Chapter 10

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Chills go all through my body. A ghost appears, just like the pale green figure in my nightmare. This is the King of the Dead.

"One who will have your allegiance.", Aragorn replies firmly.

"The dead do not suffer the living.", the King of the Dead responds.

"You will suffer me.", Aragorn yells.

The dead king gives a slow, dark laugh. The sound strikes fear into my heart, like the very blade I was stabbed with in the dream. All around the chamber a great, dead city appears. Dead soldiers start to encircle us so I ready my bow.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead, and the dead keep it. The way is shut." the king recites, "Now you must die."

The King of the Dead floats toward Aragorn. Legolas fires an arrow but it flies right through the ghosts head. I lower my bow, knowing it's hopeless, but keep it out nonetheless.

"I summon you to fulfill your oath.", Aragorn reveals.

"None but the King of Gondor may command me.", the King of the Dead declares.

As the ghost moves to strike Aragorn, he blocks the ghost blade with an ancient sword.

"The sword that cut off the Enemies hand in the second age." I murmur to myself, "Narsil is one again. Ed' i'ear ar'elenea!"
(By the sea and stars!)

"It's new name is Andúril.", Legolas whispers back to me.

"That bind was broken.", the ghost gasps as Aragorn grabs its neck.

"It has been remade.", Aragorn speaks, pushing back the dead king, and stares down the soldiers, "Fight for us, and regain your honour. What say you? What say you!?"

"You waste your time Aragorn!" Gimli argues, "They had no honour in life, they have none now in death."

The King of Dead laughs again and his dead soldiers disappear.

"You have my word." Aragorn promises, standing almost like a king, "Fight, and I will release you from this living death! What say you?"

The ground shakes and skulls start pouring through the doorways, like a waterfall.

"Rima ten'ta!", I shout.
(Run for it)

"Out!" Aragorn hurries, "Legolas!"

The four of us try to break our way through the hall overfilling with mountains of skulls. We somehow make it outside. Even though it's still grey, the light is blinding.

My eyes get used to the outside after a few moments. We all look down the cliff, to the sea. Black ships sail in the dark water. Aragorn suddenly drops to his knees in defeat.

"Follow the river and look to the black ships."

"Lle ume quel." I touch his shoulder, "But this has not failed. There is still estel. You are not done yet, we all aren't."
(You did well) (Hope)

There is a sound from behind. Aragorn gets back on his feet as the King of the Dead comes before him.

"We fight.", the dead king decides.

"Aragorn, do you remember what Mithrandir said?", I remind him.

Aragorn looks to the boats and answers, "He said to follow the river. We must go now!"

Aragorn starts to run and we sprint after him, down the path in the mountain side. The King of the Dead vanishes as Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and I watch the ships sail close to the shore. The four of us stand in silence, a sense of relief passing between us. The task is not over yet, for the most dangerous part is ahead.

"You may go no further.", Aragorn yells as the boats are in range, "You will not enter Gondor."

"Who are you to deny us passage?", a Corsair of Umbar questions.

"Legolas, fire a warning shot past the bosuns ear.", Aragorn orders quickly.

"Mind your aim!", Gimli cautions.

As Legolas shoots, Gimli gives the bow a nudge, causing the arrow to hit a pirate instead. He screams and dies instantly.

"Oh!", Gimli says in mock surprise.

Legolas turns away and makes a very serious and angry face. When he spots me laughing quietly at him, I look away.

"I have to admit Legolas, tanya nae eina.", I say honestly.
(That was funny)

"That's it!" Gimli exclaims, "We warned you. Prepare to be boarded."

The sailors all laugh at Gimli's empty threat.

"Boarded, by you and whose army?", one of them speaks up.

"This army.", Aragorn states, taking out Andúril.

The sailors look in confusion for a few seconds and then see the King of the Dead go right through Aragorn. The dead soldiers charge straight to the ships. Screams full of terror and pain echo across the river. The now empty ships stop at the shore, and a ladder tumbles down from one of them.

"Amin nowe ron n'kelaya.", I say.
(I thought they would never leave)

Gimli stares at me, not understanding a word I'm saying but Legolas smirks. Aragorn climbs the ladder and we follow him up onto the ships deck.

"We sail to Gondor." Aragorn explains, "And then we defend the White City."


Ed' i'ear ar'elenea: By the sea and stars

Rima ten'ta: Run for it

Lle ume quel: You did well

Estel: Hope

Tanya nae eina: That was funny

Amin nowe ron n'kelaya: I thought they would never leave

~Talia Spirit

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