my way to where i saw the movement and scouted the area.

a hand covered my mouth from behind me and i kicked them in the stomach. i turned around and seen, ladybug?

"woah ladybug i am so sorry" i quickly apologized helping her stabilize and she giggled a little.

"it's okay werewolf no worries!" she said cheerfully as if she were hiding something.

"why did you do that anyway?" i questioned with a narrow look and she scratched her nape anxiously.

"uh i just wanted to- uh- LOOK A VILLAIN" she shouted pouting behind me and i turned around quickly in fighting stance to see nothing there.

i turned back and ladybug was gone.

i felt a tap on my shoulder and got into fighting stance against ready to defend myself while turning round. cat noir.

"hi" he said awkwardly.

"hi" guilt

"how are you you know after..." i tried to make conversation to ask why he was here.

"i've been good, good yeah i just wanted to see you i'm not going to lie" he said looking at his feet not making eye contact.

what he said at the park came back to me and i rolled my eyes.

"sorry" i mumbled and he looked up at me slightly.

"what was that?" he asked actually confused on what i had said.

"i said i was sorry" i spoke louder and his eyes lit up and a bright smile came on his face.

he picked me up with a hug and started spinning me.

"cat noir i swear to god put me down or you won't have arms to hug me with soon" i growled and he dropped me.

"i missed that werewolf" he said smiling at me and i had the slightest smile on my lips.

we both stared at each other's features for a while and i noticed some things i hadn't before.

his hair was softly conditioned.

after a second i felt my face leaning toward his and i couldn't stop myself.

he gulped slightly and started to do the same as me. we both hesitated as our lips were so close we could feel each other's breath.

his breath was hot and i wanted nothing more in that moment than to kiss him.

i tilted my head to the side slightly and went for it.

our lips connected and i pulled his body toward mine startling him a little causing him to pull away slightly.

he gulped and couldn't find any words.

"what? cat got your tongue" i leaned and whispered in his ear and i heard him purr slightly.

i smirked and pulled him toward me again connecting our lips.

he seemed to be more in the moment there and started to understand the situation he was in.

as soon as he started kissing me back we both melted into each other's touch. his hands found its way around my neck and he played with my hair strands, while mine found their way around his torso pulling him closer.

we both pulled away but stayed in that position. he blushed and hid his face in my shoulder wrapping his arms around my neck hugging me.

"aww" i unconsciously said out loud and i felt his stupid smirk on my neck. i rolled my eyes and hugged him back and we stayed like that for a minute.

"i'm getting ice cream you can follow me if you want but we're not going together got it!" i snapped at him and he nodded cutely following me like a lost puppy.

we found andré's ice cream stand and andré smiled at the two of us, one of us had the biggest grin on his face while the other faced the opposite way with the smallest smile on their face.

we got our ice cream and sat down on top of a random roof.

"werewolf... did you mean what you did back there, do you actually like me?" cat noir asked and i grumbled and nodded slightly enough for him to see.

he smiled brightly for like the 7th time tonight and leaned his head on my shoulder licking his ice cream.

i blushed and placed my head on his.

when we finished our ice cream he stood up and bowed at me.

"m'lady werewolf will you do me the honor of being my superhero girlfriend" he said and i stood up and flicked the bell on his collar.

"ding ding ding we have a winner" i said to him which made him grab my face and kiss me again.

it was short and sweet and as he pulled away he looked at his miraculous.

"i should probably get going but i'll see you tomorrow" he said kissing me while i was caught off guard again and ran away.

"oh my god" i said and took a second to register what just happened, so i kissed cat noir then we got ice cream he asked me out and then he kissed me again twice.

i blushed and ran back home.

i have a feeling things are going to be different now.

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