Entry 42

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The eight of us landed in a Valley between two desert Highlands, the day before I flew around Menagerie a bit looking for anything out of the ordinary, the only thing I found was several lost settlements, we kept moving around though.

In this Valley, we settled down for the night, "All alright guys we are roughly on the southeast end of the Island, we have to go to the Western side to get to kuo kana, we are going to make some deals with the white fang, Qrow who is the current leader"

"Currently, it's Sienna Khan, the previous leader was Girah Belladonna, he stepped down due to violent ideals beginning to grow in the organization." He said

"Crap, I was hoping to stop them from going violent. I guess it was an anchored event, which means that it's a part of the future that just can't be changed. Well I will have to be ready to fight them anyway terrorism has a funny way of attacking anyone"

---------(time cut)----------

Three days later we made it to kuo kana, mainly due to us wanting to kill as many Grimm as possible, once in the city, the first thing to note is that almost everyone was looking at me, I just smiled and waved, we continued to walk through the city until we made it to the Belladonna house.

Two Guards stopped us, one began to speak in what I would call a slight British accent "whats yah business here, we rarely see humans 'round these parts"

"We are looking to talk to the chieftain, is he here?" I asked

"He is. just wait here." The guard said before entering the house

25 mins later the guard comes back out, "the chieftain will see you now, follow me and stick close"

We walked through the house into an office where the man himself sat, Girah Belladonna.

"Hello, my guard tells me that you need to speak with me?" He asked

"Indeed, I am Vincent Paul, I am the king of a small Kingdom in Anima, recently we have noticed that this area is becoming more crowded, we want to help you with this. I am going to purge your island of Grimm, once we do this you will be able to expand out of these walls and defenses. I am also going to terraform this island so it's more habitable."

"Do I look like a fool, what kind of person do you think I am, do you expect me to believe that you are going to do that"

"I don't need your belief in me, I just need your permission," I said

"Fine, you have my permission. I will grant you a small 15-acre plot outside of the city, you can set up your base of operations there." Girah said writing this all down on a piece of paper

He then pulled out a map and set a border around the land.

"I will be granting you a type of steward, his name is Inigo," he finished the paper before copying it and handing me the paper

"Thank you so much, in the next week, you are going to be seeing some changes to the land, the island will also become more tropical. I hope this will dramatically help your kingdom. By the way, Haskaria recognizes Menagerie as a sovereign kingdom." I said

"What!?! Do you recognize our sovereignty? Why? Surely that has had some form of backlash" Girah exclaimed

"Haskaria was founded by homeless people, and outcasts. It is why we know how to treat people as family, Haskaria is our home for the homeless, the family for the orphan, and the friend of the outcast." I said

"That's beautiful if I had known you sooner, I would have never stepped down from being the leader of the White Fang" he responded

"I am going to do what I am doing here, for the entire world, I have seen into the darkness of this world, and I fear it not," I said

"You are a strange kid," he said

After we finished talking I walk back outside and began walking with my....crew? To the area, Girah pointed out.

The area was a nice little patch of rainforest, it had a large creek going through the patch.

Now, to get to work, I start by making a bunkhouse with 30 beds, I am planning on turning this into a military base once im done, I will train the Faunas to defend their land and seas. For now, It will act as a base of operations.

After the bunkhouse, I make a mess hall, a training area, and an armory.

I also build a water purification pump and a sewage purification plant. I pump all the water into a facility before turning to the final area, the command center, I make three GPS screens, defense panels, a map of the island that shows the parts we have purified and terraformed.

I built a steel core wall with two gates around the entire camp.

Now, since what I have made some far has only taken up 4 acres, meaning that I still have 11, I decided to make a large underground facility for projects over the next year.

Now, this facility has a decent amount of area, it in total has 50 large empty rooms, and another few that I have done things with, like a place for vehicles, and a place where I am going to teach all of my crew to use magic.

By teaching, I mean grant them the ability to use it by giving them a mana vessel to draw from.

I call all of them to the magic room. I call Qrow to the front first.

"Qrow, I don't have an aura, could you unlock mine, I need to know how they differ"

"Uhh sure" he responded

He quickly goes through the process, I feel a warmth run through my chest before covering my body in a thick hard coating.

"By the gods, unlocking yours almost shattered mine!!" Qrow exclaimed

"Interesting, mana feels like a cool subtle breeze, while Aura is like a warm jacket covering you" I explained

I create a rune in the center of the room.

I program it to create a mana vessel, in anyone who steps in it,

"Alright all of you line up and walk into the circle" I said

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