Entry 35

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I walked around for a minute before coming up on Ozpin, he looks up at me and nods before saying "I have to say, this is quite a beautiful place, you have become increasingly powerful since we have talked last, what is your goal, what are your plans"

"Oz, I only have one thing I want, to rebuild what I had lost, this world is my chance to do great things for this world, and I have a lot of knowledge about this world, so I can do the things that others might think is impossible. I have made it my goal to liberate the kingdoms from behind their walls, Im going to destroy every single Grimm on the planet, even if it takes my own life" I explained

"Why didn't you become a Huntsman then, we always need new Huntsman," Ozpin said

"If I become a Huntsman and die, my use is gone, so if I build a nation to forge their path, then I could set up a way to be killing Grimm for hundreds of years or longer. just because I can kill powerful Grimm doesn't mean I can kill every single Grimm there is, I am limited, so I need people to fight with. So I built an army and a nation" I explained

"Your majesty, your goals are noble and I hope you succeed, you will always have support from Vale and Beacon, also that anti-Grimm nuke did Flawlessly, we used it to try and clean up the Grimm at mount Glenn and it killed roughly 80% of the Grimm in the city and subterranean areas, we sent twelve teams of huntsman to clear the rest of the Grimm, so your goal is being accomplished," Ozpin said

"Be careful around there, there is a massive Wyvern that poops Grimm tar or whatever it is" I said before walking back to the council hall

Once we all returned from our intermission it's time to begin the main part of the plan.

"Alright now the five of you might be wondering what exactly I called you here....well it's simple, I want you to join the Empire of Haskaria, you see what we have been able to accomplish in the last four years on our own but if we work together, think of what we can do, this doesn't apply to vale or Atlas, just you five," I explained

The older woman named Gladis Evergreen, Mayor of Sarloon. She spoke first. "Just who do you think you are, we are self-governing villages, what makes you think we would want to be part of your 'empire' you are just a child anyway, what do you know about running an empire"

"It's very simple Honestly, what you get from joining us is better Infrastructure, better services and, an organized Military to fight Grimm and bandits, we have already destroyed the Brawnwen tribe, so there are surely more bandits," I explained

Next Mathew Karth spoke up " Look, we understand your trying to help, but what makes you any better at protecting villages than Atlas or Mistral, both have failed village after village, It's not uncommon for villages to simply disappear,"

"I will tell you how we are better at this than Atlas or Mistral. First of all, I have a very strict training camp to train my men, and on top of that I have thousands of automated soldiers that are 10 times more capable of the Atlas drones, second, we don't solely rely on Huntsmen. We mostly use the military for government attacks, the public uses the Guild to make contracts with Huntsman here, the government can but we tend to rely on the military. The third is our Infrastructure and transportation capabilities, the final thing is our weaponry, we Have weapons capable of destroying thousands of Grimm at once, so even if we couldn't get the military to your village in time we could still be able to kill every Grimm in a one-mile radius, and deter most types of Grimm from entering that zone, the effects of the blast have yet to wear off after several months. So I will reiterate, by joining Haskaria, we can make the Grimm problems go away, and we can deter any bandit raids." I explained

The five village leaders sat with stunned looks on their faces while the rest of the city who was watching was also pretty stunned.

The next one to speak up was Edward Carnegie "well, What happens if we say no"

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