Chapter 12

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Sunlight pours through the window, which causes me to open my eyes. Sunrise just began, the pink and orange  streaks painted across the sky. Stiff and sore from the battle, I draw some water. I bathe, and then scrub my clothes as quick as I can.

Putting my clothes on once they are dry, I clean my weapons. I slide my reflecting blade back in its sheathe and decide to leave my bow behind. Then I brush my hair hurriedly and put it up.

Once I'm done, the sun is now up. I walk quickly to the House of Healing. Entering, I see Eomer asleep in a chair beside Eowyn's bed. Merry waves over so I sit down at the edge of his bed carefully.

"Quel amrun. Good morning.", I repeat in the common tongue.
(Good morning)

"Hi.", he whispers and points to Eomer and Eowyn.

"Right." I say softly, "You seem more cheerful. How are you doing?"

"If I'm going to be truthful I feel weak and awful." he replies, "Yet somehow I also feel fine."

"That's great Merry!" I exclaim quietly, "The disorientation will pass but it is amazing you feel alright. Just like I said back in Rohan, hobbits really are resilient."

He smiles in response.

"So how is Eowyn?", I ask.

"Aragorn said she'll be okay." Merry starts, "Despite killing something called the Witch-King."

"The Witch-King?!", I almost shout, "He is the greatest of the Ring Wraths. No man can kill him as the stories go."

Merry's eyes widen in shock.

"No man..." I mumble to myself, "But a woman... woah!"

"I think I helped by stabbing it. With that special sword Galadriel gave me when we left Lothlorien." Merry speaks up, "When I struck, the blade vanished and it weakened the Witch-King. Flaming fire went up through my arm and travelled everywhere inside me. I guess I blacked out from the pain. The next thing I remember was Pippin comforting me and you picking me up."

"Yes, Pippin found you, I brought you here and Aragorn saved you." I fill in, "Lle ume quel. (You did well) Better than well actually! What you and Eowyn did is considered impossible. Eowyn killed the greatest of the Nine and you lessened his strength. That takes courage and no man could take down the Witch-King."

"Yeah." Merry says disbelieving, "But I didn't really do anything."

"You have." I explain, "And I cannot express how amazed I am that you and Eowyn defeated a very powerful enemy. I'm just so relieved that you both are here and survived."

"Thanks." Merry says more cheerful, "I'm just glad Pippin found me and Eowyn is ok."

"Me too. Where is Pippin?", I ask out of curiosity.

"Aragorn ordered him out in the middle of the night to get sleep." Merry tells, "He'll be coming soon."

"I see." I say, "Well I am leaving now, so you and Pippin have a chance to talk when he is here. Le cenithon ned lu. I will come back soon to see Eowyn."
(See you later)

"Bye Amber." Merry says, "Thank you for bringing me here to Aragorn."

"Anytime.", I smile gently and leave.

A new day and some time to kill. Since there is nothing much for me to do, I go to the stables and find Thalion.

"Aiya Thalion." I speak gently as I stroke him, "You understood what I said about riding to Gondor back in Dunharrow. We mustn't speak of the horrors back there. I know there is a hill near the village and since there is no where else to ride, let's go."

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