Chapter 9

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Eowyn hands me a short-sword to give to Merry. She led us into a tent with armour and Eowyn wanted me to help her pick out some for Merry. I examine the blade and swing it lightly, then pass it to him.

"There. A true esquire of Rohan.", Eowyn announces.

"I'm ready!", Merry says eagerly.

He tries to swing the sword like I did, but almost cuts Eowyn in half.

"Woah!", Eowyn jumps back, giving a nervous laugh.

"Save that for the orcs on the battlefield.", I tease.

"Sorry. But it isn't dangerous." Merry says disappointedly, "It's not even sharp."

"Well that's no good. You won't kill many orcs with a blunt blade. Come on!" Eowyn pushes him lightly to the exit, "To the smithy, go!"

On his way, Merry practices blocking and swinging with his sword. Eowyn laughs and I smile at the hobbits enthusiasm. Eomer and Gamling are eating outside.

"You should not encourage him.", Eomer says, looking at Merry vanish then back to his own food.

"You should not doubt him.", Eowyn counters.

"I do not doubt his heart, just the reach of his arm.", Eomer replies, causing Gamling to chuckle.

"You know nothing about Merry. All he has went through, all that he is doing. His courage is equal to that of men, if not more.", I defend.

"Why should Merry be left behind?" Eowyn adds, now speaking about her greatest wish, "He has as much cause to go to war as you! Why can he not fight for those he loves?"

"You know as little of war as that hobbit." Eomer argues, standing up to face his sister, "When the fear takes him, and the blood and the screams and the horror of battle take hold, do you think he would stand and fight?"

I push back asking Eomer if he even heard what I said before.

"Antolle ulua sulrim.", I say instead
(Much wind pours from your mouth.)

"He would flee, and he would be right to do so." Eomer goes on, "War is the province of men, Eowyn."

She looks into her brothers face with shock and a little anger.

"Tanya farnuva." I cut in, "Lets go
somewhere else Eowyn."
(That will suffice.)

She nods and drags me by the arm as we take a walk around camp.

"My brother has never said anything like that before. I cannot believe that he was so cruel.", Eowyn tries to process it all.

"I get why he said all that. It's the oncoming anticipation of battle that's making him tense, the mountain's shadow that is making everyone on edge, and the promise to himself to keep you away from harm." I explain, "Eomer said those things out of fear and he doesn't mean all of it. It still does not make it right. Besides, Eomer will come to his sense, and see how wrong he is when you and Merry go to fight."

"Merry and I will prove everyone wrong." Eowyn replies, "Now I just need to figure out how to sneak into the battle."

"You and Merry are both clever, brave and adventurous enough to find a way to fight.", I say.

Aragorn then comes into view and secures some supplies onto Brego. Eowyn stares at him.

"Go speak with him. He does care about you." I say, "But in what way, you must find out yourself."

I feel guilty for saying that, but Eowyn must know that Aragorn's heart is taken by another. She deserves better than to long for something that cannot be.

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