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ivy's pov
i walked into school with the biggest smirk ever. i was so smug about last night and how i finally got cat noir off my tail.

"ivy maybe you should apologize to cat noir" minx said to me when we were alone in the bathroom.

i was touching up on my eyeliner i had done and i smirked and laughed at her remark.

"and let him keep touching me and bothering me, yeah no minx i've finally shaken him off" i smiled adjusting my hair by messing it up then combing through it.

i looked hot today. my outfit just made everything so much better

i smirked to myself in the mirror and walked out with a confident strut

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i smirked to myself in the mirror and walked out with a confident strut.

a lot of students starting whispering as i passed by and i started to feel a little self conscious.

i walked into class and all eyes were on me. i blushed embarrassed and rushed to my seat.

i'm starting to regret dressing up so much.

i looked down at adrien and seen he looked sad? did something happen?

"what are you wearing! are you trying to look better than me!" chloé said angrily at me and all attention was on me again.

i buried my head in my arms that were laying on the desk. i stared at the barely visible table from underneath me and started to travel my mind for something that would put me at ease.

my mind trailed back to that night with cat noir on the top of eiffel tower and the moment we shared.

then the time i saved him popped up and how he smirked at me.

no matter how much i tried to think of something else he kept coming back.

that son of a bitch was right. i love him.

time skip , after school
i decided i was going to write cat noir a letter to tell him, but i wasn't going to sign it.

i just had to get these emotions out somehow.

my hand started to shake as i placed the pen on the paper.

'dear cat noir,
hi i don't know how to tell you this but i'

i stopped writing and rethought about everything we had done together.

"what are you waiting for, continue writing" minx said impatiently eager to see what i was going to write. i smiled at her and continued.

'love you. this may not be signed but we have had a few interactions before and they weren't the greatest. i thought it'd be better to tell you this through letter and not in real to avoid hurting you. our time together may not be great in your eyes but in my messed up ones they were fun

- none of your business'

i sighed as i finished and minx giggled cheerfully and i rolled my eyes.

"minx, bite on" i said and minx flew into my hair clip as i transformed into werewolf.

i ran out to my balcony and jumped on my roof.

i ran across a few rooftops looking for cat noir when i seen him sitting on a rooftop... with ladybug.

he was laughing and so was she, he turned around for a moment and i could see the pain in his face when we met eyes even from far away.

he turned back to ladybug and continued joking and laughing with her.

i growled angrily and jumped down from the roof to the streets.

i kicked a bin next to me and groaned in agony when i realized the bin was metal.

i looked down at the letter and scowled at it. what was i thinking writing something like this? it's cliche and boring.

i threw the letter in the same bin i kicked and walked away. i know i was meant to do patrolling but i just wasn't there mentally.

i transformed back to ivy in a small alleyway and decided to go to a nearby park to just sit down and relax.

cat noir/adrien's pov
as soon as werewolf was out my line of sight i looked toward ladybug and stuck a thumbs up.

our plan to make her jealous had been successful, i knew she'd come around.

we both sprung into action to closely follow her. when we were hidden at the top of the roof we couldn't see werewolf anywhere.

we jumped down from the building and looked around.

we decided to walk around to search and walked past a small metal bin with a small dent in it. did werewolf kick it?

i shrugged off the thought and walked away from the bin to follow ladybug.

ivy's pov
this park was peaceful and calm during the night. i lay on a bench while minx rest on my chest inside my shirt which had another underneath it.

it was so calm that i almost forgot about cat noir until...

"hello young lady, have you seen the superhero werewolf here by any chance"

you've got to be kidding me. i quickly pushed minx gentle head down a little so he didn't notice her.

"no" i blatantly said to him and faced the sky again.

"you look like you could use a little company, i could take a break from searching for a while" he said lifting my legs and sitting down then placing them on his lap.

i blushed and shrugged.

"i don't care" i said and he nodded he threw his head back to look at the stars and moon like i was.

"it's a beautiful night isn't it" cat noir said and i nodded in agreement.

"i know there is a real reason you're just laying here that's not to just look at the stars, mind telling a guy" cat noir said and i memory of last night where i shouted at him arose and i grumbled.

"i messed up pretty bad with a guy i lik- i don't even know anymore" i sighed and he nodded understandably.

"i got my head broken last night by the girl i love, i was certain she loved me back and was just hiding it but it turns out she genuinely hates me" cat noir explained and a huge feeling of guilt swallowed me whole.

i sat up and sat beside him.

"i'm sorry you went through that" i sighed and he looked at me.

"it's fine i still love her though no matter what, i will make her mine one day even if it takes years. i'm certain that she's my soulmate and she just hasn't realized" cat noir said smiling softly and looking back up at the moon.

i sat there speechless not knowing what to say or do. slowly i began to lean my head on his shoulder and he looked down at me.

he smiled and leaned his head on mine.

i relaxed a little and melted into the touch of him. this is a first.

comfortable silence was all that was too be heard around us.

"well i hope werewolf realizes what a great guy you are and gives you a chance" i said breaking the silence.

"thank you ivy" he said standing up.

"gotta blast" he said saluting me and smiling and then ran off.

wait? did i tell him my name?

he must already know it from somewhere.

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