Chapter 11

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"Everyone knows the plan." Aragorn goes over, "We attack once they command us off the ships. In a matter of minutes we will be upon Gondor's docks so stay hidden."

We all crouch down, Legolas and Gimli on either side of me.

"I just want to say that you three should have stayed, but I'm glad you stood by my side.", Aragorn speaks.

"We aren't done standing by you side yet.", Gimli says.

"Lye naa lle nai.", I say.
(We are yours to command.)

Aragorn opens his mouth to argue but I continue.

"We have our own free will but use it to listen and follow you Aragorn, to save Middle Earth." I begin, "We are also with you because you're our mellon. Friends stay with their friends when they go on a deadly mission to seek the King of the Dead."

"I thank you all.", Aragorn says, smiling slightly.

"Cuamin linduva yassen megrille.", I conclude.
(My bow shall sing with your sword.)

Silence falls and my nerves start to kick in.

"Av osto.", I think to myself.
(Don't be afraid.)

"Amin sinta thaliolle e dagor.", Legolas whispers to me.
(I know your strength in battle.)

I mentally slap myself at my foolishness, I need to learn to think in my head next time.

"Sut naa lle?", I ask him.
(How are you doing?)

"Quel...?", He responds, confused.

"Not everything is about me.", I say sharply.

He nods then points ahead and mouthes "dina."
(Be silent)

Aragorn glares at us which gets me to focus. The ship stops which means we are now in Gondor. This is the time to defend Boromir's city. Aragorn and I promised him we both would, when he took his final breath...

Noticing my mind is elsewhere, Legolas kisses my forehead lightly. It brings me back to my senses. I can't dwell on Boromir's last few moments. The only thing I can do to honour him now is to fulfill his death wish.

"Late as usual! Pirate scum.", an orc spits.

Silence answers him.

"Come on, ya sea rats! Get off your ships!", the same orc barks impatiently.

Hearing the signal, we all jump off of the ship and land on shore. The army of orcs stare at us, and then howl with laughter. Wait until they meet the dead army, that'll stop their amusement.

"There are plenty for all of us!" Gimli challenges, "May the best dwarf win!"

Aragorn charges to the orcs with us following, along with all of the dead soldiers behind. I ready my bow. After I hit the first orc, the dead army overruns all the orcs on the dock. The ghosts and the four of us fight further into the city. I fire arrow after arrow, hitting all the orcs I aim at.

"Fifteen, sixteen...", Legolas lists his number of kills.

"Twenty-nine...", Gimli counts louder.

Eowyn is a distance away, crawling from a very hideous orc. He is missing an eye that I don't want to know how it got out. Aragorn and Gimli run over to her, as Legolas covers me.

I quickly load three arrows at once and wait for my chance. When the orc raises its weapon, Gimli and Aragorn are about to strike. I aim and let the three arrows fly. They hit the orc all at once, and he drops dead to the ground.

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