Entry 5

2.1K 38 2

The next day team STQ left the village with 6000L each. And I was thinking about some stuff, cause I do that a lot if I don't talk to Nora or Ren, but I was thinking about my powers, the point im at now took me so long to get to back on earth.

It almost feels like cheating, if I can do as much as I think can with this then just earth and metal control magic could give me anything I will from the ground, plants can grow any fruit or vegetable, any plant.

Now with dust magic, I can will dust of any purity to come from the earth, this is great, it would help the supply chain in the future when torchwick and cinder try to steal all of it.

This could be a great thing but if I die then my powers are lost and haskaria loses. The only thing I know to do is not die until Haskaria has the facilities to collect normal resources

I guess it is similar to playing Minecraft with cheats so you can swap from creative to survival. Well, I guess I better get working on something rather than sitting here thinking.

I walk over to where Ren and Nora are. "Did this village ever have horses or anything?" I asked

"Yes, one of the farmers had a horse but it was taken as the Grimm attacked," Ren said

I nodded and thanked him before thinking of a great way to test my magic.

I go to a large open area. Make a large iron bucket. Make a slightly larger bucket, make holes on each side of the smaller bucket, then fill it with water. Finally, I make a metal stand and put a hot fire under it, as soon as the water starts to bubble I put the larger bucket on top, soon the pressure rises and so does the larger bucket until it exposes the holes losing the pressure.

[Test steam engine acquired]

Next, I add a lever to the steam engine making the start of the first haskarian automobile.

About 4 hours later had a fully functional but ugly car that isn't very fast.

[LvL up ×2]


By this point, it is about 4 pm so for the rest of the day I work on renovating the stone and morter wall into a solid thick stone wall with a thick steel center.

3 more hours later I ran out of mana leaving only a quarter of the wall renovated. I need to get to mistral to get citizens but unfortunately from what ren tells me that is still a 3-day walk. In the car, it may take me 4.5 hours (a/n I did the math for that answer) that isn't terrible, I may have to stay for a day or two when I go to Mistral.

I will have enough time, but I should definitely take Ren and Nora as things could get hairy if im not here.

I tell the two to follow me back to my office in our manor.

"Whats up Vinny," Nora asked

"Well tomorrow we are going to be taking a trip on over to Mistral to get some more people to come here, and maybe see about getting a few other things," I explained

Nora's eyes lit up "wait really?"

"Yes, we are leaving tomorrow morning and since we are going to be out of the village we can get some fighting and training done" explained further

After that, we left for bed. I laid down in bed looking at the ceiling. Feeling the same fire burn that was there back when I was a child first finding my purpose.

See it's funny, im in a new world but my purpose is the same.

Closing my eyes, I fall asleep.

the next day I get up and begin prep on the car, I make some Vines grow around the wagon's handles and I connect it to the car. I fill the wagon full of food and different supplies.

Getting the fire set up was quick, now all that needed to be done was the boiler needed to heat up and they could head off.

"Wait, when did you make this?" Nora asked puzzled

"Yesterday," I told her

"But how," she asked again

"My powers" I sad


I nod before hopping in the front seat and telling them to get in on the other side.

I start driving down a road, towards Mistral, it's the next step for our journey.

4 hours later we come to a stop in front of a large gate that. Held the word 'Mistral'

"Well that certainly went well" Ren nodded and Nora was fast asleep

"What in gods name are you driving," the guard said as he came up

"Why this sir is a genuine automobile," I said like a Southern salesman

"Right, how old are you," the guard asked

"Uhh, 17?" I said hoping he believes me

[Lie failed]

"Yeah right, kid you may have driven it through Grimm infested forests, but, inside the kingdom, you can't drive it, I will put it in a lock-up and you have it back as you leave. Here, use this when you leave" the guard said handing me a slip of paper

"Fine," I said detaching the cart and using air magic to make it lighter

We walk into the city dragging our cart to a nearby hotel and head inside.

I create an apple with plant affinity and bite into it, after a few more bites of my apple the line has dissipated and I am at the front desk.

"Hi I would like a room for 2 nights," I said to the man at the front desk

"Im afraid I need a parent or guardian to sign for the room," he said

"Listen our village was attacked, we don't have anyone, perhaps we can agree," I said dropping 20,000L on the table

"W-what, uh right this way sir," he said

[Bribe passed]

After looking around the room and putting some stuff away, for the time being. I open my [stats] menu

[Name: Vincent paul
Titles: Forgotten king(gives you+7 Chr and +8 Wis
LVL: 30

Int: 31

Stat points:56


Gamers life(MAX)

String instrument mastery(lvl. 26)
How well you can play the stringed instruments [beginner]

Advanced Explosive making(lvl. 43)
*you can make and understand the functions of creating an advanced explosive device*

Natural leaders(MAX)
*when leading people you get a +6 Chr modifier*

Automatic weapons mastery(lvl12)

Small arms mastery(LVL19)

Hand to hand combat mastery(LVL30)

magical affinity control(LVL 37)
* allows the user to control affinities such as:
-water II
-earth III
-wind I
-purity I
-plant III
-darkness I
-metal IV
-dust I

Observe(LVL 30)] can see lvl, skills, and emotions of people, items, and animals

I really need to get out so I can upgrade more skills.

I close the menu and head off to the bed before drifting of too sleep

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