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(Sorry if you've already read this wattpad glitched out on me and somehow this chapter got unpublished so if you've already read this chapter, there's not really a point in reading it again I didn't change anything lol sorry)
You awoke to what you assumed to be rather early, but you had no way of knowing except the orange light that spilled into the hospital and through the door frame to the room you were staying in. You had just realized you were still tangled up in Mystery's limbs. You could feel his steady breaths against your neck and looked over to see him still asleep. A deep vibration emitted from his chest, which you assumed to be purring. You didn't know he could purr. You had never seen him asleep before, either. He looked so peaceful and relaxed. You didn't want to wake him, so you just laid there for a few moments in thought while listening to his steady breaths and purrs. After getting a  little antsy, you decided to get up. You made sure not to wake Mystery up in the process, slowly slipping out of his arms and out of the bed. He turned over, but was still asleep. You just wanted to get out of bed for a little bit. Luckily your stomach felt a lot better than it had the night before, although it was still a bit sore.

You wandered around the hospital, familiarizing yourself with it's many rooms and halls. The orange light that poured in from outside gradually became more of a whitish gray color as it began to drizzle. Eventually you found yourself in front of the two big doors that lead out to the courtyard. You gently pushed open one of the doors and looked out into the rainy garden. The rain didn't make it dreary, quite the opposite, it made it seem more beautiful. You didn't really want to get wet at the moment, so you sat in the doorway, the old metal door staying put once you opened it. You looked around the yard in thought than up at the grayish whitish sky where the small raindrops were coming from. You were thinking about being sick and how you were going to recover or if you would even recover at all, but despite the concerning topic you felt quite calm. Perhaps it was the tranquil scene of the rainy garden that kept you relaxed, or maybe it was the fresh air and soothing smell of rain. You did feel a little worried, but even you yourself was surprised at how calm you were being.

You really weren't upset or mad at Mystery for anything. You understood that he couldn't help some things. Even though it was technically he who had made you sick, you didn't hold anything against him. He was sick too. You were both sick and stuck here. Suddenly you felt someone grab you from behind and quickly pick you up, startling you and snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Oh thank goodness!" You heard Mystery exclaim as he held you. You let out a sigh of relief as you realized that it was just Mystery.
"Mystery thought you had left him! He's so glad you didn't! Mystery doesn't know what he would do without you!" He continued, spinning around with you still in his arms, completley suspended off the ground.
"Can you slow down a bit?" You asked, starting to get a bit dizzy by his excited spinning.
"Oh! Mystery's sorry!" He apologized, stopping and setting you back down on the ground. You shook your head in an attempt to rebalance yourself.
"No, it's okay..." Once your dizziness went away you turned back towards him.
"Why did you think I left..?" You questioned.
"Mystery thought you were mad at him..." He said in a less joyful tone.
"Why would I be mad at you?" You asked.
"Well everything is my fault." He answered, his smile fading more and more with every word.
"I told you it wasn't you're fault, you didn't mean to-"
"I know Mystery would be very mad with Mystery if he were you right now! Oh, I would just..." He trailed off, the rest was inaudible.
You reached up to place a hand on Mystery's shoulder, regaining his attention.
"I'm not mad at you, I'll... figure something out." You reassured him. He put on another smile.
"Anyways, Mystery was wondering what you wanted to do today? He was thinking about drawing!" It was obvious that he must have really enjoyed drawing due to the colorful walls and perhaps hundreds of drawings on them, and on pieces of paper scattered throughout the hospital.
"That sounds good." You replied, agreeing with his suggestion. You figured it would take your mind of things.
"Yay-hee!" Mystery exclaimed before leading you to one of the hospitals many rooms.

He took no time opening the door and stepping in, presenting you with what had to be the most colorful room in the entire hospital. The walls were covered in so many drawings you couldn't even tell what the original color of it was.
You had to watch where you stepped because of all the crayons and paper scattered on the floor. Mystery found a spot to sit down on the floor, motioning for you to come sit next to him. Once you had, he handed you a few pieces of paper and picked a few random crayons off of the floor and handed them to you as well.
"Here! You can draw whatever you want!" He said, picking a few crayons for himself. At first you didn't really know what to draw. You looked over to try to see what Mystery was trying to draw, but after he noticed you looking he quickly blocked his paper with his opposite hand.
"No! You can't look! It's a surprise!" He turned the other way, making sure you couldn't see his paper. You shrugged and returned your attention back to your own paper. In the end you just decided to draw Mystery as you didn't have many options.

You had been drawing for a few moments when you heard an odd gnawing sound coming from beside you. You turned to Mystery to see what the sound was, only to see him literally eating the crayon he had been using.
"What?" He asked after he caught you staring.
"Mystery doesn't need this color anymore!" You winced, but didn't say anything as he proceeded to eat the entire crayon. Hopefully the crayons were non toxic. Mystery picked up another color after he ate the previous one and you continued drawing. After a few more minutes and a few more crayon devoured, you were both finished.
Mystery wants to show you his drawing first!" Mystery excitedly stated.
"Alright." After your approval he proudly held out his drawing for you to see. It was a drawing of you and Mystery's version of himself, with the sentence "BEST FRIENDS!" written at the top of the paper in his familiar sloppy handwriting. You thought it was really sweet.
"Do you like it?" He asked, waiting for your reaction.
"I love it!" You said sincerely, taking the drawing in your hands to get a better look at it.
"It's really nice, I still have the other drawing you gave me, too." You reached into your pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper, showing it to him. He smiled even wider.
"Awwww! Mystery is so, so, so happy to have such a good friend like you!" Mystery exclaimed, hugging you.
"Now Mystery wants to see yours!" He said, his tail slightly waving in anticipation.
"Alright, but I'm not sure if it's as good as yours." You admitted. You handed him the piece of paper, causing him to gasp when he saw it.
"WOW! You are such a good artist!" He looked over the drawing of himself with joy.
"You made Mystery look so beautiful! Hee hee!" He clutched the drawing close to him as if to hug it.
"You know what? I'm going to hang this on my door!" Mystery said, jumping to his feet.

You quickly followed him to his room, where he stopped to show you the door. It already had a few drawings of himself taped to it, all made by him of course. He hung your drawing right in the center of the door. He stepped back to admire it.
"Oh! Mystery has another idea!"
"What?" You simply asked.
"We should decorate your room!" He announced.
"Huh? How?"
"With crayons, silly! Come on!" Mystery sprinted back to the drawing room.
Okay but fr thanks for all the support and stuff lol I really never expected this story to get this popular because I just made it for practice and I thought it was fun to write and it still is 👌 there's going to be a lot more chapters, and don't worry I have everything planned out, even the ending. But thank you all who read and vote and generally interact with this because I do notice you and I appreciate it a super heccin lot :) can I just say that the nice response y'all have given this story has boosted my self esteem by like a lot??? THANK YOU GUYS YOU ACTUALLY MAKE ME FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF :,) YOU'RE AWESOME GUYSSS I WANT TO COME TO ALL OF YOUR HOUSES AND SCREAM AT YOU ABOUT HOW COOL EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU ARE 

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