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sorry I was too lazy to color the picture it was like 4am ahck :(
You had been laying in bed, staring up at the ceiling for about an hour now. You were tired, but how were you supposed to sleep in this place? You sighed as your mind began to wander to other things. You silently cursed yourself for not bringing your phone. You could have contacted someone and avoided this entire thing. You rolled over on your side, now facing the wall. It was the only thing that separated that room from Mystery's room.

You could faintly hear him talking. Probably to that doll. You couldn't make out what he was saying, though. You sat up and gently pressed your ear against the wall. You could hear him talking a bit clearer now. He seemed angry. Yeah, definitely. You still couldn't make out exactly what he was saying, but you could tell by the tone of his voice. You wondered why he was upset. You sighed as you sat at the edge of the bed, your mind returning to the main problem at hand. 'How am I going to get out of here?' It was a reoccurring thought with no easy answer.

Hours passed and you probably knew that room like the back of your hand. Every drawing, every piece of paper, every chip in the paint, the occasional bug and cobweb here and there. Mystery had long since quieted down, so there was no sound. Just deafening silence and that all too familiar room. You wanted to go to sleep, but it was almost as if your mind wouldn't let you. You were exhausted but couldn't bear to close your eyes.

Suddenly you heard a coughing sound from the other room break the silence, startling you. You thought that would be the end of it, but it continued, getting louder and more severe. You pressed your ear up against the wall again trying to hear what was going on, but all you heard was a mess of coughing and gagging. You decided to go see what was going on. You slowly opened the door to the room, looking out into the hallway. In the back of your mind, you felt a small bit of relief to finally be out of that room.

You stepped out of the room and stepped into the room next to yours. You stood in the doorway for a moment, glancing in. Mystery was sitting hunched over in the corner of the room with his back to you, coughing and gagging. You fully entered the room and stood behind him, wondering what was going on. As you got closer you noticed he was retching up a thick black liquid of some sort.

"A- are you ok?" You asked, making your presence known. Mystery of course didn't answer, he couldn't. But you didn't need an answer, it was pretty obvious that he wasn't. You didn't notice at first, but he seemed to be crying. 'Poor guy', you thought. You came closer to him and not knowing what else to do, put a hand on his back, trying to comfort him. You felt bad for him. It was a good minute before he finally stopped.

He weakly turned his head towards you like he was about to say something, but before he could even speak he swayed a bit and suddenly fell backward. You gasped in surprise, but luckily you caught him before he hit the floor. You looked down at the limp body in your arms, not knowing what to do for a moment. All you could think was 'is he ok?' though Mystery clearly wasn't, for all you knew he could have been dead. You pushed that thought out of your mind and tried to prop him up against a nearby wall. He was surprisingly light, but you still had to half drag him across the floor given how tall he was. He let out a groan as you sat him up against the wall. His eyes slowly opened.

"Mystery's sorry for waking you up..." He said groggily.
"It's okay, you couldn't help it." You reassured him. He seemed dazed.
"You can go back to bed now, Mystery's fine... I'm fine..." Mystery said as he slowly came to his senses.
"What do you mean? You just passed out, that's not 'fine'."
"Stop worrying about me, this happens all the time, Mystery's fine..." He repeated, beginning to regain his normal cheerful attitude already.

"See look, Mystery is fine!" He said as he quickly stood up, staggering a bit, but quickly regaining his balance.
"Are you sure you're alright?" You were still a bit shaken up after what happened.
"Yes, Mystery is sure of it! Now go back to bed!" You sighed, still not fully convinced but decided to listen to him anyways.
oh no ryyaannn

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