Chapter 13

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Dying, so as to give Frodo and Sam the chance to destroy the Ring once and for all. Lothlorien, Gondor, the Shire and all of Middle Earth saved from the darkness. I can't think of a better way to go.

"Sauron will suspect a trap." Mithrandir warns, "He will not take the bait."

"Oh, I think he will." Aragorn gives a mischievous smile, "Eomer, get the Rohan soldiers to round up men that are well enough to fight. We set out after sunset tomorrow."

"Of course, Lord Aragorn." Eomer says, "Amber, my sister is awake and wants to see you."

"Thank you Eomer, I will go now.", I say

"Can I come with?", Legolas asks.

"Sure. Gwaem.", I agree.
(Let's go)

We head to the House of Healing in silence, which is perfect for me. I don't like to speak all the time.

"I will wait outside so you can both talk in private.", Legolas says as we arrive.

"Diolla lle.", I say as I enter.
(Thank you)

Eowyn sits up on her bed, waiting. She spots me and I sit next to her.

"Hello." she greets, "I didn't get to thank you for saving me in the battle yet."

"You don't have to because you would do the same for me." I say, beyond relieved that Eowyn is fine, "I am just grateful that you and Merry survived. How do you feel?"

"Shaken up and tired.", she looks down.

"I just heard about King Theoden. Amin heritha, about your uncle." I say gently, "It is the hardest thing to lose your family. Remember that he always put Rohan first, and cared so much about you and Eomer."
(I'm sorry)

"I tried to save him...", Eowyn's voice is full of held back tears, as she starts her story.

The Nazgûl's mount cast Theoden aside and Eowyn stood in front of her uncle. She sliced off the neck of the Witch-King's mount, then dodged his attacks. When Eowyn fell, Merry stabbed it in the knee, causing the Witch-King to weaken.

Eowyn got up, threw away her helmet, and revealed who she truly was; a Shieldmaiden of Rohan. Eowyn killed the Witch-King and ran to her uncle. There was nothing even Aragorn could do to help King Theoden, his wounds were to much.

After Eowyn's tale, I hug her. Eowyn hugs back and we stay like that for a while. Then I let go and tell Eowyn all about the Council that just took place.

"I would like to accompany you all and fight at the Black Gate, but the healer's here won't let me go and I'm not strong enough.", she admits.

"I would stay here with you Eowyn, but I have to go fight." I begin, "It is the last stand to save Frodo, Sam, and Middle Earth. I just can't miss out on that."

"I know that. Besides, I won't be alone. Faramir will keep me company.", she says, a real smile on Eowyn's face as she says his name.

"That name sounds familiar..." I mutter and talk to Eowyn again, "I will be fighting for the both of us."

"That means everything to me Amber." Eowyn starts, "You believed and encouraged Merry and I when no one else did. You will be fine. Now get out of here!"

I laugh.

"I will see you after the Black Gates." I promise, "Find your strength again."

Eowyn waves and I go over to Merry's bed before I leave.

"Amber!", Pippin exclaims, trying to tackle me in a hug.

"Aiya Pippin." I squeeze back, "I have not seen you in a while. Tell me about your adventure."

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