A Surprise...

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FUN FACT FUN FACT FUN FACTTT: @thetypicalkind Is now helping me write this story, so updates should get more frequent SOO you should go follow them because they are talented and that would be nice :)


In the morning you awoke, still lying in the makeshift bed Mystery had made on top of the roof. You were wrapped up in Mystery's arms and he was wrapped in yours. You were both snuggled together and wrapped in a few blankets in an attempt to keep warm. It actually worked quite well. You decided to lay there for a bit longer until Mystery woke up. You huddled even closer up against him. After a few minutes you nearly drifted off again while listening to his soothing purrs, that is until you felt a raindrop hit your face. You finally opened your eyes and looked up towards the darkened sky. You gently shook Mystery trying to wake him up. All he did was pull you closer.

"Mystery, it's about to rain. We should probably go inside." You said, trying to squirm out of his grasp. You were able to free your arms and shook him again, this time a bit harder.

"Hello?! Mystery come on we need to go inside!" But it was too late, the rain had already started falling. Mystery finally woke up, not from your screaming but by the rain.

"EEE!" He yelped, jumping up and dashing for the door to the stairwell. He definitely wasn't lying about disliking the rain. It took no time at all for it to turn into a downpour. You tried to pick up some of the pillows and blankets off of the roof before rushing inside, not far behind Mystery. Luckily you were able to make it through the door before it closed. You rushed down the stairs behind Mystery. You reached the bottom of the stairs and tried to get Mystery to calm down.

"Mystery! Calm down, you're alright." You said, grabbing his shoulders. He finally stopped.

"Here, why don't you go get a blanket or something to dry off with?" You offered. You hadn't expected him to overreact like that. He just nodded and quickly walked off to his room. You followed since you didn't have anything better to do. Mystery grabbed the blanket off of his bed. He wrapped up in his blanket and sat down on his bed, shivering. You were trying not to laugh at how he looked. Mystery glanced over to Mago's corner before realizing he wasn't there.

"Oh no!" He exclaimed as he realized, "I left Mago on the roof! Oh, he's going to be so super mad at me! How could Mystery have been so stupid!?" You sat next to him on the bed and set a hand on his blanketed shoulder.

"It's alright, we'll go get him after it stops raining a little."

"AFTER it stops raining?! But he'll be soaked by then- and he hates getting wet even more than Mystery does!" He shouted, barely letting you finish.

"Look, as soon as the rain lets up I'll go out there, how about that? In the meantime, we can play a game or draw." You said. Mystery looked down as if he was thinking about it before looking back at you.

"...Okay..." He agreed, though reluctantly.

Thankfully, after a little while, it didn't take long for Mystery to cheer up. You and he played a few games, and he even "read" you a story that turned out to be a blank piece of paper. After just a few hours, the hammering sound of rain had subsided. Mystery and you were drawing pictures when you had noticed.

"Hey Mystery, I think it stopped raining." You said.

"Mhm." He said. He seemed focused on what he had been drawing.

"...well I'll go up and get him for you if you want." You offered.

"Alright!" He replied, not taking his eyes off the paper.

You playfully rolled your eyes and walked towards the stairs.

You opened the door to the roof, taking in a breath of fresh air and the smell of wet concrete. Though it had stopped raining, the clouds hadn't cleared, so you figured it wasn't going to be long until it began to rain again. Mago was easy to find, he was laying in plain sight right where Mystery had left him. You reached out to pick up the doll, which was now thoroughly soaked. At least it was a bit cleaner than it had previously been. You began walking back towards the door when you saw something reflective on the ground near one of the small concrete structures. You went over to investigate, and found a coin lying on the ground. You picked it up and inspected it, wondering where it came from. You turned it around a few times in your hand, noticing the date on it was just a few years ago. You thought it was odd, just because you knew Mystery never really left the hospital, but determined that perhaps someone had thrown it up there. You stuck it in your pocket without a second thought and were about to keep walking but suddenly you noticed a wretched smell coming from the small building in front of you, it was like nothing you ever smelled before. You were going to ignore it but something inclined you to just take a peek inside the building.


You approached the metal door, noting the several locks on it. You thought it was going to be locked, but to your surprise, the door opened easily. You peeked inside. For some reason, it took you a second or two to process the sight in front of you, as if your brain didn't want to acknowledge it. When you realized what it was, you let out a loud gasp as if it had jumped out of nowhere. There in front of you, slouched over in the corner of the small structure sat the dead body of a man. It looked as if he had been there for quite a while. His face permanently held a blank expression and his eyes stared off into nothing. His tattered yellow scarf was tightly tied around his neck like someone had tried to choke him with it. There was a gaping hole in the green sweatshirt he had been wearing along with his stomach. It looked empty, almost as if someone had gutted him. His stiff arms hung to the side, there were cuts and slices all over his body, especially his arms and hands as if he had been trying to block blows from a sharp object. There were dark stains of dried blood nearly everywhere, even on the low ceiling of the building. You turned around, you couldn't look at it anymore. The sight made your stomach churn.

Trembling, you quickly emerged from the building, trying not to vomit from what you had just seen. You closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths, but every time you closed your eyes all you saw was the corpse of that man again. In your mind, you wondered who could have ever done such a thing, but you already knew the answer. You had seen Mystery lash out before, but you had never imagined that he would do something like that. You couldn't stay on the roof forever, but at the same time, you didn't want to go back inside to what you now knew to be a murderer. You shook your head as if to clear your mind. You took one more deep breath before entering the stairwell.


Yes homeless guy does in fact star as the dead body, I needed a character to use so I just went with the one and only >:) also I did reeaaallly want to draw dead homeless man but I didn't want to include it on the top because there's no gore warning before it and it would kind of spoil the chapter but anyways if you guys to see dead homeless guy subscribeey smash that like button and that notification bel uh i mean um uhh nvm

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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