Chapter 15

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I wake up in a great stone hall. Tapestries are all around, representing the whole history of Middle Earth. A woman with hair the colour of night and ageless blue eyes stands in front of me.

"Na vedui (at last), Representer of Galadriel. Gi suilon (I greet you) Amber Light." she says in a voice full of hidden power, "I eneth nin Vairë. (My name is Vairë) I am the Weaver of Time and Stories."

"Aiya Vairë. (Hello)" I bow to her, "You are one of the Valar. Mi van me? (Where are we)"

"In the Hall of Mandos." she replies, "Now is the time that I can answer your most pressing questions."

"How come I am here?", I ask first.

"Even though this all feels real, I only summoned your spirit here." Vairë explains, "Like I said before, now is the time to reveal the truth about your whole journey. We do not have much time."

"So I am not dead?", I ask to make sure.

"No." she says with a soft laugh, "Estë, the Valar of Healing has taken care of your wounds."

"I have been wondering this since the very start, Vairë." I say full of curiosity, "Why was I chosen for all this?"

"You know most of this already. The Lady of Light needed someone to represent her. Since your actions and feelings are pure towards Middle Earth, you were the one." Vairë reveals, "You were willing to do anything to protect your home Lothlorien, so your name appeared in the tapestries. Overall, you were just meant for this quest because no matter what has happened, your heart always remains full of light and estel. Even when everything felt dark."

"Thank you." I say grateful, "That was my biggest question."

"Not the last one." she looks at me knowingly, "I may answer one more."

"Is there anyway I can see Haldir and my ada again?" I ask desperately, "I really miss them a lot."

"Your loss pains you." Vairë speaks comfortingly, "But there is still so much for you in the living. Freedom, friendship, peace and new love. Enjoy what you have for now Amber. When it is your time to leave, you will know."

"Again, diolla lle." I say, "I can relax now knowing my full destiny was explained."
(Thank you)

"You surpassed all expectations placed upon you. The Valar are with you." Vairë tells, "Savo lass lalaith; Amber Light, Representer of Galadriel, The Lady of Light in Lothlorien."
(Have joy and laughter)

Vairë and the Hall of Mandos fade from my vision. My eyes then open again, this time revealing a familiar face.

"Legolas.", I breathe.

"Oio nas elealla alasse, Amber." he says in relief, "You shouldn't have survived."
(Ever is thy sight a joy)

"Well I did." I mutter as I lean up, and pretend to look offended.

"That is not what I meant." Legolas tries to explain quickly, "I'm beyond relieved that you are here right now. It is just that-"

"Stab wound should have killed me?" I finish for him, "I know Legolas. I just wanted to see how you would react."

"That blade must have been dipped in some very lethal poison. Not even Aragorn could help, it was to far in your veins." Legolas continues seriously, "But then the poison somehow left your body and you were healed. It was like magic and because of that, you are here now alive and breathing."

I get out of bed slowly but Legolas reaches out to me.

"I'm fine." I assure him, "I just need to get up. Now how long was I out for?"

"Four days." he answers, "May I see your shoulder? I will tell you how it healed."

"You may.", I say turning around.

He pulls my left sleeve down a little and lightly touches where the wound is.

"How bad is it?", I ask nervously.

"It left a scar." he replies, "Fortunately for you it does not look bad at all."

Turning to Legolas, I hug him tight. He wraps his arms around me.

"I am truly blessed. The Valar let me live." I decide to tell him, "They healed me and chose to let me live."

"That makes sense.", Legolas smiles as I let go of him.

"How is everyone? Are Frodo and Sam alright?", I ask worriedly.

"Our friends are all fine and safe." Legolas says calmly, "Frodo is unconscious but should wake up any day now. There are clothes at the side that you can change into. I'll meet you outside."

He walks out and I examine the simple pale white dress. Putting it on quickly, I notice that my hair is already done in an elvish hair style. My mithril tree necklace and silver ring are also on me. I just step into the flats provided and go outside.

"Legolas, did you mean what you said at the end of the battle?", I remember suddenly.

"What are you talking about?", he questions.

"When you found me hurt, you said you loved me." I fill him in, "Did you mean it?"

"Yes." Legolas admits, "I meant every word I said at the end of the battle. I still do."

I turn my eyes upon him and Legolas looks back. He cups my face delicately like he did back in Edoras. Unlike the last time we were both this close, Legolas kisses me. Gentle but sweet. With my heart acting for me, I place my hands on the back of Legolas's neck, and kiss him back.

Time seems to slow down as a warm fire spreads inside me. Just like how it felt holding his hand in the Path of the Dead. Every time he spoke to me, teased me, practised with weapons, and has just been there for me all play in my mind. Everything from the past has led up to now. This was always meant to be.

"I backed out in Edoras but I was going to do that once we had victory at the Black Gates.", Legolas tells as we break apart.

"Except you could not since I was dying.", I finish for him.

"Yeah." Legolas says sadly, "I thought you were leaving and I did not know what to do. I was in shock and so-"

"Everything is fine now Legolas." I tell him, "You managed to say all those heartfelt words despite what happened. For that, amin mela lle."
(I love you)

Legolas smiles so bright and I laugh as I take his hand.

"Now are we just going to stand here all day or what?" I tell him, "Let us go find our mellons."


Na vedui: At last

Gi suilon: I greet you

I eneth nin: My name is

Aiya: Hello

Mi van me: Where are we

Estel: Hope

Ada: Father

Diolla lle: Thank you

Savo lass lalaith: Have joy and laughter

Oio nas elealla alasse: Ever is thy sight a joy

Amin mela lle: I love you

Mellons: Friends

What did you think of Amber's meeting with Vairë? Did I do Legolas and Amber justice?Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting :)

~Talia Spirit

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