Chapter 3

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"Hail!", the crowd chants back, taking a swing from their cups.

I do the same, coughing as the gross liquid burns down my throat. In a matter of seconds, I manage to drink all of the ale anyway. The noise in the Hall goes up again. Almost everyone is yelling and laughing. Deciding I would rather not be on my own, I search for a familiar face. I go over to Gimli and Legolas crowed by a couple of Rohirrim.

"Quel undome.", I greet.
(Good evening)

"Aiya.", Legolas replies.

"Man cerig? What is going on here?", I repeat so Gimli understands as well.
(What are you doing)

"You'll see.", Gimli says mischievously.

Legolas just shrugs at me in confusion.

"No pauses, no spills." Eomer comes to the group, handing the elf and the dwarf a wooden cup.

"And no regurgitation.", Gimli adds.

"Eww.", I say under my breath.

"So it's a drinking game?", Legolas clarifies.

"Aye." Gimli laughs, "Last one standing wins!"

"What'll we drink to?", one man asks.

"Let's drink to victory!", another cheers.

"Quel marth.", I wish to both Legolas and Gimli.
(Good luck)

Gimli chugs his drink whole. Legolas takes the tiniest sip from his cup like he's scared. I couldn't help but giggle quietly. He looks over, knowing that I'm the one who is laughing at him. Legolas takes a bigger sip and starts his second cup. After Gimli finishes his fourth mug, I wander around. I find Aragorn alone and join him.

"How are you holding up Amber?", he asks.

"As fine as anyone can be in these days." I start, "Everyone has experienced fear, death, and pain more often in these times, but it doesn't seem like it tonight."

"I know what you mean, they seems carefree and happy.", he agrees.

"We're probably the few who are not." Aragorn gives me a confused glance and I continue," Don't look at me like that. You are dealing with a lot as well, you can't deny it."

"If I were you, I would talk to Legolas soon." he changes the subject, "He knows something is wrong and is concerned about you."

"Later.", I brush is comment aside.

I walk off and watch the drinking contest between Legolas and Gimli again.

"It's the dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women.", Gimli blurts out completely drunk, reaching for another cup of ale.

I was better off not knowing that Gimli...

"I feel something. A slight tingling in my fingers. " Legolas looks at them shocked, "I think it's affecting me."

I hide a grin. Seeing Legolas freak out is priceless.

"What did I say? He can't hold his liquor!", Gimli mumbles, immediately passing out on the table.

"Game over.", Legolas smiles smugly.

 Suddenly I hear singing and clapping a few tables over. Merry and Pippin dance on top of a table, entertaining the crowd that's ever growing.

"Oh, you can search far and wide

You can drink the whole town dry

But you'll never find a beer so brown,

As the one we drink in our home town

You can keep you fancy ales

You can drink 'em by the flagon

But the only brew for the brave and true-"

Pippin stops singing and stares at Gandalf. This can't be good.

"Pippin!", Merry says sharply to finish their song.

"But the only brew for the brave and true

Comes from the Green Dragon!"

Merry and Pippin cheer, drowning their mugs in one go.

"No news of Frodo?", Aragorn asks Mithrandir.

"No word. Nothing.", he says.

"We have time. Everyday Frodo moves closer to Mordor.", Aragorn assures.

"Do we know that?", Gandalf looks at him.

"What does your heart tell you?", he asks instead.

"That Frodo is alive. Yes." Mithrandir says with certainty, "Yes, he is alive."

"Well you are right." I join in, "For now at least. I've seen him with Sam and Gollum."

"So that's what you saw before we headed to Isengard.", Aragorn puts together.

I nod.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? At least he is alive.", Gandalf confirms.

Suddenly the Hall feels small. It reeks of alcohol, the number of bodies is overwhelming and I feel dizzy. I rush outside, the cool air clearing out all of the Golden Hall's energy I felt moments before. When the dizziness vanishes I see a hooded figure looking at the night sky, and walk over to him. We both stay quiet, looking at the stars and breathing in the fresh air. Legolas breaks the silence.

"Vanimle sila tiri." he pauses, "Amin hiraetha. Thought I should say so."
(Your beauty shines bright. I'm sorry)

"Maybe the ale has affected you more than you think?" I tease, "Aragorn told me that I should talk to you."

"Did he?" Legolas asks, "Why?"

"I do not know for sure. He said you were a little concerned about me."

"I am Amber." he admits, "Ever since Helms Deep I sensed that something has happened. The hidden pain in your eyes grows more each passing day."

He stops and I remain quiet to let him continue.

"You can tell me what is wrong when you want to, or never if you wish.", he finishes, turning me gently to face him.

I force my head up and meet his gaze, seeing worry written all over his face.

"I see the concern in your  eyes Legolas." I counter, "Don't be, for I survived and you did too. I will tell you what happened another time, but not tonight."

He lets out a breath and his expression relaxes. Legolas's hand lays warmly on my face. Somehow our foreheads touch, little space between us. The stars seem to shine brighter. They were always this luminous in Lothlorien whenever Haldir and I watched them together.

He is dead now.

 I take a step towards Legolas, closing my eyes from the brilliant light of the stars.


Quel undome: Good evening

Aiya: Hello

Man cerig: What are you doing

Quel marth: Good luck

Vanimle sila tiri: Your beauty shines bright

Amin hiraetha: I'm sorry

~Talia Spirit

Lothlorien Elf and the Return of the King (Lord of the Rings Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now