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Yes I know an earlier chapter was called sick but I was just trying to do something clever okay lol
⚠ Also this chapter has vomit in it just warning you in case any of you guys are sensitive to that ⚠
When you arrived at your room, you were already feeling a bit worn out. So, instead of staying up half the night thinking about what you were going to do about your current situation you just decided to sleep on it. You figured that you would be able to think better in the morning after having a full night's sleep. You fell back on the bed and got under the thin blanket that provided at least a little warmth. You fell asleep within a matter of minutes.

You opened your eyes, taking in your surroundings. You seemed to be in some sort of dark void. Everywhere you looked was black. As your eyes searched the blackness, a figure emerged from the endless sea of nothingness. It was Mystery. You opened your mouth to greet him, but no sound came out. You weren't scared or surprised, you were just simply unable to speak. You didn't exactly know why. Mystery approached you in similar silence. You stood still, allowing him to walk right up to you. When he stopped he was rather close, then you noticed that you were also unable to move. You noticed a sharp object in Mystery's hand, but you were unsure of what it was. Maybe it was a shard of glass, or maybe it was a particularly sharp stone, or a knife. For some reason you couldn't quite comprehend what it was even after staring at it for what felt like hours. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Mystery swiftly plunged the object into your stomach. You were surprised, wondering what you had done to upset him like that. He took the object out and shoved it back in again, then a few more times. You couldn't run away or fight back or even scream, you just stood there as he stabbed you over and over and over again with no emotion in his eyes. You heard your blood begin to steadily drip from the painful, gaping wound as Mystery relentlessly continued. The sound of the blood gradually began to get louder and louder, until the dripping turned into gushing, and the gushing turned into pouring and the sound became unbearable.

You shot up in the bed, waking with a start. You looked around and thankfully you were back in the old hospital room. You looked down and luckily there was no object or gaping hole in your stomach. You sighed a sigh of relief. It was just a dream. Your feeling of relief did not last for long though, because although there was no sharp object, the pain in your stomach remained. You clutched your stomach and quietly groaned in pain as you tried to lay back down. You had no idea what would have caused this type of pain. At first you thought it might have been something you ate in the garden, but you were almost one hundred percent sure that the few things you had eaten were edible. You laid in pain for a few minutes, trying to go back to sleep to maybe ease the pain a bit.

After a bit you quickly sat back up, knowing you were going to get sick. You tried to get up off of the bed, though you didn't know why because you didn't have anywhere else to go. After standing up you immediately began to feel dizzy, causing you to fall to your knees onto the floor. You hunched over, clutching your aching stomach. You began to cough and gag, a thick liquid beginning to rise in your throat. You continued coughing until you were finally able to hack up the terrible substance. You didn't really want to, but you still looked down to see what it looked like. It was pitch black, having a tar-like appearance. You thought it looked familiar for some reason and realized why. It looked to be the same sickly stuff you had seen Mystery cough up.

As you felt more in your throat, you continued to cough, trying to get it all out. It was so thick it was hard to breathe.
"Y/N..?" You heard a voice say from behind you, but you were too busy trying to cough. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you were able to see a certain purple cat out of the corner of your eye. He looked down at you with a sympathetic expression, after all he knew exactly what it felt like to be in your position. You felt bad you couldn't apologize to him at the time due to the thick liquid still stuck in your throat. Mystery sat beside you, one hand on your shoulder and the other on your arm. It wasn't much, but comforting you was all he could do at the moment.

By the time you were finally finished you were disgusted by the sight of the puddle of black vomit in front of you. At least you felt a bit better, though your stomach was still sore. You felt like you had just finished throwing up all your insides. The vomit left a metallic taste in your mouth, making you a bit worried at the thought that it may have been blood. The whole ordeal had left you feeling a bit light-headed. You looked over to Mystery, who was still sitting beside you. He knew you were not okay.
"S-sorry..." You apologized.
"It's not your fault." He looked down at the ground in what seemed like guilt, but you didn't know why. He silently helped you stand up and lay back down in bed.

"Thanks..." You said.
"Mystery doesn't deserve a thanks." Mystery mumbled in reply.
"Why... why not? You helped me..." You were still trying to catch your breath. Mystery heaved a sigh and gently sat down on the bed.
"This... this is all my fault..." He quietly revealed. You were a bit confused.
"Huh? How?" You asked. Mystery didn't reply, instead he regretfully pointed to your arm. You didn't know what he meant at first, but after a few seconds you realized what he meant. The syringe. Whatever was inside of it, it was beginning to make you sick. You had been wondering if it was going to do anything or not.
"Oh..." Was all you said. You looked back to Mystery, who had his hands covering his face, his ears drooping.
"I-its okay-" You tried to say, getting cut off by Mystery.
"No it's not! It's all my fault- I-I- All I ever do is hurt people! I'm tired of hurting people!" For a moment it seemed like he was really about to cry, but he kept it together.
"You couldn't help it..." You told him.
"I want to help it! I NEED TO help it! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore." Mystery looked away.
"I'm even worst than my father..." He trailed off. You didn't know what to say. You had never heard Mystery say anything about his family. He shook his head as if to clear it.
"But enough about Mystery, Mystery should be helping you!" He perked up a bit, but you could tell it was false.
"After all, he is the doctor!" He gave a weak smile you knew was fake.
"Alright then.." You sighed, just going with it. Maybe he just needed to think about things himself right now, or maybe he simply did not want to talk about it.

"So... um..." Mystery seemed confused in what to do.
"H-how are you feeling?" He asked nervously for some reason.
"Well... I am a bit cold." You replied honestly, you were shivering a little.
"Oh! Of course, Mystery will get you something!" He exclaimed before rushing out of the room. You laid in bed waiting for him to return, hearing his hurried footsteps echo through the hall. He soon rushed back in, an old blanket in his arms.
"Wait, isn't that yours?" You said, noticing that it looked familiar.
"Yeah, but you need it more than Mystery!" He responded as he laid the blanket over you. To be honest, it didn't provide much more warmth being how thin and tattered it was, but you didn't want to say anything because you didn't even know if there were any more blankets in the hospital. You tried to conceal your shivering, thanking him. Mystery seemed to notice.
"You still seem cold." He said.
"No, no, I'm fine." You claimed. He had already given you his own blanket, what else could he do?
"Look, you're shaking! You must be freezing!" He pointed out. He seemed to think for a moment.
"Here, Mystery can help..." He said, scooting into the bed next to you.
"Uh, what are you-" Before you could finish your sentence, he wrapped his limbs around you and pulled you against him.
"Is that better?" He asked. He still didn't seem to understand personal boundaries, but at least you weren't cold anymore. After all, he was only trying to help. You were a bit surprised at first, but still said yes, feeling him relax a little. His body didn't give off much heat, but combined with the covers it was just enough to keep you warm. You relaxed as well, shutting your eyes and sinking into the comforting warmth.

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