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me from the FutUrE: Yes I went through and changed the kitchen knife into a cleaver, that's why the picture doesn't make sense anymore lol maybe I'll draw a new one someday

A tall lanky figure emerged from the doorway, that of which being none other than Mystery of course. At first, you thought he was going to let you out. You felt another rush of relief, but it was rather short-lived as you began to realize you weren't leaving any time soon. He began slowly making his way across the room towards you. As he got closer you could see that he held something in his right hand, but you couldn't make out exactly what it was. As he got closer to you, you recognized the object he firmly grasped to be what looked like a rather large cleaver, which you had no clue as to where he got it from. You gasped in terror, the only thing you could do was back up as far as you could against the wall as if it would somehow absorb you and keep you safe. You began trembling again, wondering what he was about to do.
"Oh, don't be dramatic..." He uttered, towering over you, still holding the sharp metallic object in his hand.
"You know, I should cut that lying tongue right out of your mouth," Mystery said in a chillingly calm tone, holding the cleaver a little too close to your face for your liking.
"Or maybe I should cut off those thieving hands?" He continued, motioning towards your hands with the cleaver. It was now hard to believe that just a few hours ago you two had been playing harmless games.
"...Or should Mystery do both? I just don't know what would be best..." He continued, studying the cleaver in his hand. He suddenly swung the cleaver towards you, luckily narrowly missing your chest which you assumed he did on purpose, or at least you hoped so. It hit the wall with a sickening sound.

Your fearful reaction seemingly sent him into an uncontrollable laughing fit, his crazed laughter echoing throughout the entire building. Your fear-filled eyes glanced at the open door on the other side of the room, the light from the hallway seeping through it as if to tease you. But you didn't dare to try to escape, at least not right then anyway. You averted your attention back to Mystery as he finally stopped laughing.
"Ah...that's funny..." He said, still trying to catch his breath.
"But what should I really do? What's a good punishment for a liar and a thief like you?" He inquired, returning to his original stance, once again holding the cleaver threateningly close to your face.
"I-I didn't l-lie... or steal..." You somehow managed to stutter out. Mystery's sinister smile faded for a moment and settled into an eerily emotionless look.

"What did you say?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. You took in a shaky breath, preparing to repeat yourself.
"I-I said I didn't-"
"Shut up you GODDAMN LIAR!" Mystery suddenly shouted, swinging the cleaver towards you again this time just barely missing your head, the force causing it to lodge itself into the wall. You didn't think he had meant to miss that time. The expression on his face now exemplified the look of pure rage. He was so close you could feel his heavy breaths against your face. He tugged the cleaver out of the wall, all while maintaining eye contact. He finally turned his gaze down to the cleaver and studied it for a moment.

"No, no... I have a better idea..." Mystery muttered as he turned away from you and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him without another word. The darkness once again engulfed the room. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and slid down the wall you were still up against. Your mind was racing. Before you could even take a moment to process what had just happened the door opened again and the light flooded in as Mystery stepped back into the room. The cleaver was no longer in his hand, but instead, he held a syringe containing an unknown liquid. He quickly crossed the room towards you and before you could even react grabbed your arm. You scrambled to get away, but he snatched you back towards him.

"Stop! Let me go!" You wildly struggled in his grasp.
"Stop squirming!" He ordered, clearly annoyed by your desperate attempt to escape. You felt the sharp needle pierce your skin causing you to let out a cry of pain. The searing pain was increased as the unknown contents were emptied into your upper arm. You suddenly felt weak but didn't know if it was from the exhausting fear or from whatever sickly liquid was inside that syringe. Mystery yanked out the needle and let go of your arm, letting you fall to the floor. You heard the door slam before slowly sitting back up, grabbing your arm. You hissed in pain and quickly pulled your hand away from the sore area. You couldn't tell if it was bleeding, or what it looked like at all for that matter. All you knew was that it hurt. What was in that syringe? What if it makes you sick? Or worst of all- What if it kills you? You were already getting sick off worry alone. And what about Mystery? What if he comes back? Who knows what else he would do. He was insane. You feared if you were forced to stay here much longer you would suffer the same fate.

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