Hide and seek

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"Do you want to play tag? Or Simon says? Oh! I know! We should play hide and seek!" Mystery seemed very excited and you didn't want to burst his bubble. You folded up the drawing that was still in your hands and stuck it in your pocket.
"Uh... sure-"
"Great! You go hide and Mystery will try to find you!" You stood there for a moment, not knowing exactly what to do.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Mystery's going to start counting!" You let out an "oh" before awkwardly walking off, not really knowing where to go. You faintly heard him begin counting quietly to himself as you tried to find someplace to hide. Surprisingly, you didn't have many options. You randomly stopped at one of the many rooms and tried to decide between hiding in what seemed to be a closet or under the bed.

"Ready or not, here I come!" You heard him call in the distance. You decided to quickly slide under the bed. You tried to be as quiet as possible as you tried to pull your entire body under the bed. Luckily you succeeded in doing so just in time. You heard Mystery enter the room just as you pulled yourself under. Out of all the rooms why did he have to pick the one you were in to look in first? And of course, the first place he looked was under the bed.
"Hee! You make this too easy!" He said as he knelt down and looked under the bed. You sighed in defeat and slowly emerged from your hiding spot. You struggled to pull yourself out from under the bed, it was much easier to get under than it was to get out.
"Here, Mystery will help you!" He said, now standing over you, offering his hand. You hesitantly took it and he helped you out and up from under the bed.
"Your welcome!" More awkward silence.

"Now it's your turn to find Mystery!" His cheerful voice broke the silence.
"Oh, okay, I'll start counting then..." You turned around and began counting in your head. You heard Mystery giggle and quickly run off. Your mind began to wander a bit. You thought about your current situation. You were currently playing hide and seek with the same guy holding you hostage here. You felt a twinge of guilt when you thought about it like that. He couldn't really help it... he's been all alone here for who knows how long and seems to be sick. He would probably be better off in an actual hospital where he could actually get help. You snapped back to reality, not knowing how long it had been. You figured it had been long enough, so you decided to begin looking for Mystery.
"Ready or not, here I come..." You called out, hearing it echo through the eerily quiet halls. You had no clue where to look first, or at all for that matter.

After checking the few places you knew of, you were pretty much lost. There seemed to be no sign of him anywhere.
"Okay, Mystery you can come out now, I give up." You waited a few seconds. Still no sign of him.
"Hello? Mystery...?" You called out a bit louder this time. You looked around in the eerie silence, trying to see or hear anything. Still nothing. Maybe he couldn't hear you? You were about to call out again when an unknown force suddenly rammed into you from behind, knocking you to the floor. Your breath caught in your throat as you tried to catch yourself, but the weight caused you to fall on your stomach, hitting your chin on the floor. You looked back to see the culprit only to come face to face with a certain purple cat.

"Hee hoo! Mystery got you!" He said cheerfully, effectively pinning you to the floor.
"I- I thought I was supposed to be finding you..."
"Oh... Sorry!" He said, his smile not faltering for a second as he moved off you, allowing you to get up.
"It's okay..." You replied, sitting up and rubbing your now sore chin.
"Come on! Let's go play another game!" Mystery said in a cheery manner once again, rising back to his feet. He offered you his hand once again and you took it after dusting yourself off a bit. As you stood up, you heard what sounded like something metallic hit the floor. You looked towards the source of the sound to be met with the sight of the small brass key. You quickly recovered it from the floor, but it was too late. Mystery had already seen it.

"Hey! Where did you find that?" You froze, the key still in your hands. 'It's okay,' you thought to yourself, 'just tell the truth.'
"Um... I-I found it on the floor..." You cursed yourself in your head, you had no idea why you had suddenly gotten so anxious.
"Where?" He questioned further.
"It was... um, in the- I mean I- In your..." It seemed like you had forgotten how to speak entirely. You felt so small that you could just disappear. You wish you would disappear.
"Did you... did you steal it from Mystery?" He asked, his voice getting quieter towards the end.
"N- no! I didn't mean to take it I was going to give it back- I-it was an accident I didn't mean to... I mean..." All the words that hadn't seemed to have existed just a moment before suddenly came tumbling out of your mouth all at once. Mystery didn't even seem to be listening anymore. You couldn't really tell what he was feeling, his face looked nearly emotionless.
"Y- you're lying..."

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