Chapter 8

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Before dawn, we all packed up camp and continued the trip to Dunharrow. It is now mid-day.

"Aiya Aragorn.", I say when we ride close to each other.

"Quel re." he replies, "You seem to be in better spirits today."
(Good day)

"Never let appearances fool you." I respond, "Though I am better, so you are right."

"That's good to hear.", he says genuinely.

"There is no need to see how I am doing anymore. You on the other hand, are a different story.", I start.

"My troubles do not matter.", Aragorn looks to the ground.

"Well they do to me. We are so alike in the sense that we burry our problems, but I started to open up." I tell him, "It helps Aragorn. Besides, I already know the issue."

"I'll hear what you have to say now rather then later.", he sighs, seeing where this is going.

"Good choice. I know you hesitate on accepting the path that leads you to King. You would rather live the simple and complicated life of a ranger. It is what you are used to, which I understand." I begin, "Know that you are a born leader, a honest man, and a loyal fighter. Why wouldn't men look up to Aragorn? You have given them estel. A candle in a dark room. That is a unique gift only a true king has."

"I am not right to be king.", he says seriously.

"Because of your ancestors?" I question, "You are stronger then Isildur was. The Ring tested us all on the day the Fellowship broke. When you had the chance to take it, you let Frodo go."

"I did what I had to do.", he says.

"You always do the right thing Aragorn. I support whichever path you take. Just remember that men follow you, and it what be a shame to waste such a talent."

"Never seek council from the elves, for they will neither answer yes or no." Aragorn recites, "The old saying goes something along those lines. Yet you make your opinion clear."

"Well you did not seek my council." I explain, "I just wanted to tell you the truth, and one last thing. There is still estel for you and Lady Arwen. I told and you this when the Fellowship left Rivendell, but you needed to hear it again."

"I'll keep what you said in mind Amber.", he acknowledges, then trots closer to the front.

I ride alone for the rest of the journey. When we reach Dunharrow by evening, I dismount Thalion.

"Stay close, mellon. Beware of the mountain for it casts a dark surrounding of fear." I warn while patting him, "Le cenithon ned lu thent."
(Friend.  See you later.)

He gallops to a small field on the right. As he grazes, I wander around.

"More men will come.", I hear King Theoden say.

"Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat." Aragorn explains, "We have till dawn, then we must ride."

When I join Gimli, Legolas and Eomer, a horse rears out of control.

"It is the presence of the mountain.", I say under my breath, getting a shiver down my spine.

"The horses are restless, and the men quiet.", Legolas observes.

"They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain.", Eomer answers.

"That road there..." Gimli points to the stony path between the mountain, "Where does that lead?"

"Nowhere good.", I warn.

"It is the door to the Dimholt." Legolas speaks, "The door under the mountain."

"None who venture there return. That mountain is evil.", Eomer adds.

Aragorn walks forward and stares down the path, as if in a trance. I approach him cautiously.

"Tol. Aragorn-"

I gasp. A faint figure lurks down the path. Like the one that drove a sword through my heart in the nightmare. This one is more faded, but still visible in the distance.

"Amber.", Legolas calls softly.

His calm voice draws me back. I swallow my horror and look away from the road.

"Tulien.", I say.

Aragorn is still fixed ahead and Gimli gets to him before I can.

"Aragorn.", Gimli says gruffly.

That causes Aragorn to jump and look back to us.

"Let's find some food.", Gimli finishes.

"I won't disagree with that idea Gimli.", I back him up.

We go to a tent where they serve food. Gimli's face lights up. I grab a plate and load it with dried meat, cheese and bread.

"I am going to share this with Eowyn. I will see you three very soon.", I announce.

"Na-ded pedim ad.", Legolas replies.
(Until we speak again.)

I nod and head straight to the tent Eowyn and I share.

"I got some food.", I say when I enter the tent.

"That is great! I just hope there is enough for a hobbit as well.", Eowyn gestures to Merry sitting on the makeshift bed.

"I do not need much so it will be no problem.", I say, putting down the food on a little table.

"More for me then.", Merry comments, gazing longingly at the plate.

While we help ourselves to food, we start to chat and share stories for a while. I almost feel relaxed.

"I have some things you will need if you want to be an Esquire of Rohan.", Eowyn explains while getting up.

"What kind of things?", Merry wonders.

"You will never know until you find out Merry. Though I am not actually sure what Eowyn has in mind.", I say, a little curious as well.

"You will both see soon. I will need your help Amber.", she says.

"Not a problem.", I answer.

"Good! You two follow me now.", Eowyn orders, leaving the tent.

Merry looks behind her in confusion.

"Gwaem. We have to see what she is up too.", I tell Merry.
(Let's go)

"Alright, let's go!", he chuckles.

We both leave the tent. Eowyn's blonde hair flows behind her with the breeze. She doesn't turn back. Merry and I follow her into the slightly freezing, starless night.


Ayia: Hello/hi

Quel re: Good day

Estel: Hope

Mellon: Friend

Le cenithon ned lu thent: See you later

Tol: Come

Tulien: Coming

Na-ded pedim ad: Until we speak again

Gwaem: Let's go

Hope you enjoyed chapter 8 and thank you all for reading, voting, commenting and adding my story to your reading lists :D

~Talia Spirit

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