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It was night now, or at least you thought it was, but of course, you couldn't sleep. You feared that he would come back. You held out hope somehow, however, that maybe he would eventually let you out or someone would come to find you. You figured if anything were to happen, it would most likely be the latter. What was he going to do with you anyway? Was he going to hurt you? Kill you? Drive you to the point of insanity? You sighed. You just wanted to get out of there. Why did you have to come there in the first place? You probably could've escaped if you had only tried harder before. Now you were stuck there, your fate no longer in your own hands. This was your fault. You were probably going to die here, and it was all your fault. You took a deep breath as if to clear your mind.

As time passed, you began to realize how tired you were, but sleeping was the last thing you wanted to do. You decided to stand up to prevent yourself from falling asleep, but as soon as you got to your feet you felt a wave of dizziness wash over you. You would have fallen to the floor if you hadn't caught yourself against the wall. You thought it was because you hadn't moved in a while or maybe you stood up too fast. You stumbled for a moment but then you were fine, other than the splitting headache that followed.

You paced back and forth in the blackness of the room, rethinking your current situation for the two-hundredth time. You heard the doorknob turn, interrupting your thoughts. The door opened rather slowly, only to reveal Mystery. You froze in your tracks, your eyes locked with his. He began approaching you, an unknown emotion plastered on his face. You stumbled back against the wall as he got closer. He only stopped once he was right in front of you. What was he going to do this time?

"Look, I..." He sighed, looking down at you, "Mystery didn't mean to hurt you..." He sounded surprisingly sincere. Huh? Was he being serious? This must have been some kind of sick trick.
"Your scared, I... I get it." He turned and walked back towards the door, casting a final glance back at you before closing the door.
"Wait...Wait!" You said, snapping out of your fearful state. That could of been your only chance to get out of here. You ran over to the door.
"Wait! Come back! Let me ou-" You jiggled the doorknob in a desperate attempt to get out, you weren't expecting it to actually work. But, to your surprise, the door actually creaked open in front of you.

This was a trick, it had to be. It was just a trick to get you to let your guard down just to make it more interesting for him, wasn't it? You cautiously stuck your head out of the door, but he was nowhere in sight. The moonlight cast everything in a haunting silver light, making the halls of the old hospital look surprisingly beautiful in a way. You refocused, making sure Mystery wasn't lurking in the shadows nearby. You slowly stepped out of the room, still on alert. You walked freely through the halls, your surroundings slowly taking your mind off the fear you had previously felt. Where were you supposed to go now? You should get out of there, right? Now that you were in the light, you took a moment to look at your arm. The pain had ceased now, but it looked infected. You hoped that's the worst it would get. You aimlessly wandered the halls, not knowing what to do. You walked past the many rooms and doors, lost in thought.

You were so deep within your thoughts, you almost walked right into something. You stopped, taking a few steps back to identify what the object in front of you was. It was Mago, except he was hanging from the ceiling. You were a bit taken aback by the sight of it. You stood there for a moment, watching the lifeless doll very gently sway from side to side as if an unfelt breeze were pushing it. You heard a sigh come from the room to your left and quickly turned to see the source of it. It was Mystery, of course, who else would it be? He was just standing there with his back turned to you in the middle of the room, seemingly staring at nothing.
"He called me by that wretched name again..." He must have noticed your presence.
"W-what?" You asked, still scared of him and reasonably so.
"That name... it's not my name and he knows it, I'm Mystery! Dr. Mystery, and he needs to learn that! Maybe that will show him..." You assumed he was talking about the doll.
"W-well, um, M-mystery..." You stuttered out, now standing just outside the doorway, "C-can I please go home now..?" He seemed surprised by your question.
"What? No!" He exclaimed, whipping around to face you causing you to quickly take a few steps back.
"No, no! P-please don't leave- Mystery won't ever hurt you again, I promise!" He looked at you with a desperate look in his eyes.
"Mystery's sorry! Mystery's so, so sorry! Please stay! Please don't go!" He begged, now on the verge of tears, holding you by the sleeve of your shirt.
"I-I..." You didn't know what to say. You obviously didn't fully trust him, but for some reason, you felt... guilty? You didn't know why or how, it just felt like you had just made a little kid cry. You knew he probably didn't mean to hurt you, he did have some mental issues, but what if he hurts you again? Plus, look at what he had done to Mago, the doll he talks to all the time. That thing is alive to him, and it was hanging from the ceiling just a few feet behind you. If you stayed much longer, that rope could end up around your neck. But what would he do to you if you tried to leave?
"I don't know..." You said, barely above a whisper.

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